03/09/10 Welcome back Amber

Started by Maark30, March 09, 2010, 10:36:44 AM

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I for one am glad that Amber is back and hope she had a good and productive time.  It was great to see that her hubby Mason kept the ship on her usuall course and made it a fun time.  I am a fairly new reader (3 months) and just got through with all of the back issues and just have to say that the evolution of the strip have been wonderful and that this is one of my favorite pleasures. :)
Sorry for starting what I'm sure others will consider a lame thread but I felt that Amber deserves to know that another fan is reading her work.  I am also glad that she has what seems like a great support mech in her husband Mason.  Keep up the great writing and art. :eager

p.s.  I love the evolution that your art has had, the characters all look great. :mowhappy :mowcookie
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club

Anker Steadfast

Welcome to the forums Maark30, I hope you enjoy it here.

And yes, I do think Amber is quite fond of her "support mech" ! :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.

nicoreon the tyrannical

In deed welcome back amber.  :hug Now that your back maybe we can finally get the story of minks moms death, or... dear god not another one of Amber's  :twist