Numericals Exam in One Hour, Please Wish Me Luck

Started by ChaosMageX, November 07, 2009, 01:46:21 PM

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I figured, in order to try to relax before a major exam begins, I'd post about.
In one hour, I'll be taking my second exam in Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers.
Since I already failed the first exam, this is basically my last chance to save my grade in this class.
(I knew the material well enough, but my perfectionist habits stopped me from completing it in time.  Damn hand-written iterations.)

This exam is going to be over discrete and continuous statistics and linear regression, both singular and multiple.
These are fairly common subjects spanning many majors in college, so hopefully someone out there can relate to my studies of this material.

If anything, I just want some well-wishers before it begins and during it (since it's three hours long).

Now, just gotta keep focusing...

Pie charts work great for understanding conditionals...

Use Student's T-Distribution for confidence interval of average, and use Chi-Squared Distribution for confidence interval of Variance...

If the readings go beyond average +- 3 * standard deviation, it's time to panic and run away fast, according to Chebyshev's Inequality...

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J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


You don't need luck.
You need knowledge. You need SCIENCE!
If you have studied the material well, you have nothing to fear. Now go forth, and succeed in you endeavor, for SCIENCE!  :bun
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