[Writing] Stuff so terrible even the author won't claim it.

Started by Drayco84, March 04, 2010, 10:49:42 PM

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Which one interests you the MOST? (Brief summary in post.)

End of the Twilight Dragons (EotTD)
0 (0%)
Monster's Frontier RPG (MF-RPG)
0 (0%)
Overlord? Maybe. Evil? No. (OMEN)
2 (50%)
All three sound good.
1 (25%)
Meh, none of them interest me.
1 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 4


   For those that are aware, I keep most of the stuff that I dare to expose the public to at Dragon of Twilight.net The following list is what I've got so far:

  End of the Twilight Dragons
     Episode 01
  Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04, Part 05, Part 06, Part 07, Part 08, Part 09, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
     Episode 02 (In Progress.)
   Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04, Part 05, Part 06, Part 07, Part 08, Part 09

  For everything else, including DMFA-related or Clockwork Mansion RP backstory, see the below...

  DMFA Darwin Award


Based on the descriptions alone, I don't think I'd read any of them. The concepts seem pretty cliched, plot-oriented, and two dimensional.

On the other hand, I don't usually like or dislike a story based on the concept alone. If it's written well, I'll like it. If it's not, I wont. I can't judge a book by it's blurb, and sometimes a story will surprise me. Cliches, or even subversions of cliches, always usually lose my interest quickly, but it all comes down to how they're handled.

The third concept does sound awfully akin to my premise for DSOF, though (cliches aside)...  :B
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Well, totally NOT what I was hoping for, but valuable experience nonetheless. (Oh, and the poll has been edited to include your choice.)

I made the poll to serve a couple of purposes. One, to come up with a one-line description of the works. Two, to find out how "marketable" the descriptions are. (Lesson learned: I suck at marketing.)  Although, perhaps I'd be better off with an outline or introductory section or something... (But, those don't fit on banner ads. Yes, I'm well aware that I should have something before I try to advertise or get into site promotion.)

And yes, I'm also aware that the last one is rather similar to yours, as well as Wildy's fictional book. (Heck, I'm even going to "borrow" the Shonen-Ai idea, maybe use it as a running gag or something... Considering that the main char's "generals" are all female, I'm sure it could've gotten onto "the wheel of demises" somehow...)

By any chance, have you played the PS2 game "The Bard's Tale"? Rather than try to avoid conventional RPG cliches it instead grabs them by the nards and runs with them. From getting some silver candlesticks out of a wolf's corpse to the main character (frequently) arguing with the narrator, (This even gets mocked by one of the bad guys after the Bard falls for an obviously trapped chest.) it openly mocks the cliches from within. THAT is the essence of what I'm aiming for, especially with the last two. LotTD is more of a "Dark is Good and Light is Evil" trope. (Which I found out AFTER I started writing the thing.) His actions are also mostly ruled by fear, of all things. And I don't know about you, but I haven't seen many instances of the protagonist being motivated by fear.

Well, give me some time and I'll write intros for all three that everyone can pick apart and point out every flaw that I'm trying not to see...


You don't have to give a damn about what I think. In fact, you're probably better off if you don't.

If you want my opinion, pick the one you like best and do it. Do it well, and other people will like it no matter what the premise is.

Don't stop for permission. Go and write. Don't look back, don't compromise your ideas, and don't ever let them see you bleed.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


   This has been "rescued" from this thread. Basically, it's a fan-made, Furrae Darwin Award. I've probably gotten the characters' personalities wrong as heck, but even after almost a couple weeks, it's still making me laugh...

Crushed Cubi
2010 At-Risk Survivor
Unconfirmed By Darwin
LOST LAKE INN, A retired adventurer attempting to pass on his genes will have to wait some time before his next "adventue". Daniel Ti'Fiona, was admitted to the local hospital for a crushed pelvis that he "got while trying to wrestle with an owlbear". His girlfriend, Matilda Kissriss, however, told us the real story. It turns out, they were trying to get "intimate" and Ti'Fiona insisted that his lady should be on top...

"It was working out well until I heard this horrible crunching sound and Dan got this look of horrible, nightmarish pain on his face..." She explained,

"Eh, Dan's done stupider stuff than this." Pyroduck, resident smart-aleck stated. "I have little doubt that he'll make a full recovery, given a month or two. Of course, since most 'taurs weigh over three hundred pounds, this was to be expected when using that position."

"I don't know him... I really don't..." Another local replied, who only identified herself as "Alexsi".

Another individual, who we were informed was known as Abel, couldn't stop laughing long enough to comment.

Another of Dan's friends, known only as Mab, was too busy trying to pry her drake off of the cameraman to comment.

Despite the fact that he was heavily sedated, Ti'Fiona had a few words to say about his experience.... "Whoo-Hoo! I had Snoo-snoo!"

We only hope that when he succeeds, his offspring get their mother's intelligence...