08/16/09 [DMFA#1031] - Must have more pout

Started by OminousShadow, August 16, 2009, 02:19:00 AM

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Quote from: bradley535 on August 16, 2009, 10:26:19 AM
What is this? The sun? That has to be a sunset, because I know that Jyrras hasn't seen a real morning unless it was a late night.

Yeah, I too thought that Jyrrus was on a totally screwed up nocturnal sleep schedule, as in this strip.

Also, I've noticed another detail that's off.  Doesn't the black color of Albanion's arms go up to his shoulders?  In this strip it only goes to his wrists.  Maybe he was wearing some sort of long black gloves up to this strip, or maybe it's just a mistake of Amber's coloring.

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on August 16, 2009, 11:11:20 AM
Also, I've noticed another detail that's off.  Doesn't the black color of Albanion's arms go up to his shoulders?  In this strip it only goes to his wrists.  Maybe he was wearing some sort of long black gloves up to this strip, or maybe it's just a mistake of Amber's coloring.

I think that black colour is long black leather gloves, not actual hair/fur colour. I'd have to go looking in the archives to find out for sure. But just remember, the fae are kinda random in their looks and actions.
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]


I wonder what kind of attention Lorenda is going to get... living with bachelor-boy...

Madd the Sane

Am I the only one who noticed his bangles are gone in panel three? :B
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Quote from: Madd the Sane on August 16, 2009, 02:18:55 PM
Am I the only one who noticed his bangles are gone in panel three? :B
I did, but I assumed it's because Albanon has acted his revenge in so they just magic'd off


Quote from: JackTheCubiWolf on August 16, 2009, 07:52:04 AM
Relax, were all just messing around. And the apocalypse won't be a robot apocalypse, it'll be a zombie one. I know I got my plan ready for when it happens.

Actually the apocalypse is a more realistic one... all the electronics on earth will be hit by an solar flair from our sun (local star) that will become an electromagnetic-pulse once it hits the earth's atmosphere and the entire earth will be knocked from the year 2010-2011 down to Before Computer/Before Electronics.  
What is worse is that if you look it up you will find out that I am not joking.  This is a true possibility as the sun will enter a 11 year period where solar flairs are at a high.

As revenges go this is the most brutal and perfect one.  
Brutal as Albion only played a few strings and very-brutal because Jyrras is so cute there will be characters out there that want to tie him to their beds or glomp him to death.  He's already been violently hugged on the streets, one can easily say new popularity will only increase the frequency of said incidents, and who's to say that it will be only 15 year old girls who hugs him out of the blue?  
For him that could be a bonus...
And it is perfect because as much as Jyrras will be 'assaulted' he will also be protected.

On a side note with Jyrras new found popularity his private life might get hampered and Deebs might be found out, but considering how sweet and cute she is others might want a Deebs for themselves.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on August 16, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Quote from: JackTheCubiWolf on August 16, 2009, 07:52:04 AM
Relax, were all just messing around. And the apocalypse won't be a robot apocalypse, it'll be a zombie one. I know I got my plan ready for when it happens.

Actually the apocalypse is a more realistic one... all the electronics on earth will be hit by an solar flair from our sun (local star) that will become an electromagnetic-pulse once it hits the earth's atmosphere and the entire earth will be knocked from the year 2010-2011 down to Before Computer/Before Electronics.  
What is worse is that if you look it up you will find out that I am not joking.  This is a true possibility as the sun will enter a 11 year period where solar flairs are at a high.

Well, at least we don't have to worry about getting sucked in to the comic, in case that the flair hits it when we are reading it.

Now back to reality and away from some badly made cartoon clishe reference. I feal bad for Jy, he could have had it much easyer if he hadn't asked for help from Mab, now he's going to get huged on every corner.

Back to the bad cartoon clishe reference. In case it does happen would we still be us or would we be furs (don't answer that).


Does Albinon remind any of you of Sean Hayes?
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



Quote from: Madmann135 on August 16, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Actually the apocalypse is a more realistic one... all the electronics on earth will be hit by an solar flair from our sun (local star) that will become an electromagnetic-pulse once it hits the earth's atmosphere and the entire earth will be knocked from the year 2010-2011 down to Before Computer/Before Electronics.  
What is worse is that if you look it up you will find out that I am not joking.  This is a true possibility as the sun will enter a 11 year period where solar flairs are at a high.

Oh, c'mon.  I bet most military systems are EMP-hardened by now, so maybe it'll just trigger a massive worldwide series of nuclear strikes. XD


Quote from: Mischa on August 17, 2009, 12:21:17 AM
Quote from: Madmann135 on August 16, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Actually the apocalypse is a more realistic one... all the electronics on earth will be hit by an solar flair from our sun (local star) that will become an electromagnetic-pulse once it hits the earth's atmosphere and the entire earth will be knocked from the year 2010-2011 down to Before Computer/Before Electronics.  
What is worse is that if you look it up you will find out that I am not joking.  This is a true possibility as the sun will enter a 11 year period where solar flairs are at a high.

Oh, c'mon.  I bet most military systems are EMP-hardened by now, so maybe it'll just trigger a massive worldwide series of nuclear strikes. XD

The military may be EMP resistant... but everyone else is not.  Economics my friend, economics.  It cost money to EMP shield electronics and EMP resistant tech for the general populaces is not under any quality check.  I am not worried for the military, I am worried that some +90% of all data will be deleted, cars will fail, planes will go blind and all that.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.

Attic Rat

I'm still not sure how this protects Jyrras, but it sure annoys him.

Nightmare EMP storms? We ham radio operators have been using sunspot cycles for decades. We look forward to lots of sunspots!

You don't have to wait that long for electronics to fail anyway. The European Union has arbitrarily banned any solder that contains lead, so the electronic devices being made now contain various beta-test-quality attempts at lead-free solder. They all require higher melting temperatures  to use, which creates more stress on solid state components. They also flex less well, and can crack more easily. We can expect an increase in equipment failures until these problems are resolved.

Jyrras now has the power to change the fashion trends of the world! Whatever he wears, EVERYBODY will wear!

Get'cher goggles here! Only $50! Goggles for everyone!
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Quote from: Attic Rat on August 17, 2009, 03:08:00 PM
Jyrras now has the power to change the fashion trends of the world! Whatever he wears, EVERYBODY will wear!

Get'cher goggles here! Only $50! Goggles for everyone!
Sweater-vest sales increase 200% in only a day! Blue is the new black! Glasses are chic! And in SAIA, suddenly all of the students are wearing blue.

*visualizes Fa'Lina in blue... can't do it*
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Madmann135 on August 17, 2009, 01:14:19 AM
Quote from: Mischa on August 17, 2009, 12:21:17 AM
Quote from: Madmann135 on August 16, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Actually the apocalypse is a more realistic one... all the electronics on earth will be hit by an solar flair from our sun (local star) that will become an electromagnetic-pulse once it hits the earth's atmosphere and the entire earth will be knocked from the year 2010-2011 down to Before Computer/Before Electronics.  
What is worse is that if you look it up you will find out that I am not joking.  This is a true possibility as the sun will enter a 11 year period where solar flairs are at a high.

Oh, c'mon.  I bet most military systems are EMP-hardened by now, so maybe it'll just trigger a massive worldwide series of nuclear strikes. XD

The military may be EMP resistant... but everyone else is not.  Economics my friend, economics.  It cost money to EMP shield electronics and EMP resistant tech for the general populaces is not under any quality check.  I am not worried for the military, I am worried that some +90% of all data will be deleted, cars will fail, planes will go blind and all that.

That can't be true.  There has to be some sort of EMP protection commercially available.  Why?  Two words:

Lightning Strikes.

Lightning generates strong EMPs, so there has to be something to protect the equipment in offices in high rise buildings, or else the businesses that inhabit them would lose thousands in electronics every couple of months to lightning strikes.  In fact, I'm going to go research it right now...

EDIT: Here, read this.  It was the first thing that came up on Google, but it might not be that accurate considering it's 4 years old.

Still, I know for a fact that there are research bases out there for doing EMP experiments, capable of generating EMPs as strong as the ones from nuclear explosions and asteroid impacts (from watching shows on The Science Channel), so there is research being done to create things that are EMP resistant.

This is useful research considering you can create an inductor no bigger than a soda can nowadays that can create an EMP capable of destroying an entire building worth of electronics.  Talk about your low-blow terrorism.

Heck, there are also cases where a power surge in a local power line can turn one of those cylindrical transformers you see into an inductor and create an EMP powerful enough to knock out all electronics within a two house radius of it, though this may just be hearsay.

In conclusion, EMPs are a part of everyday life, be they from lightning, power surges, explosions, asteroids, or something else entirely.  If your stuff isn't protected right now, and you're in a place vulnerable to one or more of these things, you might very well lose it before mister sun's big EMP comes knocking.

Icon by Sunblink

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Jairus on August 17, 2009, 03:24:08 PM
*visualizes Fa'Lina in blue... can't do it*

They say pink is a girl's colour (I object, but just roll with the theory) so Fa'lina in blue: Boy'lina?
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on August 18, 2009, 04:25:23 AM
Quote from: Jairus on August 17, 2009, 03:24:08 PM
*visualizes Fa'Lina in blue... can't do it*

They say pink is a girl's colour (I object, but just roll with the theory) so Fa'lina in blue: Boy'lina?

if i saw Fa'Lina in blue, i'd say she was raiding another succubi's wardrobe.  :U

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


    Seems that Albinion thought Nutmeg needed more pants ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: kaskar on August 18, 2009, 05:53:00 AM
   Seems that Albinion thought Nutmeg needed more pants ...

well somebody obviously has to wear the pants in that relationship

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: JackTheCubiWolf on August 16, 2009, 07:52:04 AM
Relax, were all just messing around. And the apocalypse won't be a robot apocalypse, it'll be a zombie one. I know I got my plan ready for when it happens.


Uhm, I got my plan, kinda. It all depends on how the zombies are coming..

If it's from some zany attempt at bringing the dead back to life, I got a spear and I know how to survive in the wild.

If it's some airborne+waterborne virus, I'm going to jump off an airplane because I always wanted to get over my phobia of heights/falling.

..Not like I'll jump willingly, parachute or not.

Anyway back to the zombies. I'll survive off what any other survivalist would; plants, maybe some small game, and fish. My spear has a really good length on it so I should be safe considering how easy it is to just stab them in the face. Otherwise I'm stealing a houseboat and living at sea. Somehow. Or maybe a really outlandish island.