01/11/10 [DMFA #1076] -a Belt like that

Started by Rambon, January 11, 2010, 05:53:09 AM

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Quote from: Drathorin on January 14, 2010, 09:31:59 PM
Then we have the other extremity where people spend weeks theorizing about every other detail. Every single working thing to try to explain every minute detail, every single possibility.

Just to get a single moment of "Oh mah god. They. . They looked at me. The owner/writer of this work ACKNOWLEDGED my existance!"

Where the movie/literary work/strip/whatever is say an hour worth of enertainment. People get consumed and spend weeks or months trying to figure out every single detail.  Where the creator spent perhaps just a few moments if not seconds just thinking "The Rule of Cool/Lolz/Neat" apply.

Then they get pissy when you tell em to stop, or you think their opinion that they spent months and hours of their every waking day. . fabricating.

Then let them. I don't see how those people are becoming the problem of other people. Sometimes the speculations will get interesting results, oftentimes not. So what? And as for the author, yes, I agree that is annoying, but considering how much pointless fan mail someone like Amber probably getrs on a daily basis, I could imagine shge knows how to deal with that pretty well already.

Of course some people go over the attic. All I want to say is that it's just as wrong to generally condemn thinking more about a movie/story/whatever than "lolz, cool but needs more action". Because sometimes, it can lead to pretty awesome results. Also, there are actually some authors who put much work into their stories to get internal consistency right. you'd probably offend those.

Quote from: MT Hazard on January 15, 2010, 10:46:28 AM
Its all about balance, while I admire those who put a lot of effort into their work (and figuring out how things work) its often a case of story first, detail later. Sometimes a vague explanation is enough.

That said the only sure fire way to enjoy some modern entertainment is power down you brain for a bit, just don't make a habit off it.

Well yeah, everything in moderation. I'm not going to try and explain The Day after Tomorrow or 2012 either. There are things that are nerdy and there are things that are just detrimental to your health.


I know the Zinvth is pretty much done with but I has proof backing it up.


Done by Amber of course :3


Quote from: Lego3400 on January 16, 2010, 02:22:48 PM
I know the Zinvth is pretty much done with but I has proof backing it up.

That's very interesting, I had forgotten about that.  It means she still has ties with Zinvth, but that goes without saying since it's a measure of her status.
It also implies that Zinvth is in a nearby region to Lost Lake, but it still doesn't prove that she lives there day-to-day.  I still say that Dan would have to be wholly insane to attack a resident of Zinvth inside the city.


Of course the obvious answer is that she has multiple homes, one near Lost Lake, one in Zinvth and maybe a few more elsewhere.  Dark Pegasus for instance, lived with Kria (actually, isn't it his house that Kria is staying in?), has ties with Zinvth and also has a fortress of pain in the Forbidden Lands.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Drathorin on January 13, 2010, 11:29:18 AM
She's probably a Patriarch /b/ tard.

Wouldn't that be "Matriarch"?

Quote from: Drathorin on January 14, 2010, 10:49:08 AM
It's like when some friends and I have our local movie nights.

Usually in some movies they have some sort of stunt or event that defies logic or the rules of the universe.

Tonight while watching Bones (a show on Fox) I noticed a character inspecting an object the wrong direction through a lighted magnifier so that his face was lit instead of the object.

I've also noticed on many fantasy TV shows that sword fights result in very little blood (on/from the wound areas or on the swords).

Quote from: kusanagi-sama on January 13, 2010, 10:23:02 PM
Well, I guess Dan will have to learn to like Pyro once Alexsi introduces him to Dan a little more than what Dan does know about Pyro.

I don't think I've ever seen Dan worse than annoyed with Pyro, otherwise he seems to already have a friendly enough relationship with him.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on January 15, 2010, 03:16:41 PM
Jumper? Saw it, liked it, still think it would make an excellent TV show :D (David goes around, collects a group of Jumpers, they fight against the Paladins together)

I agree. I'm a film student, usually pretty critical of films, but I liked this movie for what it was. A 'store your brain in the fridge' action flick. Just enough story to keep it interesting but otherwise look at the pretty effects. My film history teacher was one of those people that told us to love the classics but don't treat every movie like it has to be the most epic thing to ever come out of the industry. Some movies are just supposed to be mindless enjoyment (cough cough Crank cough).

This of course doesn't mean we can't have a little fun breaking down the logic in said films, or any other form of media for that matter. One of my favourite things about comic books these days is their attempts at having serious scientific reasons for things, such as Superman's powers. It keeps writers on their toes having to explain more rather then just saying a wizard did it. Which leads, in most cases, to more interesting stories.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.