Of Steam and Steel: IC (Mature) {Currently Open}

Started by Lisky, March 09, 2010, 06:45:05 PM

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Ruins and haze

   Gezzemocht kept a cold gaze on the stranger as he took the girl's word, against what Gezzemocht had just stated about what the girl wanted or not. He wasn't going to press the point...yet.
   He did, however, nod to Lucy at her statement. "Indeed. Shelter would be a good thing. Allow this girl time to recuperate and ajust." Gezzemocht placed his helmet back on his head.
   Then, out of some small fortune, the troublesome stranger walked out of the haze alone, after passing the keys of his transport to Lucy. Gezzemocht pointed to a nearby empty building, upwind and out of the smoke.
   "Take the girl there for the moment, do what you can to comfort her. We'll be moving out soon." Gezzemocht then faced away from the stranger's direction, towards the Storm Scorp. Out of the side of his mouth, he whispered, "And don't let that man near the girl. I don't trust him. And remember what I said, we have a job to do, and we will do it." Gezzemocht hoped Lucy would pick up in the implication that he trusted her, at least. Gezzemocht then headed over to Gaakronacht and the Storm Scorp, and set about to finish packing and checking things.


(OOC NOTE: there's more to follow... i'm posting due to Paladin leaving for a little while, and giving him an opportunity to post before he leaves)

Confusion and Crowd In the Swirling Dust Cloud

Baseel replied, "Things seem to be going well, so far... reports are saying that there's still no sign of organized resistance, and the gates are still unguarded.  As soon as we clean up here, it'll be time to push towards the city proper... and that means into downtown bug city.  For now, help me with the prisoners."

There were close to 2 dozen creatures around Baseel, mostly demons, with a smattering of cubi, angels and mythos in for good measure.

His attention seemed split, and she could hear his voice, thought not what he was saying as he issued additional orders to someone else with the same kind of stone she was carrying.

Under Paige, there seemed to be an extra voice.  It's voice was strange, garbled, and near her maximum range.... but, it was there... and it seemed.. off... inky... vicious.... meaning ill intent.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Dancing along the thoughts, and dreams of others...Ad-midst the dust and destruction of reality

Catching the malice someone under her was emanating, Paige put one and one together; First this was a strike on Ahnk' Ator territory, and second the insectis like to burrow...Really fast.

"Uh Baseel? Not to rush you or anything, but someone down there" Paige pointed at the vague direction of the thoughts, which to her trained senses was right below them, "really doesn't like us. I think we should move post haste."

Using her wings the Succubus ran through the group of prisoners, tentacles lashing out at their leg chains only, helping them to their feet if they weren't already there and urging them to run for the zeppelins.


Too School for Cool

"Pah? School?   And do wha?  Learn to read n' write an' all that other bull... The only thin' they're teachin' us in –school-..."  Holding the "oo" sound out in a mocking tone "... Is how to be poor 'n stupid and happy to be poor 'n stupid... Shit... whe' a demon smacks you with a ruler, you're lucky if it's just spliters that get ya."

The boy bolted down the street, heading down a back-ally before disappearing into a basement window... probably into a tunnel to another room... and from there, who knew.  Even with his enhanced senses, tracking the boy would be nigh-impossible.

Around him, a crowd was forming, wondering what the hell was happening.  Probably had a few questions for the guy who got dragged into the street by a pair of captains of the guard, but none of them spoke up, they just stared.

New Blood

It had been 3 days since being recruited by an "Adventurer's guild"  The fact that it was based firmly in Nhylamar, and filled with some of the most vicious freelance creatures Kathostral had ever met only made the situation feel odd... wasn't it the beings who were supposed to be the adventurers?  Weren't the creatures supposed to be the one to incite adventure?

Whatever other thoughts he'd had would have to be cast aside for later.  It was time for his "placement" test.  A "friendly" spar with the weapon's master.  Her size was deceitful, a 5'3" clouded jaguar demoness, wearing just enough clothing to not be considered indecent.  She was bare-foot, with a loose wrap around her waist that fell to her mid-thigh, and a bandaged top.  She carried a double-sided pike, almost 3 times her height from tip-to-tip, along with a shield.   She looked like the legendary Amazonian women, a warrior woman... and she was terribly quick.  

They were in a fighting circle, 30 foot radius of packed sand, firm footing, and she used this to her advantage as she nimbly stepped in and brought her bladed end up and over, bringing a vicious slash of the sword-sharp edge down upon the "trainee."

Mom, Dad, I think I Need a Bigger Allowance

The first thing he'd note is that he could still catch an airship to his parent's place before sundown.  The second thing Haien would note is the sheer volume of stasis spells being put on the felled Gryphon... as far as any non-magical doctor could tell, the avian was effectively dead and frozen.  Magically, he was frozen in time, Stopped from moving, breathing, living. To the bird, it would be a blink of an eye.  For everyone else, it would be an agonizing trip, wondering what happened.

Suddenly, something caught the interest of one of the workers near the train-crash.  "Hey, boss... did you manage to get the manifest for the cars?  There's a brass casing here... Strange squiggles on it, nothin' I've seen from around here... it was left by the side of the track, by part of the boiler."

Among the paperwork, nothing on the manifest indicated military arms shipments...  One would expect cannon-shells to be rather well marked, and there was nothing even so much as mentioning pistols, bullets, or base components... The train was clean, save for whatever the passengers had been packing.

Screeching Metal and Drum Beats

Chris shouted at the figure above him, the silhouette seemed to take note of him before turning his attention elsewhere.  A heartbeat later the ermine would see a long, fat, dull, object, dripping earth and stones from it's enormous bulk.  The object moved, followed by a deep drumbeat.  Suddenly, something else came into view, blocking out the sun under its bulk.  The monstrosity wavered, more drum-beats from the very earth below him.  Metal Shrieking and straining, with a fainter chittering added to the ensemble from above.  His sense were seeming assaulted from every angle as the smell of dirty coal-smoke filled the air.  

The person he'd shouted at was gone.  There was a roar from one of the neighboring cars, followed by a far higher-pitched *SNAP*,  almost deafening.  The roar stopped, and the sound of a heavy impact hit his car, some boards even cracked on the wooden frame.  Whatever had fallen was outside his field of vision, however, he could definitely smell blood at this point too.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


New Blood, Old Practice

The bull-demon raised his shield to block against the oncoming attack, simultaneously bracing his fifteen-foot pike against his bare foot and aiming the tip at the jaguaress, careful to keep his arm relaxed so a normally-adequate sideways block would overextend itself. The attack was obvious, but this was the beginning of the spar; both sides had to probe still. Undoubtedly the spear would be brushed aside, either by the shield she carried or with a mid-air twist as she fell, so Kathostral planned to counter with a strike using the edge of his shield. If she blocked with her shield, he could slide up her spear arm and hit that way. If she blocked with her spear, her momentum would likely keep her turning and open up her back to him. His muscular arm would put some power behind the strike, whatever the case.


Colonel Mustard on the Train Tracks, with the 12-gauge

It wasn't easy being a Demon, an Adventurer, and a businessman.  The conflicting dogmas made it so he would regret his decision no matter what.  Ugh, so much drama.  ...Bassoon would be taking a refresher course in combat, provided he survived; Haien would make sure of that.  Though likely the ram would need a refresher too.  He could ask his parents if they still had the name of his old instructor once he stopped by.

The thought of...those people made tiny green sparks to flare around his eyes.  Grr, stupid siblings...if Auriga ever got word that Haien had asked for help from their mother, that bastard would purposefully come by the store just to mock him.  Egotistical brat.  Haien would probably stop by his father's grave while he was in the area.

Now, whom to bring with him...Kali would need to stay behind to manage the business.  The Triplets could probably handle themselves in a fight; Kali balked at sparing with them, in any case, but they were still girls, and not the battle-hardened soldiers he'd need...  Perhaps he could risk branching out and hiring a mercenary.  Perhaps not.  Grr, curse those Cubi and their shapeshifting.

Hearing a ruckus arising from one of the workers, Haien dropped down to the ground and strode over, inspecting the casing once he arrived.

"Hmm...put it in one of the trucks if you don't mind.  I'll have it identified and inform the government of this development.  Excellent find, expect a bonus on your pay."

Provided no other interruptions occurred, Haien would resume administrating the operation from the air, until all the usable products had been stored for the trip.  There were things to prepare.

Again, provided no interruptions were had, the convoy would make their way over to the Simon and Son's.  The smallish refinery would spend many a day to eat through the train wreckage that had arrived.  Goodie.  Henna, Hanna, and Honna all appeared bright eyed and bushy-tailed (in Henna's case, literally), waiting for praise.

"Good work, girls.  Everything's going smooth.  Except the unpleasantness for Bassoon."  The trio almost dimmed in their cheer for a moment, but re-birthed it when Haien resumed talking.  "Okay, girls, you have more work to do today while there's still light out.  Get down to the airships, and get me two tickets for one bound to Voethfel.  Then, go to this address,"  Haien cracked open his LBB to show the trio, who memorized it in the way people with nothing else to do with their lives could, "And tell the occupant that I'm collecting his debt, and he is to meet me at the airship, and to pack minimally.  I'll be at DD's for a while, so if you book it you should make it soon enough.  Dismissed."

Exactly half a heartbeat after he finished speaking they were gone.  So fast that Haien had to brace himself against a localized sonic boom.  Which did not help his agitated wing.  Stupid slow regeneration.  Grr, he needed caffeine.

[[OOC:  Way too early in the morning for postage.  Someone spotting any grievous errors, please be kind enough to alert me to their location and severity.]]


Skid Row

"Hey, wa--" Too late. For a newsboy, the kid sure knew how to book it. Probably honed from years of running from gangs of rival newspaper boys.

Then, a nagging feeling of self-awareness. A crowd of rubberneckers, probably not burdened with jobs or social lives if they had nothing better to do than stare like a bunch of planks.

...but giving the kid's words more than a few seconds of thought put him in a better state of mind. That little lizard was the sort of child his cousin Hassan-Alan wanted to help, a little boy throwing away his future by working for some crappy newspaper. Not that he had much of a future by attending the current educational system anyway; some horned, frigid bitch of an English teacher breaking his knuckles for staring out the window, or a math instructor tsk-tsking over how impossible it is to teach you street rats the basics of arithmetic, now sit up straight and--

"Hey, you," Bart commanded, pointing to one of the gawkers. "Which way's the closest school?"

His cousin had just died and then some for these people. Bart had to see for himself just what made this a cause worth losing your soul over.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


They Might Be Giants

If Chris was wary before, he was downright worried now. From the looks of things, there were two very big things outside which may or may not be very dangerous, but he was willing to bet one of them was responsible for the train crash. Now one course of action (if you could call it that) would be to stay inside whatever shelter the train car provided and hope they didn't see him and would go away. This did not appeal to Chris for a number of reasons, first and foremost of which was that he didn't feel safe in enclosed areas where you couldn't see danger coming. Perhaps being in the open meant the danger could see you as well, but a known threat (however great) pales to even an insignificant unknown threat in danger.

On a more practical and logical note, whatever was outside apparently just crushed a nearby rail car without much difficulty. Hiding in another and hoping to get lucky didn't seem like a very smart idea. Chris found himself to be very lucky, but trusting to it blindly was just stupid. So instead he jumped up and grabbed the ledge of an open window and pulled himself up so his head was above the wall. He looked around for any obvious danger before hoisting himself fully onto the trains new 'roof' where he took a more detailed look (physically and magically) around. Maybe he'd find out more about these leviathans that seemed to be nearby and also where that smell of blood was coming from. It was at this point that it occurred to him the person he had seen from inside may be the source and the reason he'd heard a train car get smashed. If so, coming out here was possibly even stupider than staying inside but it was really too late to reasonably change course.


Guildhall of the Sword and Seeker

The cheetah angel was speaking carefully to the muse of luck for granting him the possibility of grace, beauty and martial prowess.  She carried herself well and Locke considered that she had grace and limber and he had reach and endurance, they could put such traits to good use in many ways.  He smiled to himself as he considered such a variety things that could be done.  He banished such thoughts and focused for the time on her tail... er, the task at hand.  He needed able bodies, like hers... uh, to crew his ship.  Yes, focus Locke.   

At the entrance to the rather dapper guildhall, Locke briefly spent a moment to straighten himself up before taking hold of the doors and pushing them open.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


(OOC: Sorry for the delay, but I really don't have much to say at this point.)

"If that is the enemy, we're going to need an army," Seth had said.
"There's never an army when you need it," Ana replied. "First we need to figure out what's going on. Then we'll see what we can do."

She continued walking quietly and paying careful attention to everything around her.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


That's No Moon!

At first it looked like  just another piece of cliff from where Ana, Seth, Nadia and Renard stood.  That is, until -it- moved.  The huge bulbous shape wiggled, shook, lurched upward, then fell back down.  It was easily larger than a city block, and only marginally more mobile.  As it's bulk became more apparent, the object looked to some type of enormous beetle.  It's shaky, uneven movements suggested of a mechanical nature.  There were other sounds too, fracturing wood, and screams.  There were smaller forms underneath the behemoth, evidently miners or perhaps just gawkers.

Nadia looked dumfounded for a moment, before turning towards Seth.  "I think we just found the source of your earthquakes."

I Will Move Fast, I Will Move Slow, Take Me Where I Have to Go

The girls set out on their task.   It took about an hour for their return, however, as time went by, there was a sudden wrap on Haien's door.  It was twilight, there were a few purple-hewed clouds in bloodied sky.  Harsh contrast cast upon the buildings around the factory floor.  

"Uh, Sir, we did as you asked"  Came the voice of the triplets from beyond the portal.

" She was Supposed to be Home By 11"

The sound of metal sliding on metal filled Avram's ears.  The click of gears and springs, a lock sliding into place,  then more sliding metal.  A higher pitched, metallic slap, followed by more footsteps was the only warning the demon would get before the a older badger being jumped through the bush, shotgun leveled at where Avram was.  "AHA! Caught you with my dau.... Ter?"  The shotgun immediately jumped up towards the sky, the being added in an incredulous voice.   "Yer' not 'n the Incubus... where's that slimy little bastard... You haven't seen a spotty cat 'round here. Have ya? With a little, fair-haired bunny lass, have ya?"

A little ways up the path, Avram could hear someone else scrambling through bushes.  The sounds seemed to be getting quieter, and, if memory served, making  a b-line for one of the park gates.

If I Met You in a Scissor Fight, I'd Cut Off Both Your Wings on Principle Alone

Kathostral's first sense of just who he was fighting came when he felt her pike bounce off his shield, then suddenly flicker out of his field of vision as it's momentum suddenly carried the other head towards the bull's shield side.  His own attack glanced off the shield, and was viciously showed towards the ground.

"is that –all- you've got?  You don't beat the weapon's master with little jabs like that!"

Guild Hall

Locke would be greeted to the sound of metal banging against metal.  Inside the door, and the several foot think, polished, granite wall, a series of circles were setup.  Inside one, a bull demon was fighting a considerably smaller feline.  Both seemed very focused on their fight.  Given the aura, it was probably just a spar.   There were a number of enchantments clearly made to ensure blows never became lethal.  Odd though, the enchantments weren't permanent, and could be dispelled and recalled fairly easily by someone outside the circle.

There was a clapping from beyond the circles, up a set of stairs.  A familiar voice, "most people aren't –that- bold, to Just go waltzing into a guild hall after following the head-mistress.  If you don't mind waiting, I can see you in perhaps half an hour, I have another previous arrangement to see to, first."   Her tone seemed more regal than before, more power behind it.   Perhaps it was an effect of the halls?

Outside, Johan could clearly see where the angel had gone.  He was still outside the guild hall, however, and couldn't quite tell what was going on.

And To Your Right, You'll See a Constant Reminder of What We'll Never Have

An elderly feline flicked her head down the street and replied, "3 blocks that'a'way, make a left at the bakery, and it's right there on your right... can't miss it."

Indeed it was impossible to miss.  The building was large, ornate, and heavily enchanted.  It seemed to be architecture centuries old, with marble carvings, a painfully white exterior, with massive double doors, and a generally airy feel to it. The building seemed to be a massive, hollowed-out rectangle.  The front entrance had huge, solid oak doors, wrought-iron handles and hinges that hadn't seemed to age a day since they were first installed.  There wasn't an errant speck of dust.  No signs of graffiti, or vandalism.  The place looked –spotless- , which made it an oddity given the dirty, worn look that plagued everything and everyone else around.


The sun was blocked by the massive metallic body.  The thing above had over a dozen sets of legs, soil cascaded off it's armored hulk.  From his angle, he could make out numerous gun-ports loosing walls of shot.  They weren't using shells, but rather clusters of small steel balls.  The sleet of steel was shredding the handful of winged creatures attempting to attack the metal beast... or perhaps flee.  It was tough to tell simply by the sheer scale of the thing.  It loomed more than 50 feet overhead.  From end to end, it was easily over one thousand feet in length, and at least half that in width.

It was a land-battleship.  The design clearly pegged it as something insectis built, and here the little where was, trapped underneath it.  It seemed to be the safest place, too, as anyone caught out in the open was quickly gunned into a chunky paste as the metal sleet slammed around those unlucky enough to be caught in a gunner's sight.

Tunnel Rat

Baseel turned his attention towards Paige as she made mention of the intruder.  He nodded in approval as she sliced a few sets of manacles open.  A good temporary solution, however, the magic-dampening effects were still in place until the shackles were completely removed.  He thought for a moment, then shouted, "Any chance you'd be able to take him out before he gets back?  There's a couple of bug holes built at the corners of the platform up ahead!"

She could see the demon shift his small orb around, before continuing, "Kelendros, big black wolf demon, says he found one, about 150 meters ahead.  See if you can't stop him, buy us a few more minutes here and stop your little 'friend'."


Sister Addy would find one of the engineers had been injured by some debris and an apparent crushing accident.  The was a feline, common house-cat, grey fur, with engineering coveralls, a leather cap, and brass goggles.  His buddy, a more predatory animal, with a hint of creature, given his odd bluish hue, was with him, holding a cloth over his thigh."  

The blue/grey cat spoke first, "Took a splash of shrapnel in the gut, then one of the mechs didn't see him... crushed his leg... I don't think i can move him like this."

The cat on the ground winced with pain as he turned his attention to Addy, "Guy... this really fuckin' hurts! Are you the medic, or are you just someone else who's going to gawk before moving on?!"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Shadow of the Colossus

Chris stared for about half a minute taking everything in. This thing was huge, beyond huge even. Chris wasn't sure he had words to describe it. He had once seen a dragon and thought that was the biggest creature he would ever see. Clearly he had been wrong, as this monstrosity was even larger and while technically not alive, Chris couldn't think of anything like this that way. There was no mistaking it, he was in big trouble.

Which brought him to options. The way he saw it, all he could do was run or hide. He wasn't overly fond of machinery at the best of times, and this thing was clearly hostile. Luckily however it wasn't focused on him and in fact didn't even know he was there. Furthermore it was highly unlikely they'd be able to see him from all the way up there when they left or even if he just ran for it on the ground, especially if he were say... only a foot long. He'd certainly be more successful than all those other high profile targets flying around.

But he couldn't bring himself to leave... something was holding him there and it took him a bit to figure out just what. Partly it was guilt about running. Partly it was pity for those who could not also get away. Partly it was just cold logic. This was clearly an invasion of some sort and if Chris had his local geography right, it was heading straight for a nearby town. Clearly there was no one on scene particularly prepared for this and as Chris had already noticed... the insectis didn't know he was there and probably wouldn't notice for a while yet. There was no help for it, Chris was going to have to try to do something about this. This may not be his home, but the insectis were a common threat to all 'foreigners'.

So running magic through his body and manifesting his wings, he crouched on top of the ruined train and then launched upwards towards the hulking beast. Only problem was he didn't quite know what his plan was yet. Maybe this thing had a weak point? Somewhere he could stick a sword or spell that would hit a vital (or engine or something) that would cripple or kill the menace. But even if he did, how was he supposed to find it? It's not like such weak points were shown by giant blue glowing marks for convenience or anything and he might only get one good shot before they realized he was there. He flew towards a leg and shifted in midair, landing as a much smaller creature, small ferret paws scrambling to find a purchase in this machine.

Catching himself, he started running up the leg and onto the side, trying to stay out of direct lines of sight while he thought of a plan. Seeing the guns, he suddenly had a pretty good idea. He knew guns, not like this other engine stuff. Clog a barrel and it backfires, looks like an accident even. They say the best defense is a good offense, so taking out the offense should lower the defense... only problem was that as a ferret Chris didn't have anywhere near the level of control to jam just the inside of a gun with ice while not tipping anyone off by freezing quite a bit nearby. So parking somewhere that he wouldn't be easily seen, he shifted back into a being and held himself to the wall with a small spell since fingers can't support a person the way claws do a ferret.

He focused on a gun over towards the other creatures being attack and froze the inside of the barrel solid. The next time that gun fired, it should explode, or at least break creating a small distraction. While he waited for it to fire, he sought out the next two in line, ready to freeze the inside of both at once a second or two after the first trap was sprung. After that he would shift back to ferret and make his next move depending on the situation. If the insectis were sufficiently distracted, he would board and make a larger more direct attack. If they were able to trace the damage back to him however, he was ready to run (well... fall really) at a moment's notice to make his escape back under the ship. Heroics aside, he very much liked being alive and there were just a few too many enemies here to want to make a head to head assault without the element of surprise.

OOC: You left before I could ask about the layout of the gunport area, so I made up a few details... Hope you don't mind too much ^.^;


Seth looked at the machine in the distance, a strange expression on his face.  "What do you suppose the power source is...?" he asked, more to himself that to anyone else.  "It can't possibly be steam-driven..."

"Okay," he said, snapping back to reality and glancing at Nadia.  He spoke rapidly.  "I don't know how much weight my words carry here, but personally I'd say top priority is to report this to the Capital.  Preferably in such a way as to get me my earthquake bounty as well," he added quietly as an afterthought.

"Close second priority would be to evacuate - both us and the townsfolk.  I'm not honestly sure we can fight something like that with what we have to hand, but maybe the Capital can.  I also want to go back and get my bike, since I don't have a Demon's speed and nor does... Ana, wasn't it?

He paused and turned to Renard.  "You're with the military, aren't you?  If we do get around to thinking about attacking that thing, then speaking as an engineer I'd look for ways to cut it into smaller chunks.  If it's made of metal it can be cut or melted - after all, it was put together in the first place and I don't think the Insectis are great magic users.
"If your people can bring the surface temperature to 1800 degrees C it should come apart, unless it's a really exotic alloy."

He glanced back to the rough area where his bike had been left parked, fearing that he might need to use it in a hurry.  Now would not be a good time to be stranded.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It's no sun either, but it could push it.

Ana listened to Seth's words carefully.

"It's true that I'm not as fast as a Demon. But I could try to slow that thing down if it gets too close. Those people are in trouble and I'm not willing to let them die if we can help it."

She waited for a reply but took a couple of steps forward to show that she was serious, as well as to take a better look and see if there was any way to reach the people without engaging the strange machine.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Alex rose from one knee slowly, giving his pants a cursory dusting before standing up and holstering both of his weapons. A small grin of elation went undisguised across his face.
They'd just managed to rob a blimp full of military supplies. Plucked it right out of the air, before even a picket boat showed up. This was something to be happy about.

He gave Kierana a slight bow. "You are, as always, too kind. We'll let the boys handle things for a moment. Let's find the hold." His eye twinkled as he gave her a smile. "I hope you've been a good girl this year, Kierana. I'd like to see what Santa's brought us."


Seth looked at Ana in surprise, and then his headwings drooped.

"Look," he said gently, "I don't want those people to die either.  Being, Creature, convict or freeman it really doesn't matter to me - they're just doing their jobs.  But we're looking at a damage limitation exercise here.  We can't save everyone, but if people scatter, if we can evacuate the town most of them may have a chance.  Unless that thing is full of troops in which case we're kind of boned.

"First and foremost, we must get word back to the Capital and alert them of this danger - otherwise millions will die.  If the orb link is destroyed before we can do that, our only hope will be to ride back with the message.  Unless anyone here knows how to teleport, or has a warp-aci...?" he glanced at Nadia and Renard as he said this.

"But Ana, stepping in front of it...?  Unless I'm much mistaken, that thing is about the size of St. Grod's cathedral and all its grounds.  It might not even see you, let alone follow you.  Staring it down...if it stepped on you, it would squish you like a... " he faltered, since the object in question was clearly insectoid in design.

"Or are you a... a dragon?" he asked, headwings raising slightly in a gesture of hope.  A Creature of equal size would be a valuable ally at this time...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


People are strange, when you're a stranger...

Lucy snatched the keys midair, giving a nodding glance at Arroyo before the lion disappeared to Gods know where.

She carried Rene to the house Gezz had pointed to, rubbing the young girl's back. She almost felt that she and the girl where...kindred of sort.

She was unsure about the Vaponci at this point. Arroyo was an enigma but...how did she know they weren't turning her in?To be killed after some kangaroo court?

Lucille...get a grip...you're being paranoid.If they wanted you dead you'd be facedown in a ditch miles back.

The ocelot glanced back the beavers. She sincerely doubted they could possibly understand her or Rene.

She opened the door to the cabin, closed it behind her, and headed over to the couch, laying the girl down and hugging the canine."It's going be alight Renee."She tried assuring the young girl.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Reckless, Are We?

Kathostral smiled slightly at the "biting" remark, until he realized what he'd just attempted. Crap, he thought. Group reflexes in a spar... Not a good idea. She knows she has no threat of death. As the other spear tip swung up towards his groin, he abandoned the prepared shield strike, choosing instead to leap towards his opponent, one foot aimed to land on the spear with a raw arcane blast. Doubtless the spear wouldn't break, but it might keep it down long enough for him to make it useless all the same. He shifted his grip on his pike, closing his hand around the midpoint of the spear. Lashing out at the arm's master's head, he pulled back with his left hand to draw his knife from his belt, tucking it flush against his shield-arm.

It's been a long time since I was in a duel...

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Basilisk on January 06, 2011, 10:41:33 PM
Tunnel Rat

Baseel turned his attention towards Paige as she made mention of the intruder.  He nodded in approval as she sliced a few sets of manacles open.  A good temporary solution, however, the magic-dampening effects were still in place until the shackles were completely removed.  He thought for a moment, then shouted, "Any chance you'd be able to take him out before he gets back?  There's a couple of bug holes built at the corners of the platform up ahead!"

She could see the demon shift his small orb around, before continuing, "Kelendros, big black wolf demon, says he found one, about 150 meters ahead.  See if you can't stop him, buy us a few more minutes here and stop your little 'friend'."

"Will do Boss" Paige said turning back around, as she passed Baseel she grabbed the front of vest and dragged him into a brief kiss, "Be careful Okay?" the Wolfess yelled back over her shoulder as she hurried off.

Spotting the demon Baseel had mentioned she angled she sprint in his direction. Instead of stopping Paige kept running past, snagging the shogun he was lightly holding. "I'll bring it back I promise!"

Reaching the bug hole Paige cast a quick light globe spell, and sent it down before her, then loaded a shell into the leaver-action shotgun by rotating her wrist.

Then she jumped, following her glob down the hole.  


On the road again~

Haien had since stopped by his home and obtained his suitcase, and a change of clothes.  It was an old fashioned, massive thing.  Designed more for an old-school tour than a simple trip to another country.  But he was a merchant!  Never go anywhere without a supply of wares to sell.  Guns, knives, trinkets, fashions, all kept inside of special pocket dimensions built inside.  God, he loved pocket dimensions.

"Very good.  Now, Kali is in charge.  Heed him, and keep ledgers of all that happens in my absence."



Going down to the airship docks while they were still open was an easy enough task.  Particularly when one had a hippo, a rhino, and an elephant to carry the heavy luggage for you.  Looking around for both the ship, and the new henchman.  Oh, what a wonderful way to start a trip.


Ana shook her head.

"I can't blame you for not thinking the way I do, but size doesn't always matter and sometimes it pays to be smaller. If you think about it, a Being may have better chances than a Dragon when dealing with something that huge. Its mobility will be limited, and if we're careful it may not even notice us at all."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Guild Wars

Locke laughed nervously and attempted to retain a small amount of dignity.  An arrogant, foppish, noble type might have taken offense at someone pointing out his mistake, they tend to be irrational like that, but the cheetah brushed it off.  Not because she was pretty, though that helped a lot.

"Ah heh, right private guild hall.  Sorry, missed the very obvious sign that was right in front of me... wasn't thinking at all.  I'll just wait over here, by the large... sweaty boar, who is mindlessly lifting heavy objects."  Locke could not believe the addled words that spilled out of the thing he called a mouth.

I'd never have this problem with a court vix... why am I an idiot here and now?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Kesslen plains

"But if it can't see us, we can't distract it, can we?" Seth objected - the stress was starting to get to him.  "We'd have to... cast spells at it or something.  That's going to need someone who is both magical and fast on their feet since it's almost certainly got gun turrets on it.  And that kind of rules me out unless I can get my bike back..." he paused for a moment.

"Look, at the end of the day, we aren't in command," he said finally.  "The town must have some military or administrative presence, being so close to the border.  I mean, yeah, helping is fine but trying to plan a strategy for a town I only arrived at two hours ago...?  That's not our job and we'd just get in the way of the pro's.
"I vote we beat it back to the town, make sure all the right people and have reported it to the capital - if they haven't already - and then worry about helping the defence of the town.  Hell, I'll give you a ride back out here if you want.

He glanced at the Demons.  "What do you guys think?"

Behind them, the machine slowly trundled on.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ana took another look at what was left of the entrance to the mine.

"I'd hate to leave those people alone," she said. "We do need to alert the town, but what will happen to the ones trapped in there?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"We could consider splitting up, I suppose," Seth admitted, glancing at Ana.  "But if my bike will help us in any way - be it escape, running messages or getting to the injured more quickly, I have to unlock the ward on it myself which means me going back to the town centre before that thing gets there.  What worries me is the prospect of having yet more injured to tend in the immediate future."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Guild Hall

While the feline angel took the more direct approach, Johan was distinctly less bold and chose not to enter the hall. His timidness did not extend to giving up entirely, however. Wandering away from the doorway, he began to look for a vantage point which would allow him to see what took place within, under the guise of looking at the statues. In the meantime, he trained his large ears on the polished stone walls of the hall, listening for sounds conducted by the dense material.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."

Arroyo Milori

Arroyo felt slightly unease, knowing that the brothers wouldn't trust him. Of course he can't blame them, it is rather odd for a random stranger to come charging into a burned down ghost town. But he was also rather worried for Lucy, perhaps it wasn't wise to leave her alone with them, especially when she has a spare key to his ship.

He squinted as he looks at the area covered in smoke, trying to see where she might have went to. He adjusted the cuff's compression of his magic, letting it have no constriction of his magic what so ever. He noticed a cabin that was nearby, perhaps Lucy was in that? He quietly walks behind the cabin, looking around for a window to peer through to keep an eye on Lucy and the girl.


Which is why she went to bed at 9

The cat's fur puffed up.
" Pchhh! Fuck! Watch yerself with that bloody boomstick or get some glasses! I'm no fucking incubus!"
He thought for a moment, his ears turning about on his head.
There's only a single noise source... that ain't the incubus, sure... but who knows who the bastard is and what he has in plan? The badger should be safe, he had a good chance to blast my face off with the gun and didn't do it, he probably isn't lying... he can at least be useful...   
"I think the bastard's running for the gate over there!" He pointed a line with one claw "Come!"
The demon cat turned away to run , but waited for a moment to see the badger's reaction, ready to dodge and blast him if the story was just a coverup and the badger aimed the gun at his side or back.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Puppet Master

Kyirri would note the total lack of foliage for a good 20 feet on either side of the track.  There was a door both in the front and back of the cart.  The front door lead towards more passenger cars, while the door in the back lead towards the cargo containers.  It was odd; most of the people still in the train seemed either unaware or unconcerned by the strange stoppage.  
The little Roo rat had a few options.  The figures outside continued to move in a slow, deliberate fashion, as if searching for something along the tracks, perhaps even under the train.  The military personnel didn't seem to deter them in the slightest.  The strange, narrow things did, however, seem to have the presence of mind to frost the windows over.  The figures were further blurred as the windows became less and less transparent, growing a frosty white as the crystals expanded.

Wait, There's a Train That's Actually on Time?!

Ed looked rather distraught, pained even, as he proceeded with the basic information.  "Right... Well, remember that you're part of a clan system.  Things –you- do, especially at SAIA, reflect upon your clan.  Therefore, you are expected to behave yourself... Mind you,  saying  'don't do anything you wouldn't do with your mom around' has little meaning when succubi are known for their skills in seduction, torture, rape and soul-devouring.  So, I'll say it this way.  Don't do anything you wouldn't do in a civilized town. "

The Incubus snickered slightly, baring those long, vicious, feline teeth, "I'm not going to lie, the academy –is- a lot of fun.  Just don't get yourself lost in the woods. "

Where's the Bright Glowy Spot?!

The first gun fired, the barrel literally hissing from the pressure, and the shot fired wildly out of the way, however, the expected explosion never came.  What did come was a confused chitter, between the gunner and loader, most likely.   The barrel did have some visible cracks as well, right near the mounting point on the base of the body.  Small, hairline fractures, but enough to visible from the were's vantage point.

A few moments later, a very round head, covered in a dark leather mask, oversized goggles and what appeared to be chainmail around the neck, peered over the edge beyond the turret.  The armored figure was looking down towards Chris, and the riveted plates below.

It's Getting Closer, It's Going to Get You... Just You Wait!

Nadia smirked at the dragon comment, "Sadly no, not a dragon here... both demons... pure  demons, but still, just demons."

Renard cast an eagle-eye spell to take a closer look at the thing.  He spoke as the thoughts came to mind, "It's big.  Really big... I'd say your estimates may be a bit on the small side, Seth... It's got thick armor, judging by the rivets I can see.  Legs seem to be similar to an insect's, possible weakness there... take out enough legs on one side, it'll at least immobilize it.  Looking at it's movement, it looks like the guns aren't meant to cover under the belly... every time it lurches up, all I see are plates and rivets.  Beyond that, if it doesn't get slowed down, it's going to be here very quickly.  Military presence is probably going to fall back, collect reinforcements... probably a battlecruiser or 2 from the capitol, along with whatever they put on the ground...   So... help is at minimum, 4 hours out... more like 6 to 8.  By the time they get here, town is gonna be leveled..."

He paused and looked to Nadia, who cast a similar spell.  "Look at those upper decks, though... I'm seeing a large main battery that hasn't been touched.  You'd think that if this was a test run, they'd be eager to test those the most."  

The wolfess added, "I think our best option is to find somewhere to camouflage ourselves until it passes over , then take out it's legs from below.  If I know Commander Sintramane, he's called for help already, and has 'bravely' advanced to the rear."

In the distance, the great war machine ambled on, it's pace slow, deliberate, and menacing.  It managed to finally level itself, it's great armored form consisted of about a dozen massive legs to a side, surrounding a huge, bulbous, armored core.  Atop the front-center were the main cannons, looking more antanae on some huge, beetle, than the weapons of massive destruction that they really were.

Christmas In the Early Fall

The ladder that lead into lower cargo hold, a secondary gondola, hanging below the crew-quarters, was filled with crates.  Some long, some squat, all labeled in military short-hand... or, to the airship pirates, chicken scratches.  It wasn't that they didn't have a good idea what was in the crates.  It was pretty clear which ones were rifle cases, and which ones were filled with canned foods meant to serve as rations for border-town guards.  

All in all, Alex and company would find some 4 dozen repeating rifles, 4 scatter-guns,  enough ammunition to fuel a small revolution, and enough food to supply a small army for several weeks, if not months.  Beyond that, there were a few more -exotic- boxes.  A pair of light-weight artillery, with 30 shells apiece, a pair of tesla cannons with mounting kits, and a box of small, charcoal-gray stone pebbles, separated by white sand.   The rocks were oddly uniform, and slightly warm to the touch.

It is But a Simple Test... It Won't Hurt... Much

Kathostral would be greeted with a smirk as the arms master rather nonchalantly dropped the spear in her hand, and summoned a smaller one to her grasp.  This new weapon, was a dory, a 12' spear with a wide, leaf-shaped head.  It's sturdy construction was simple, elegant, and more manageable as the demon grew closer.  She planted the butt into the ground, and used her own stronger position to leverage the thrust the bull threw her way harmlessly to the side.  
The weapon's master then summoned another spear... short, perhaps 6' Long, and she did something a bit less expected... this new spear left her grip in an underhand throw, rocketing towards Kath's midsection.   "You're the one who started using magic... Now it's very fair game"  The little feline chortled as she grabbed the dory, and assumed another defensive stance behind her own shield.

She took a step to the side, as well.  As if, circling her prey.

Speechless In the Guild Hall

Outside, the metallic clangs continued, and voices were muffled and distorted thanks to the distance, and the fact that the sound was bouncing around inside the hall before reaching the Fennec's ears.  Johan could tell there was some kind of commotion, possibly a brawl, duel or spar.  Beyond that, it was pretty hard to tell what was happening inside the hall thanks in part, to a number of obvious sound-proofing charms.

Inside,  a soft chuckle echoed around the halls.  The soft soprano replied to Locke, "you go ahead and do that.  I shall return once business has been concluded.   If you'll excuse me, sir."  

Left to his own, Locke could either watch one of the spars going on, or read through the various books about the Guild's history.

Whatever Locke ended up doing, the meeting would end up being very brief, and the Vixen would return to outer foyer within 20 minutes.  

She returned, and something rather obvious had changed.  The vixen had gone from a well dressed being, to a still equally well, though slightly altered, dressed, Succubus.  Her long, bat-like wings folded behind her back to minimize their profile"So, my strange and mysterious angelic acquaintance, what can I do for you?"

Airship Dock, Ground Level

Haien stood at the base of a large tower.  Tickets were being taken, and people were gathered around the elevating platform that would take them to the docked airship waiting at the top of the spire.  It was found to be easier to use a magic lift, than deal with landing and rising airships.  The towers also made the cities all the more defensible, though, for those with fears of heights, the prospects of using these towers were downright torturous.  A small price to pay for speed and convenience the planners of these towers said.

His entourage was waiting on the far side from the sun, the east side.   The purple clouds seemed to float in the blood red dusk.  Vivid purples and pinks edged closer to the sun, and the blackness could be seen coming on the far horizon.  If all went as planned, Haien should arrive before mid-morning.   For now, it seemed, he was travelling with 2 other parties.   He was booked about a smaller passenger liner, some 50 seats in all, and, even with the posh accommodations, it was clear that several creatures had chosen for opulence, buying several seats to give themselves plenty of room to sprawl.  

There was an angel, some type of musician most likely, given the instrument cases that he was carrying around the base of the tower.  A demon, who's exact career was indecipherable, however, given his Voethfellian dress, and the relative wealth he put on display, perhaps a noble youth.  There were close to a dozen cubi... they were pretty clearly getting herded to SAIA, that much was obvious from the joyful look all but one bore... the last one looked cross... ready to snap at any of the others, the chaperon.

There were other people gathering around the massive elevator platform as well.  None of real note, though.  His bodyguard and entourage waved him over.

How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Did She Go?!  

It was a good 30 foot slide down the tunnel for Paige.  The passage was steeply angled, and 3 quarters of a circle.  The floor was lightly textured, but the rounded walls were smooth, glassy smooth, the tunnel itself about 6 from wall to wall, at the tunnel's widest, a little shorter, floor to ceiling, but that was helped by the angle.   As the tunnel touched down into the main hall a taller, wider tunnel of similar design, Paige could see a good 100 feet in each direction before each end dipped into a downward path.  The entire area was clearly honeycombed with bug holes.  From the outside, they must seem random, well hidden.  From her vantage point, though, she could see it was a rough grid.  Every 20 feet, a tunnel led into this hall offset so that there were 5 tunnels to a side, but none that lined up.

The bug was at the same level, his mind-spark was clearer than before.  Those above her were dim, but she could clearly feel the bug.  It was heading in the same direction as the Cubi's right.  If this tunnel led into a larger connection, perhaps she could catch him there if she worked fast enough.  It was common knowledge that bug designs tended to be utilitarian, and predictable after-all.  

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kesslen Plains
"Shit," Seth spat.  "Can you tell how fast it's moving?  How long it will take to get here?  Is there time to rescue my bike?"

"I'm all for trying to take it out, but... I'm not the world's strongest Creature.  I can't offer much in the way of raw firepower, even for a 'Cubi.  I come from a minor clan and I don't like eating souls. Besides..." he glanced at Ana, "...what about our friend here?  I doubt she can cast much in the way of heat spells at all, no offence intended."

He paused, thinking.  "Strategy," he said.  "That thing must have a power source.  Could we disable it that way?  Can you guys see any exhaust ports or air intakes that we could sabotage?  Could we sneak someone aboard and destroy it from within?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E