Welcome to the Tinfoil Hat Tearooms!

Started by Mao, April 21, 2010, 09:22:31 PM

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Oh my.  Oh dear, oh dear.  Chances are, if you're reading this, one of two things has happened:  You're a purely curious type and wandered in here to see what was about or worse: you've been sent here.  In both cases, you'd best sit down a moment and look about you.  Take it in.  That's it.  Good then?  Right.  To put it simply: if you're here, you've gone off the deep end, friend.  But don't fret!  Take a lesson from the madness you see here.  Learn from it.  Don't fall prey to it.  If you're here, then there's still redeemable things to be found.  Someone somewhere still thinks you might have a chance, something of merit you might say.  Stay a while, relax, sip a little tea in your chair and get it all out of your system as you contemplate the things that brought you here and then, return to safer places.

You're having tea with me now, friend, and if you heed what I've said here you may just get out of this place with only one lump, instead of two.

What?  You're still here?  What is this place, exactly you say?  To put it bluntly: This is the home for the rambling, ranting and outright delusional threads of the Lost Lake Inn that, while it's felt are too headache inducing to be considered part of that lighter, happier place, are not quite ready to be thrown into the Abandoned Mine to be forever mocked.  Remember that bit I said about merit earlier?  That's what saved you.  Now sit quietly with your little tinfoil cap on and get it all out of your system while you try to relax with a nice cup of tea.


The Rules:

  • If you've been sent here, your thread has been marked as fair game.. for me.  This isn't to say that I won't make appearances in other threads outside of this place but that I'll be paying special attention to these ones.
  • That said, the rules of the Clockwork Mansion forums in their entirety still apply, even to me (albeit in a slightly looser fashion on some of them, if I'm to understand this correctly).
  • I will also ask that you keep to the age rating of the parent boards of this place (pg/pg13 as of this writing).  I really don't want to have to ask the Admins to change this board's description to include a different rating and really, any discussion you could be having in here wouldn't benefit from things outside of that rating.

This list is not all inclusive and will be updated if and when needed.