Boogeyman's art thread- update (1-6-07)

Started by Boog, July 17, 2006, 09:11:42 PM

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Some people may recall when I was taking art requests. If you don't, suffice to say that not knowing doesn't make you a newbie. I'm posting here to say three things. Firstly, I will finish all of them; I said I would draw stuff for eight people and I shall. Secondly, I will not take more requests after this for a while because obviously, I'm not cut out for deadlines. Thirdly, I have Janus' request ready and I just have to find and scan VC's request. Janus' request. I left out the parody on the basis that if you take this long on a pic, it sure as hell better be complementary. - Ramsey's 2nd art request. My scanner does this to my art. Kitome's request. Congrats Kitome, I couldn't come up with a joke for you. You were unmockable. - Dakata's request, which was met with cries that I had made her too effemenine. Still, captures the two of us rather nicely. - Shadou, possibly the first monster character I ever came up with. He used to be a freelance guardian (like a security guard, exept for huge castles and old ruins and such. Much like a boss in a video game, sitting in one room or floor until the intruders arrive), but is currently a photographer for a newspaper. Slight alcohol problem, and gives the impression of being a complete misanthropist. Has an altruistic streak a mile wide, but it would take a team of cubi interrogators and his girlfriend bribing him to make him admit it. Can change his shape, size and strength depending on the nearby light conditions. Weapon of choice is a giant butcher knife.



Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Vaguely Creepy

That's really good, Boogey! The simple style really seems to compliment Janus.

And you can still leave my joke in if you want. If I can't laugh at myself, I've got no business laughing period. Besides, I wouldn't want to detract from your work.


Alright VC, but I'm warning you I'd been going through a "Best of Lovecraft" book when I was working on it. I'll have it soon.


Hey, great hair on the ferret. The look on his face seems to fit him just right. :januscat

Vaguely Creepy

Quote from: Boogeyman on July 18, 2006, 01:20:33 PM
Alright VC, but I'm warning you I'd been going through a "Best of Lovecraft" book when I was working on it. I'll have it soon.

*looks up Lovecraft and related articles on Wikipedia*

Heh heh. :E I suppose I should be terrified, but for some reason I'm just flattered you think I'm creepy enough for something like that.

Regardless, I stand by my earlier statement.

Alright VC, but just remember, YoU wErE wArNeD!
I know, I know, I got a bit lazy on the pants, but you asked me to draw what I thought was behind the book you're always so intent upon, so it's the detail on the face that matters. Used my oft-ignored markers rather than stumbling my way through coloring on photoshop this time. An excuse to experiment with art supplies, leave at least one person somewhat distressed with my results and draw something that mother nature would disown. A fun request indeed. :D

On a side note, I'm going to be going away camping for a couple weeks on the 24th. I'll be getting more of the requests done then, but don't expect any new pics until I'm back (unless I stumble across a tree with DSL and a scanner, in which case nevermind).


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Vaguely Creepy

Quote from: Boogeyman on July 20, 2006, 10:51:44 PM
An excuse to ... leave at least one person somewhat distressed with my results

Uh, Boogey? I kind of hate to pay back your hard work by disappointing you, but I have to say:

That part of your plan didn't work.

That. Picture. Is. Freakin'.


I love it! It's perfect! Totally perfect!

You, my dear, dear friend, have my undying grattitude and admiration for that completely wonderful piece of artwork!

I can't stop laughing! So wonderful and freaky and....

Applaud Boogey! Applaud him I say! YOU MUST ALL APPLAUD HIM!

Thank you so much for that, Boogey. That is just plain great. :laugh

Could I maybe use it as my avatar?


Yanno, I can't say I completely expected that reaction. I was actually worried that I had been too lazy in some parts.
Quote from: Vaguely Creepy on July 21, 2006, 02:40:15 AM
Could I maybe use it as my avatar?
Go nuts.

EDIT: *Looks down* Actually Toric, that's his tongue. And thanks  :P


So VC is a clown that devours mind-flayers and other squid-people? Cools. Great art as always, Boogeyman.
Yap by Silver.


Zander's request, complete at last. He's supposed to be a dragonlike character, right? If not I'll re-do it. And Xze-Xze, I'll have yours scanned and colored tomorrow.
Remaining requests:

Not accepting any new requests until I finish these.


You're good at variation, Boogey.  That's always a nice claim for any artist to have.

Of the first picture, I particularly like the jacket.  I've dabbled in art myself and jackets are a bit of a bane, I can't always get them to sit comfortably on the wearer.  So I'm understandably a bit jealous of your ability to do so.

Of the second, errr ... like I said, varied!  And decidedly creepy.

Of the third?  Much love for the staff and the braided hair.  It's always nice to see a more ... how can I put this?  A more tribal staff, seems that a lot of fantasy staffs these days have become mass-marketed consumer items.  That is amusing in a Discworld sort of way but it also means that the ingenuity of staffs is somewhat lacking these days (the last staff I remember being fond of was in Neverwinter Nights, the one that had a galaxy in it).


That looks Mega-Awesome!!

and Yay!! a new avatar!! >w<

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Rowne on August 11, 2006, 10:20:31 PM
You're good at variation, Boogey.  That's always a nice claim for any artist to have.

... I've dabbled in art myself and jackets are a bit of a bane, I can't always get them to sit comfortably on the wearer.  So I'm understandably a bit jealous of your ability to do so...

Of the third?  Much love for the staff and the braided hair.  It's always nice to see a more ... how can I put this?  A more tribal staff, seems that a lot of fantasy staffs these days have become mass-marketed consumer items.  That is amusing in a Discworld sort of way but it also means that the ingenuity of staffs is somewhat lacking these days (the last staff I remember being fond of was in Neverwinter Nights, the one that had a galaxy in it).
"And what happened then..?
Well... on the forums they say
that the Boogeyman's ego
grew three sizes that day"
Thanks Rowne :)


Mrf... Sorry for the double post... Xzeliea's request's done. Me sleep now...


 :3 Me will now do nawty things to boogey >:3

That rox!!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Sorry it's taking so long folks, life can be hectic and school starting hasn't helped. Valkyn, yours is almost done. Ramsey, Kitome, and Angusplushie; Really freakin' sorry it's taking so long!


Vaguely Creepy

These are some seriously nice pictures you've done, Boogey! And while you were busy too. Major applause, sir.


Just finished valkyn's. The scanner screwed it up a little, but I think it came out alright.

Now's just Kitome, Angusplushie and Ramsey. Did any of those guys not come over to the new forum?

Vaguely Creepy

Very nice. I like the way you colored it. The loose feel of the colors fits the mood he seems to have.

What's that he's drinking?



Zedd got it on the first go. Ale of some sort.

llearch n'n'daCorna

You know, these bartenders need to work on their selling skills.

"Hiya, what can I get you?"
"Ale of some sort."
"Here you go, one Ale from the Some Sort farm brewery."

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*hugs the box for his dry humor and high fives Boogey for hateing self for being so damn smart*

llearch n'n'daCorna

*bow* I'll take my humour with some sherry, then...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Quote from: Boogeyman on July 17, 2006, 09:11:42 PM - Dakata's request, which was met with cries that I had made her too effemenine. Still, captures the two of us rather nicely.
[whiny-emo]It's too -effeminate-! My tushie looks big! I look uber-short! I don't look evil enough! The tip of my tail isn't pointy enough! My wingies are too small! Dragons don't wear shoes! Why am I wearing clothes?! I wanna be naked![insert more complaints here][/whiny-emo]


Thanks, Oogie. :3 *Hug*