
Started by Helena, August 31, 2005, 12:56:21 PM

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Ok so yea I'm not being shy anymore. Anyway I have a very weird messed up situation. And I need opinions from an outside source so yea. And I'm sry to those who think I'm complaining if it seems so, but my friends don't help usually they make it worse. So yea...*sigh*

Lets friend is wanting a bf since she feels all alone and depressed, but I dunno I feel like she does this to get attention. So to make things worse she goes out and picks up guys out of no where and I'm worried is all. She is too....naive and trusts ppl to easily. took me and her two yrs before I considered her a friend...but anyway I'm worried. Should I just let her be stupid? I would do that, but when she gets hurt she comes to me and I can't really take it....I hate it when ppl cry. I freeze up and become kinda cold sometimes in situations like that too. Oh, and on Friday I know she is meeting this one guy and I know him...lets say all he wants is  :yeahthat

And again I'm sry...for complaining if anyone feels like I'm doing this. But yeah... :redrum  :stupid
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Mageknight Locke

getting into relationships becuase you are lonely and depressed is one of the worst ways you can go about it, i know that through experience, itll just end up in tears. i would try to talk her out of it and try tackle the reason shes depressed or else she'l just get more depressed when everything falls through


lol I've tried that. It might be best if I just kick her arse and let her be mad at me for a while. If she gets mad at anyone she doesn't like going out to places, and then I cna wear all black again! lol...ok I'm kidding with the whole wearing black comment.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Mageknight Locke

what are you saying, black is the best colour of them all. ok technically its a shade but still.......

Jorge D. Fuentes

It sounds like your friend has Self-Esteem issues.
There's little advice for that sort of thing, because only they themselves can get out of that peril.

Sometimes they outgrow it, but not before making many mistakes.
Sometimes some sense must be beat into them (Figuratively speaking, of course).

If you're truly her friend, then you'll try to help her through it.  She might hate you for it for a while, but in time she'll realize that you're trying to help.

Don't let her make any stupid mistakes, and be there for her... that's the best I can say.


Yeah black is nice it goes with anything.

And I know I should help her, but I know she will hate me for a while....but again at this point I don't care if she likes me or not. I can live without her if she likes. It would save me a lot of stress for a while lol...I think she is the one who gives me gray hair...that's right I'm like only 18 and I already have gray hair. That's why I dye my hair now!  :D
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Sin Ominous

It shows you care, Helena. The hate would just be temporary, because later on she'll eventually thank you for it. To bail on her wouldn't be a wise decision, especially if you have the opportunity to help.

I was going to IM about this, because I'm recovering from relationship depression, but you weren't online.


Yeah...I still am a bit depressed myself in relationship department too. Prolly cuz I have to still deal with my ex bf on a daily basis. We fight all the time lol...we're too different, but we can actually get along at some things. But, I kinda got a new bf and now my ex is jealous so I'm dealing with that now meself.

Yep, I'll tlak to Amanda prolly later tonight or Friday. I just dunno what exactly I'm going to say. I wanna be calm about it cuz I know if I get all cold and get hateful she will get like that too.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


There's a good cahnce she's gonna get hateful anyway just for the fact that you bring it up, as there is a good chance she'll bail on you completely just because you tried to help. She may just interpret what you do the wrong way.


Yeah, my friends always do that. They only look at what I'm doing wrong. Well, there are a few that don't do that. But most of them are judging little freaks of nature.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


Well it's a thing with people in a situation like hers. They won't see what they are doing wrong, and don't want help from anyone else because of it.


True. I haven't talked to her yet...hopefully she didn't bail and decide to meet the guy tonight. Knowing my luck... :redrum  :meh
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


It happens. Some people are slaves to their stupid hormones.


Yeah, her and I are fighting right now online! She is lost...the guy has brainwashed her or something. I we aren't friends she blocked me. Oh, well....she got mad cause I am going to tell her brother. He's the only one that can do anything now. So.... :meh I'm in a ...not bad mood, but disappointed and kinda sad.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


Tis the way of things, sadly.



Why are you butting into her life?  It's not your life.  She's allowed to make her own mistakes and choose her own people.  I hate the presumtiousness of friends that make them think they're so much better at choosing the people someone else should surround themselves with.

As a friend, your job is to be supportive of her choices (unless, of couse, they could directly result in death) and be there for her when something fucks up.  If she's not asking for advice, and her life is not in dire danger, then what exactly is the problem?

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Esnel Pla

Gotta love yourself before you even try to love someone else.


Just buy a lot of booze, mix it up, and invite your friend and that guy over. :evar

Mageknight Locke

yea, thats REAL good advice, make it 50 times worse......


I bet the guy wouldn`t mind, thouh.  :D


Isn't it advice like this that got you banned at ICVDF, Paav?


thanks for speaking sence in my absence.....

               The last thing that girl needs is a threesome with screwed up people


I'm butting into her life cuz the guy is abusive and she is stupid. Anyway, it doesn't matter she called me today.... :tired at 5 a.m. and I listened to her for like two hours cry a lot and saying that I was right. Apparently, I got her to ask some questions to the guy. And he got mad at her because she wanted a relationship and he didn't. But, man he's mad at me now, but I don't care. I'll just run over him with my car!!! Mwhahaha....yeah I've been up too long without coffee.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Mageknight Locke

 :meh pyrotechnics are soooooo much more fun than hit and runs


Just remember, use a soultion of water and lye to dispose of the body. Eats away all the evidence.

Mageknight Locke

 :meh covering the body with thermite and igniting it leaves nothing at all, or there always the acid bath :mwaha


Thermite is easier to trace than lye. Not a lot of people use thermite anymore.

Mageknight Locke

yea but its oooh soo pretty


Prettyness isn't worth as much as freedom.


Yeah, I wil prolly set him on fire. I would love to hear him scream in agony.  :mwaha Lye? Yeah, that stuff is basically pure acid. I never heard of thermite, oh wells.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?