Started by Brunhidden, May 31, 2009, 04:02:22 AM

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Now that the pills are kicking in i can get back to normal and tell people whats been up in my life

first off- my eldest daughter eowyn is still cute, still crazy, still a fangirl, still loves horror movies and 80s violent series, and has recently taken up playing medal of honor with her uncle

second- i am going back to school for a degree in criminal justice. its incredibly fun for education. one of my teachers started class with a George Carlin reference, the chair is a crazy lady who has a reflex to judo throw people who sneak up behind her, and one of the more advanced classes the first assignment is to watch CSI and write down what all is wrong with the show. the schedule is a little hectic, we only meet three days a week for ten weeks and a final, which lets me go through quick but at breakneck speeds to fit in three semesters a year. later on i get a fingerprint kit and other assorted crime gear, fun

third- mia my youngest now has four teeth, is learning to crawl, can feed herself a bottle, and says 'dadadadada' often. for such a little girl she has amazing leg strength and disturbingly sharp claws

fourth- wife broke her ankle, but its mostly healed. the sad part is almost nothing changed in her daily schedule while stuck in the chair.... other then i had to had to adjust the pillow under her foot

fifth- were dirt poor, i haven't worked in six months, the marrage may or may not be in trouble, i have a mysterious lump on my arm, and my unemployment checks will stop in two weeks right after i see a dentist about half my teeth being only half there. thus if i disappear there is probably a reason, howe4ver most possible reasons are not pretty and not fun..... i need some cheering up, possibly by booze if i can find one that increases my sense of self worth...
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on May 31, 2009, 04:02:22 AM
i need some cheering up, possibly by booze if i can find one that increases my sense of self worth...

I wouldn't recommend that.  Firstly alcohol is a depressant, and more importantly you probably don't want to take it alongside the pills.

Alas, I don't really have much in the way of other suggestions, but I hope things do work out for you somehow.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that this is happening to you Brun.  What absolute hell. Just for one, please do not go for the booze - for one it isn't cheap and two if your marriage may/may not be in trouble it definitely will be at that point. And please don't take any offense to anything I say.. I know I am not in your situation and I have no idea what pain and suffering you're going through but I still wish I could help. If anything it might help to try to be thankful for what you do have.. just keep pushing forward. If you want self worth look at your kids - they love you and I'm sure they're an aboslute joy to be around! You need to keep pushing forward for them, keep trying and never give up.

I had quite the rough childhood and if I learned anything it was to just keep pushing forward. There were a lot of times where we didn't know what we were going to eat or where we would sleep but everything turned out ok.. it always did. My mom got a serious head injury - just got divorced and had two young kids. She had to learn how to walk and talk again.. then she developed chronic pain from her hips down (RSD) so she was confined to a wheel chair and was told she'd never walk again. I was 7. She never gave up though and now she walks really well with just the slight aid of a cane.

I hope you can find some hope in all of this. I wish there was something more I could offer other than my sympathy but my thoughts will definitely be with you.


Good work with the criminal Justice, it does sound like fun, as do the kids. I do hope things work out in a decent way. Even if finances are in trouble I'd suggest getting that lump checked out if at all possible so that if it is something serious, which if it is could lead to a whole new set of problems, you will have probably caught it early enough to deal with it before it creates more problems.   :januscat