I'm probably the LAST person to notice...

Started by Drayco84, February 25, 2010, 08:01:05 PM

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Aww man! Oolong died..

...Bit of sorrow I did not need man D:


Quote from: rakyth on February 25, 2010, 08:27:48 PM
Aww man! Oolong died..

...Bit of sorrow I did not need man D:

Sorry... If it's any consolation, I've lost a fair amount of pet bunnies myself... Yeah, they were partially inbred, but I still miss them... That, and 10 years is the maximum life expectancy...


So that's where the meme of a bunny with a pancake/waffle on it's head came from...




So... let me get this straight... Oolong the rabbit died... and a Mythos assimilated its body to use as Bait? THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH!!

Chakat Blackspots

That picture on the Wiki page looks photoshopped.

Anker Steadfast

It does look that way, but it actually isn't shopped.

I remember seeing it along with a slew of other photos of the same rabbit balancing a host of different stuff on it's head.
Including the infamous "rabbit with a pancake on it's head" photo that became a meme.

Edit :
Some good photo's of Oolong on this page.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.