03/13/10 [DMFA#1094] - This looks even worse.

Started by Caswin, March 13, 2010, 02:05:01 AM

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Well, I didn't see that coming.

EDIT: Hup.  Slipped a digit there. (Not to mention a number sign.) Could someone fix that?

Edit: Fixed. -- llearch
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


And this marks a new era of friendship between Dan and Abel...


I thought there was just gonna be a thunder storm via angry Alexsi, since Abel damaged the inn.
But THIS - oh sweet god... please... please let Abel have just hit a sharp object of some sort. Dear god... no no no no no.
Or at least let Abel know some healing magic!

Quote from: kajet on March 13, 2010, 02:06:02 AM
And this marks a new era of friendship between Dan and Abel...
Didn't Dan say waaaaay back that if anyone was gonna beat the crap out of and or kill Pip, it would be him?

And what exactly did Pip know?!




Well, let's see how our little Drake pulls through. This MIGHT be exactly what Pip was planning.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu



Quote from: kajet on March 13, 2010, 02:06:02 AM
And this marks a new era of friendship between Dan and Abel...

According to DMFA episode 153... Dan is the only one who has dibs on killing that evil hellspawn.

Personally with all the indiscriminate biting, attacks and so forth, Pip kinda had a really big karmic debt to be paid.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Caswin on March 13, 2010, 02:05:01 AM

Well, I didn't see that coming.

EDIT: Hup.  Slipped a digit there. (Not to mention a number sign.) Could someone fix that?

I think you can do it yourself, can't you...?

And yeah, that is DEFINITELY worse....   :erk  What's happened to Pip?  (Not that he didn't deserve SOMETHING....)  And what does he know that Abel doesn't?




I think some fashion-apt cubi will get shiny bracelets from Mab
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Or Mab will immediately notice Pip's just been stabbed, and go down to get him back in one piece immediately.

If he's dead.

(edit)Also, it occurred to me that this is the kind of thing that'd happen in Abel's Story.

As for what Pip knows, I think it involves Devin.



Quote from: Siarnaq on March 13, 2010, 02:23:31 AM
Or Mab will immediately notice Pip's just been stabbed, and go down to get him back in one piece immediately.

If he's dead.

(edit)Also, it occurred to me that this is the kind of thing that'd happen in Abel's Story.

As for what Pip knows, I think it involves Devin.
Since when does stabbing sound like *crunch*??
This was either squishing or spinecracking
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Siarnaq on March 13, 2010, 02:23:31 AM
Or Mab will immediately notice Pip's just been stabbed, and go down to get him back in one piece immediately.

If he's dead.

(edit)Also, it occurred to me that this is the kind of thing that'd happen in Abel's Story.

As for what Pip knows, I think it involves Devin.

The two are converging....


....WEll this is going to turn out interesting.... Pass the popcorn.

Also I want to suspect taht this is all just a dream or Pip Messing with Abel in said dream (somehow) but I would assume a Cubi with Abel's level of training would notice...


I'm one of those ones who, from a personal stand point, can't stand Pip. Character wise he's an excellent character, but I view him the way I would a villain. So at this point I'd like to burst into uproarious applause and cheering. Go Abel go whoooo!!!
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: danman on March 13, 2010, 02:35:20 AM
Quote from: Siarnaq on March 13, 2010, 02:23:31 AM
Or Mab will immediately notice Pip's just been stabbed, and go down to get him back in one piece immediately.

If he's dead.

(edit)Also, it occurred to me that this is the kind of thing that'd happen in Abel's Story.

As for what Pip knows, I think it involves Devin.
Since when does stabbing sound like *crunch*??
This was either squishing or spinecracking

Abel could have stabbed through one of Pip's bones.

Or worst case, his skull.


Quote from: Netrogo on March 13, 2010, 02:43:01 AM
I'm one of those ones who, from a personal stand point, can't stand Pip. Character wise he's an excellent character, but I view him the way I would a villain. So at this point I'd like to burst into uproarious applause and cheering. Go Abel go whoooo!!!
I think the villains are a little more sympathic ....
But, well i am mixed about abel too..
Guess this fight is a win-win scenario!
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


As for Abel's temper, it unfortunately comes from his father. Anyone reminded of this?


Well, at least the hemophobia will end this fight pretty quickly...probably.

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Distracting on March 13, 2010, 03:05:04 AM
Well, at least the hemophobia will end this fight pretty quickly...probably.

Oooooooooo, didn't think about that....

Yeah, it probably would, assuming it's not already ended....




Honestly,  I dont know why Abel bothers with battle if he's only going to hurl at the first draw of blood.


Rage can say "To hell with that."

And both his parents had a temper on them. You can't be too surprised.


Now for some projectile vomiting like in "The Exorcist" ...


I just thought of something.........since Abel in his fit of rage is using his wing tentacles to punch holes into the floor as he's chasing after Pip, couldn't he have maybe gone through the floor far enough to maybe hurt one of the rats that live down there.........  :eek

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Furour on March 13, 2010, 03:35:01 AM
Honestly,  I dont know why Abel bothers with battle if he's only going to hurl at the first draw of blood.

Well, he was baited into it--it wasn't his idea.

Thirty Second Artbomb



Quote from: Siarnaq on March 13, 2010, 02:23:31 AM
As for what Pip knows, I think it involves Devin.

Now that you mention it, boy I wouldn't be surprised there. That grin on pip's face there, the taunting and everything... Very, very Devin like...


Quote from: Siarnaq on March 13, 2010, 02:44:19 AM
Quote from: danman on March 13, 2010, 02:35:20 AM
Since when does stabbing sound like *crunch*??
This was either squishing or spinecracking

Abel could have stabbed through one of Pip's bones.

Or worst case, his skull.

Or he could have stabbed through flesh and the crunch was the follow-through hitting the floor like his other jabs.

Next, Alexsi and others (Pyro, rats, Gen... who else is around?) may show up asking what all the noise is... and find Abel on the verge of (or already) being sick.

I'm sure Pip isn't dead, Abel didn't do a multi-slice La Machine attack, just a poke. He just needs some healing, I'm sure Abel must have learned at least a little at SAIA.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen