Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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"Wildlife films?" Cog said, giving Jakob and incredulous look, a grin sudden breaking across his face. He shook his head and took a drink, white fangs showing as he smiled at the filmmaker.
"You really do meet all sorts. I don't watch a lot of movies, but I'll have to look out for something by a Mr. Peterson, then." the wolf said, making another small, seated bow to the other wolf. "The most interesting profession I've ever heard of working with a band of apparent adventurers."

He nodded at the wolf, his demeanor relaxed. "By trade, I suppose the best description of myself would be a teacher. I've settled down a few times to teach others the way of the sword. Not for more than...oh, thirty years or so at most, though."

Cog nodded. "As for right now, I'm simply a swordsman-for-hire. Money isn't really the issue, you see - it's just that moving around comes with the job. Something I like. Although, I suppose I did a brief stint in real estate." He grinned. "Sold a wizard's tower and everything in it. Enough to live off of for a least a lifetime. I do what I do mostly for the sights, and the freedom to move about."

At Jakob's final comment, however, Cog merely shrugged. "It seems to be a popular choice. Can't really blame most of them, I don't suppose. You can make a lot of money, pretty quick. Or you can die. Retirement comes fast either way."

"I suppose I can't criticize. It's worked out alright for me, so far, I suppose."

James StarRunner

From within room 11, James heard Gabi knock and announce herself. "Yes, you may come in."

James was setting up some alchemy equipment on the desk. His old shredded vest hung on a coat rack, evidence of the terrible physical pain he suffered not long ago. James' face however now hid all his emotional pains. James pulled out a soft padded chair for the vixen to sit in. "I'm not really a tea drinker myself..." said James. "But I'm not really against it. In fact I'm tempted to try a cup to sooth my nerves right now. I'm... sorry you had to see me in one of my worst moments. I usually don't act like that..."


"It's alright," Gabi replied, sitting next to him. "I didn't get the chance to tell you this earlier, but I've had some trouble with discrimination myself. Not that bad, but there have been some who I thought were my friends and started treating me like rubbish when they found out I was a Were. So I can't say I blame you at all."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

"Really? A were?" James said with genuine interest. "One of the ladies who raised me was a were. Xylina, an old lynx, but she had a lot of spunk. Actually..." said James as he started digging in his backpack again. "I was named after a were..." James dug deeper into his bag. He went in head first and was now up to his waist. "At least they kind of think he was one. To my understanding, were's can't cast magic in human form..." James was now up to his ankles. The backpack was obviously magical. "Yet this guy was only able to cast magic when he WAS in human form. When he was a jaguar, he couldn't..." James was now completely inside his backpack. It now looked like the bag was talking to Gabi. James continued on. "Perhaps he had some curse on him or something... Xylina didn't think he was a were though since he never used his third form. In fact, she thought he was a real human. Silly, huh?"

There was some fumbling sounds from within the backpack. "Where are those ingredients?! I really need to organize things better in here... There's enough stuff in here to fill a warehouse! Oh! Here it is!" James crawled back out of the backpack with various bottles and jars in hand.

"Anyways, this James StarRunner I was named after certainly wasn't from around here. He said he was from a land called dirt or earth... Silly name for a place really. He must have gone back there though. No one has seen him in ages." James started to grind some of the ingredients with mortar and pestle. "But ya, I have great respect for the were race. You can expect me to keep your heritage a secret too. I was rather surprised that you told me that."


Many of the things James said and did while he ws speaking piqued Gabi's curiosity, but it was his last sentence she felt the need to reply to.

"It's only fair," she said with a smile. "I know I can trust you. Aisha knows too, and I'm sure Jakob does although we've never talked about it. I don't think he cares either way. But I'll appreciate it if you don't tell the others. I really don't trust our new companions."

Then her curiosity got the best of her, and she added: "err... May I ask what you're making?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

James poured and bubbled up some liquids in the apparatus. "Oh, just a little drink to make our friends a little more bearable to be around after they get themselves intoxicated like they're doing now. Hmm... maybe it could use some minty freshness..." James added a mint leaf to the other herbs and ground it with the mortar and pestle.

"You know... when you healed me back there, I first thought I was looking up at my mother..." said James as he added the ground up ingredients to a beaker and placed it at the end of the apparatus. "I swear I could almost see her face... Despite what the oracles said, I just can't imagine a mother and father trying to hide from their child... I want to find them. I have so many questions I want to have answered..." James poked at prodded at the glass instruments, watching as the tonic started to travel through the tubes. "Mostly everyone here seems to be looking for their kidnapped family. Aunts, uncles, parents, siblings... They care so much for their family that they risk their lives trying to get them back. I wish I had a family that would do the same for me if I needed them..." Even though he kept his face emotionless, a tear started to form in the corner of his eye. He turned his back to Gabi and pretended to do something else as he wiped it away.

Finally the tonic started to drip into the beaker. The solution fizzed and smoked slightly. The hangover tonic was practically ready.


"I'm sorry, I wish I could help you with that," Gabi replied. "All I do know is that Phoenix oracles never provide straight answers, so whatever that meant, it can't be what it sounded like. That's why I chose to ask the maiden instead, she had a lower chance of knowing, but a much higher chance of giving me a useful answer if she did know. What troubles me the most is that my letter didn't say who had been kidnapped, so I'm left worrying about everyone I know who's not here. I don't know why they did that."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Keaton remained perfectly stoic in expression as Ignatz laid out the rules and regulations for their unofficial drinking contest, fingers laced beneath her chin and pierced eyebrow arched. At the mention of not being able to use water to cleanse any nausea Keaton felt slightly nervous, not to mention because of the rule of no retching in the bathroom. Depending on how much she drank or how she felt when she began drinking, Keaton was a horrendous drunk, becoming even more emotionally volatile than she already was--quite an accomplishment.  Aside from this latent nervousness she attempted to appear as unintimidated as possible, even forcing a grin.

"Fine by me," she said against all better instinct (specifically the little voice in her head which was shouting, What the hell do you think you're DOING, you crazy bitch?). Inclining her head to the side, she smirked over at Gareeku. "What do you think?"

~Keaton the Black Jackal


"Of course," Cog said, his ear suddenly twitching, "Any day where one does not have to draw a sword is a good day." The black-clad wolf tipped his hat, and took a long, deep pull off the last of his whiskey glass, setting the cup back down, empty.

Again, Jakob could feel the strange dichotomy of thoughts emanating from the wolf. On one side, there was a strange, feral silence, an almost null comprised of simple, unthinking emotion – on the other side, however, he could hear a few whispers of mental dialogue.
This one's curious. Makes me wonder, really...could he know him? Work with him? A lot of questions, just for politeness's sake...

Cog narrowed one eye, giving Jakob a neutral look. "Creature or being, we all do what we can. Whether that be filming, or anything else."
The conversation had paused, and looking somewhat pensive, the wolf waved the bartender over.
"Fruitless victory or not, good sir, I've never met an adventurer or filmmaker who didn't have a drink at the victory party. Could I get you something?"


Jakob's mind locked up for a moment as he tried to think of a way to refuse without revealing that he was a Creature, but he recovered quickly.
"I'm not sure it's worth drinking to," he said.  "We got very little to show for all the lives we took.  It seems a little callous to celebrate their deaths as though it was a good thing.  But if you insist, I'll take some fruit juice.  With ice."

"You wouldn't want to see me when I'm drunk," he added with a grin.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

"The maiden?" James stirred the contents of the beaker around and continued, "Forgive my ignorance, I guess I don't seem to know about this maiden that you speak of. I do hope you find your family though, whomever it is..." James set the flask aside and began flushing out his instruments, cleaning them.

"Perhaps you can help me in a different way though..." said James. He motioned to the ruined vest. "I could use a lesson in healing. Not just for myself, but for others. I've lost too many friends... Even Gareeku seems to be slipping away now and he's the closest I have to a brother. I don't really have as great of a reason to find these kidnappers as you or the others, but I'll find the family member that was taken from you. I just hope you are both willing and able to teach me how to heal myself and others..."


From the way that Ignatz looked at him, he could sense that he underestimated him. With a smirk of his own, Gareeku nodded his head in acknowledgment. If his assumptions were correct, then unlike Ignatz Gareeku wasn't about to start underestimating his drinking "partners". After all, Gareeku was used to drinking heavy amouts, having done so through his years with fellow adventurers and strangers alike, both creature and being, and he knew that even in different races there were different levels of alcohol tolerance. For one, he didn't know them hardly at all. That meant that he had never had a drink with them before, thereby not being able to tell how alcohol tolerant they were. Besides, even if he lost, at least he would have had a good drinking session with some good competition.

Hearing Keaton talk to him, the wolf looked over at her, the smirk still on his face.
"Fine by me too." he replied. Unlike Keaton, Gareeku was not intimidated, that much was certain if one were to read his mind and emotions. "And would you like to place a wager on this as well?"


 "A fruit juice with ice, then." Cog said, "And another whiskey for myself, if you please." Cog nodded to the bartender, reaching into his jacket and producing and setting two silver coins on the bar counter. With a nod from the barkeep, they disappeared as quickly as they came.

"But I fear you misunderstand me, sir. Never drink to death. That's a draught we'll all drink deep of, soon, too soon."  He said, his voice soft. "Your foe is dead, so let him rest. He's not deserving of your animosity anymore - nothing to celebrate there. Drink to life instead."

"Drink, because you might not get the chance again. To life, and the lives of those not yet dead..." the wolf said, musing. He sat quietly for a moment, his face seemingly dark as he sat. His eyes gleamed out over his dark glasses.
Without warning, he brightened suddenly, sitting back up in his chair, and pushed his shades back up over his eyes. "Ah, but I fear I wax philosophical. My apologies." He adjusted his hat, brushing a hand over his glasses. "And look – there's your drink."

The barkeep set the two drinks down deftly, both glasses thunking softly on the table. Cog reached for his whiskey, raising his eyebrow at the red-hued liquid bobbing with ice cubes.
"As for seeing you drunk, it couldn't be any worse than some of my bad nights." He said.


Ignatz chuckled and leaned back in his chair. He knew that he was going to win this contest, unless the wolf had something up his sleeve. The jackal girl's scent had carried a twang of anxiety for just a second, one that she had hidden very quickly. It might have been just imagination, but the bat had a hunch and he knew when to trust his instincts.
   As for the wolf he seemed to be just a being, though he was as magically loaded as any adventurer, and that meant he had a clear limit to his constitution. Which put him at a significant disadvantage to the bat.
   Ignatz grinned. 'Alright. Barkeep!' he said loudly and tapped the table. 'Three lowballs of vodka, chilled, no ice.' He turned back to the other two contestants. 'I'll take first turn. You're up next, shorty.' He winked to Keaton. The vodka was for a clear purpose. If the succubus flinched at the strength and taste of the drink, he'd know whether if his assumption was correct or not.


"I can be bad enough when I'm sober," Jakob said, the grin flickering and dying as he took a sip of the juice.  Ugh.   I should have specified the type of fruit.

"And truth be told it's not so much our demon friend that disturbs me, but his minions... and the bandits who assailed us before them.  Why didn't they have the sense to flee?" he asked morosely.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Cog looked sideways at Jakob, sipping his whiskey. He stared at him quietly for a moment behind his black shades, setting his glass down, and his expression almost distant.

"Perhaps you should ask yourself, why didn't you have the sense to run?" Cog said, his voice neither mocking nor combative. "You might...well. There are certain realities in the world, Mr. Peterson, that are brought to light in this lucrative, unpleasant business we call adventuring."

Cog paused, taking a deep breath, suddenly, and continued. "You strike me as someone who isn't exactly young, Mr. Peterson, but then, I wouldn't say that isn't a somewhat...naive statement." Cog took another sip of his drink, holding the glass in his hand. "When I taught the sword, I taught the principles that my teacher taught me. 'He who learns the way of the sword, to learn how to kill, will surely die by the sword.'" Cog said, leaning back in his chair. "I don't take every contract that comes my way, sir. Any day that I don't have to draw my blade is a good day. But there comes times when swords are drawn, and in those times, you must defend yourself. Or you will surely die." Cog said, his eyes meeting the other wolf's own. "Or, you must flee. If you can. But sometimes that isn't an option. If you disagree with killing people in all situations, Mr. Peterson, perhaps you've found yourself in the wrong business."

He paused. "Not to say reticence isn't good. Killing is a last resort, always. One should never draw a sword, unless that you have no other choice. But that decision is seldom your own to make. Once again..." he said, sipping his drink, "Once swords and weapons are bared...at that point, the decision has been made for you. It is, as Sensei said, 'Go Time.'"

He gave the other wolf a sideways look, his yellow eyes appraising. "Were the lives of those bandits worth more than your life, Mr. Peterson? Were they worth more than the lives of your friends over there?" Cog sipped, and shook his head. "It seems an unfair question, I know. But ultimately, if they didn't want to die, they shouldn't have done what they were doing. As bandits, and as bodyguards, they knew the risks. And if they didn't, well...forgive me, but I don't take you for the type to slaughter innocents."

Cog kept looking at the strange wolf, and smiled, raising his glass in a toast. "Ah, but come now. To tomorrow. May the Angel of Death sleep soundly through the red dawn." he said, still smiling. "And the weather be good for filming."


Jakob considered.  It would be interesting to see how the other wolf responded to the notion that he was a Creature, although it seemed that he had half-guessed.  In any case, while he didn't seem to be an incubus, he had far more experience in keeping his thoughts opaque than most Beings did.

"I am a bit older than I look," he admitted, "But you may perhaps be confusing naivety with idealism.  Certainly I could have run, and perhaps I should have done.  But that would have meant betraying my comrades, and worse than that it would have been a betrayal of the people we set out to rescue."  He stared into the glass of fruit juice, which very slowly began to turn pale.

"Adventuring is not my business," he said.  "As I said, usually I make films.  But there are times when I have been drawn into it against my will, and this is one of those.  I wish it were otherwise, but could you stand aside if your own father was kidnapped?"

Jakob sat brooding as the other spoke.  His drink grew paler still.

"Were their lives worth more than mine?" the wolf repeated.  "That's not a judgement I'd like to make.  You see, in my time I have done things which I regret," he continued.  "Not so long ago you would have little hesitation in calling me 'evil'.  But I got over it.  And it makes me wonder whether our foes might not also have 'got over it' had their lives not been... cut down... by our hand."

He took a long swig of his glass, which now contained water.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Gabi was startled by the request. She had given private lessons of just about everything to some of her friends at school, and to her own brother when they were little, but no one had asked her how to use healing magic before. They just didn't seem to be interested, or preferred to rely on her for that. She tried to remember when she first learnt. She had been taught some structured methods to enhance healing magic, but they only served to focus and intensify what was already there. How had she done it the first time? She remembered mixing water with soap and perfume when she was little and calling it a healing lotion. Now she knew that didn't heal a thing (although it might help clean a wound), but back then it seemed to reduce the pain when she applied it. Why had that been so?

"It's mostly about intention," she concluded. "You put your mind into healing and trust that it will work. Never think of the wound or the sickness, you have to picture the person getting better. It helps if you care about them, that will make it work better. It will also help a lot if you can feel the energy between you and your patient... or your own aura if it's yourself you're healing. There are countless forms of focusing and enhancing healing magic, but the base lies there. At least it does if you have potential for magic, but I've already seen that you have it. And today I've seen that you have a lot of willpower too. If you can manage to numb pain or make a light wound seal faster, I can start teaching you some of the advanced techniques."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


  Cog kept silent throughout Jakob's speech, his eyes occasionally glancing to the glass of rapidly paling tomato juice in his hand. His eyesbrows rose a miniscule amount, and a slight smile spread across his face, but other than that, he said nothing.

Jakob sipped from his glass of water, and still smiling Cog spoke again. "Is that so?" Cog sipped from his glass. "I truly wonder if you know the meaning of regret, Mr. Peterson. I have done, terrible things, in my time." Cog's said, smiling slightly, his voice distant. "Yet, even so. I'm glad you got yourself sorted out. But, did you know - the guard, while it is their duty to protect the people, sometimes kill them. Seems contradictory."

Cog raised one eyebrow. "It's true. You don't know what those bandits may have gone on to do, and what they may have made of themselves with more time or a better circumstance. But, then, did they really give you a choice? Sure, you could incapacitate or restrain them, but in most cases of this nature, these aren't the sort of folks you even want to know your face. I have spent nights sleeping with one eye open. It isn't pleasant."

"What's more, who is to say what Mr. Peterson might do, with his life?" he turned, giving him an appraising stare. "What if the bandits had killed you? What might be lost?" he said, shrugging somewhat. "We all have the potential for great good or great ill, as you know, Mr. Peterson. To risk your life is to risk your ability to do either, but then, risking your life is your own decision to make. Even the decision of those bandits." Cog paused, wetting his throat. "What will Mr. Peterson do, now that he has killed someone? You have kept your life. What potential lies in you? I daresay you have things yet to accomplish in this world - you may have killed, but what have you saved? Who might you save? No one can be sure."

Cog paused, finishing off his second glass of whiskey, and took a deep breath again, still grinning slightly. "I will say this. You have a surprising sensitivity towards the value of life, for a mage."


'Oh, for Hell's flaming sake!' the bat suddenly started, leaning back and looking over at the two wolves over by the bar. The barkeep arrived with the vodka and Ignatz immediately snatched his off the platter, swigging it down in one gulp, and then slapped the glass down on the table. 'The fellow's here to drink and relax, not act psychiatrist to some overconscientious incubus. Do you have to drag him down with you?!' Narrowing his eyes and grinning, the bat ran his tongue over a fang slightly. 'We all know you're miserable. But some don't have the same self-centered dilemmas and hesitations that you seem to.'
   Chuckling, the bat turned back to the table, pleased at having interjected in what he perceived as a pointless and irritating debate. And, of course, at his jab at Jakob and his disguise.


With one ear pointed towards the stranger's and Jakob's conversation, Gareeku listened on as they debated. He was somewhat relieved when the drinks were finally brought over to their table. Listening to Ignatz's outburst, the wolf could not help be slightly amused by it all. Taking the vodka down with one gulp before placing the glass on the table, Gareeku licked his lips slightly.

"So then...Keaton. Your turn to choose a drink."

James StarRunner

"Mostly just intention, eh?" said James growing more confident from Gabi's compliments. "Sounds simple enough. It's a good thing I've already figured out how to use my aura somewhat already."

James rolled up his sleeve to his shoulder. It was mostly healed but still looked a bit raw and sore. She did such a great job in removing a fist sized hole so quickly... James put a hand on his shoulder and grimaced slightly at the pain. Concentrate on healing... feel the aura... James stood there for a few moments, eyes closed, completely still...

James opened up his eyes again and removed his hand... Nothing noticeable had happened. "Man... This is harder than I thought." Maybe I focused too much on the injury... I'll try again. Again, James concentrated. It took a moment, but he could feel something. He focused on that feeling more, pouring healing energy into his wound. Finally, James looked at his shoulder again. Not much of a change. He moved his arm around to test it. "Well... At least it doesn't hurt as much. I guess this isn't something that can be mastered overnight."


All that careful probing and insinuation wasted, thought Jakob, wryly.  What a dick.

"Well, there is one untroubled by the burdens of a conscience," he said, smiling at last, "...and apparently common sense as well.  Still, we must forgive the demon... I suppose the drink must be getting to his head already.  He is right, though," he admitted, "I am not a Being.  I can only hope you and the other folks here aren't prejudiced.

"Perhaps I am over-sensitive to these things," he said.  "But I've always liked Beings and I hate it when they die.  Perhaps my problem is I'm trying to shoulder the guilt for the excesses of all my kind..."

"And you must forgive me if I'm getting to you," he added.  "As a race we are somewhat prone to becoming overwrought."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Few things are," Gabi smiled. "But it's not bad for a first try. You can try again whenever you feel like it, and of course you can ask me for help whenever you need it. Now, may I ask you something?"
When James said she could, she went ahead.
"What was the other James StarRuner like? I've always wondered what it would be like to meet someone from another world, but I never thought there could be weres outside Furrae."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

"The other James StarRunner?" asked James. "He supposedly went home before I was born, so I never got to meet him... My caretaker, Grace, got to meet him though and told me about his deeds as bedtime stories growing up. He saved my country of Takona from civil war, barbaric tribes, and strengthened creature/being relations. Of course the latter fell apart when angels masterminded the fall of the three largest cities there... But he was a great hero! Filled with compassion, wisdom, courtesy, selflessness, and a clean sense of humor. I of course liked the parts where he kicked some serious butt!" Realizing how childish and excited he sounded just then, James blushed and quickly continued. "Err... Of course you have to understand I was just a young boy then! Hehehe... But the name of James StarRunner was known throughout the country before I was even born. He was a great mage and a fine paladin. He saved countless lives... Grace named me after him in hopes that I would emulate him. I didn't exactly follow the path of a mage or a paladin... but I try to follow his example, I really do... It's a hard name to live up to."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel moved a few seats down the bar, closer to where the black panther was sitting. "This should be entertaining. Your boyfriend any good at this sort of thing?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


As Cog looked at the rather strange-looking fellow interrupting them, a creamy-colored bat who seemed occupied drinking down some clear liquor, his ear twitched at the comments that Jakob made, and keeping a straight face he looked back at the lupine incubus.

"Prejudiced? Against...creatures?" Cog said, his voice deadpan and his face completely straight. He gave the wolf a look, his shades sliding down his nose, before a toothy, wicked grin spread across his features.
"No." he said, his tone again neutral. "Not as such."

He kept his eyes on the three gathered around a table, each one either holding or taking a shot of clear liquid. Playing a drinking game, Cog supposed, but judging by the bat's irritation, the two wolves had been a little louder than he'd thought. Apparently enough to attract attention, anyway.
Cog kept his eyes on the three, and started speaking again.

"You're not bothering me." Cog said, shifting his weight. "Still. An Incubus. I can't say I'm surprised, really. I think that was you earlier." Cog said, his ear twitching again. "Most 'Cubi I've meet haven't liked me, though. I make them uncomfortable, for some reason." Cog's voice was sardonic.

Cog glanced back at Jakob. "That was you earlier." He stated, his voice even. "And I understand that Cubi can't help that sort of thing, to a certain degree. But I felt you brush my mind – and I find it surprising that someone so sensitive to the dignity of life would have so little reticence about reading stranger's thoughts." He said, glancing back at the apparent drinking game.
"For your own safety, stay out of my mind."

At that, Cog simply smiled, a surprisingly genial gesture, and nodded at the three gathered around the table.
"Who are they?"

Aisha deCabre

As she watched the drinking contest unfold, Aisha ordered another drink for herself to settle in her full stomach.  Looking over the three competitors at the table, now probably centering on a bit of attention from some of the other bar patrons, it was hard to distinguish straight from sight who would have the upper hand in it.  Gareeku was invited in slightly late, perhaps he would take it more easily...but, Aisha wasn't one to make generalizations quickly.  We'll just see how this goes.

However, sometimes an ear would swivel over to the conversation that Jakob was having with the stranger, just out of curiosity.  It seemed that a slightly avid interest was taken in the group.  As she took another sip from her mug, she caught Mel sitting next to her out of the corner of her eye.  The black jaguaress tensed slightly...but the girl had helped to heal Gareeku before, after all.  She was--perhaps the best way to put it really--the lesser of the two evils.

At her inquiry, however, Aisha paused in mid-swallow, almost choking on the liquid.  She coughed and turned to her, a sudden tinge of red in her face.  "Boyfrie...?"

The panthress coughed again before she could finish, and just tried to regain her composure quickly, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.  She looked slightly indignant, but answered the question.  "Well, if I know Gareeku, he never backs down from such a challenge.  He puts his all into anything and is quite stubborn for it.  S'what makes him good."  She smirked.  "I hope your guy doesn't underestimate him, muchacha."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"You don't reach 900 years by taking risks," Jakob said, with a smile.  He seemed to have lightened up.  "...not when you're born into a world where everyone wants to kill you, at any rate.  I've had some particularly nasty experiences in taverns when people found out what I was, so please forgive my paranoia.

"As for reading your mind, not really.  I was listening, I'll admit, but I don't go around poking people's minds for no good reason.  What I heard didn't make much sense anyway - your shielding is very good.  And no, I don't habitually eavesdrop on people, but I had to get a rough feeling for your disposition to know if I was safe.  I hope you understand."

"The white wolf is one Gareeku," he added.  "He is the leader of our expedition.  The bat calls himself Ignatz, but I don't know much about him, except that he tried to claim a bounty on our leader, and he seems to be quite dangerous.  The other is his companion, but I can't remember her name offhand.  Oh!  Unless you meant the jaguar?  She would be Aisha, a trusted member of our party.  Not fond of demons though," he added.  "I don't know the jackal."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Keaton remained silent and stony even when Ignatz winked at her, fingers impatiently drumming out a curt and staccato tattoo against the table's surface and large ears flattened against her skull. Agitation and anxiety ebbed away quickly enough in favor of being mildly amused by Ignatz's outburst towards Jakob and the gray-furred newcomer who was observing them from afar, displayed in the form of a wry smirk tugging at the edge of her lips. Hiding this grin behind her hand, she diverted her attention to the vodka, which was set before her by the bartender, and pondered the drink.

Vodka. Right. Relatively odorless save for the flavor, but probably going to pack a punch. Grasping the glass, Keaton titled her head back and upended it in her mouth, downing the contents and slamming the empty drink glass back on the table. Sure enough, the intense "burn" nearly made her wince, having not fully anticipated it, but she recovered quickly and took a deep breath, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She shakily grinned, flashing row upon row of jagged canines.

"No problem," Keaton said almost spitefully, then listed her drink. Had to choose something outside of a simple beer to make this competition more challenging for the bat. Shake him up a bit. "Black sambuca, on the rocks. Go for it."

~Keaton the Black Jackal