Emotion Jammering

Started by ChaosMageX, January 01, 2010, 09:42:47 PM

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I just thought up a question about cubi emotion reading from re-reading this strip of DMFA.

You see, it was stated that emotion jammering involves bluffing emotions strongly in order to force feed other cubi.

But cubi aren't the only ones that have the skills to do that--any skilled thespian can bluff strong emotions as part of acting, such as using it to bring about real tears.

So, my question is, if a being or other non-cubi creature concentrates hard enough, could they effectively emotion jammer a cubi that's antagonizing them, long enough to escape their clutches?

Also, concerning this strip of DMFA, I believe that Abel could be wrong and that a being or non-cubi creature could become skilled enough to develop sub-meditation techniques and other techniques to make their thoughts unreadable to cubi without a magical mind shield, but I want another opinion on this.

Then again, a being or non-cubi creature could probably learn the spells necessary to just set up a mind-shield, so this may just be a moot point. :sweatdrop

Icon by Sunblink

Amber Williams

An emotion-jammer isn't quite just a bluff of emotions strongly, in many ways it is more close to a psychic attack.

More than likely the most a being or non-cubi could do would be to properly bluff a Cubi into thinking the other is feeling a particular emotion.

As for that strip, you would be correct in that it is possible.  There are many adventurers and creatures who can do it.  However this is the first time Abel had met Jyrras and as such was being kind of a buttface.

Anker Steadfast

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GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.