Another one of these, I guess~

Started by Siirenia, December 05, 2009, 02:06:49 AM

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Hello, I'm new here! (Might as well be, unless you visit the chat.)

We'll see if I stick around this time. I seem to be the worst when it comes to e-conversation.

Sienna Maiu - M T

I never would have guessed O.O  But I suppose you've brought it up.
Tony did the same thing, yes?

In anycase, it seems the lot of you shall all one day be sucked into the forum >:D


I come here from time to time! It just feels strange to try to leave an established place for one that's connected to it.

And you probably haven't seen my "NEED AN ICON NEED A SIG OH GOD" hyperventilating. :3

Sienna Maiu - M T

WellgeeIdon'tknowSiir... maybe if you actually let your reference go out to the masses, someone would have drawn you by now. :|

And it's funny you should say that. I used to be all about the forum.  Then I found chat, and it was an ever-decreasing amount of forum >.>  But I still view it as chat connected to forum, and not the other way around (even though "the chat is in no way associated with dmfa, and is merely a place where fans of it all coincidentally go to hang out")


When three more of my show up, each with their designated launch codes and keys, we'll see about freeing that description up. In the meantime, my cowardice and redundant safety measures take care of things...

Forums have always been a difficult place for me. I usually weasel my way into a forum's chat (Official, unofficial, or coincidental) before the forum itself, make a place and a name for myself, and don't -need- to use the forum. Maybe I'm just branching out~ Trying, at least.

Sienna Maiu - M T

You're on a whole new brave and wonderful adventure! :D


Hopefully I brought enough provisions and small-pox infected blankets to get where I need to be.

But anyway, I'm gonna get some sleep. I suspect you should do the same, because you're either just playing Neopets or studying yourself into the ground. ;P


Sienna Maiu - M T

Nah, I played neopets this afternoon.
Now I'm trolling the forums. *hefts a club up onto her shoulder, then waves goodbye*
Oh, that reminds me! *tosses a pointystick at Siirenia, because... well you know the drill*


Welcome Siirenia. Good to see ya here.   :januscat