[writing] Continuing adventures of Reginald Joshua Esquire - Clan Warz

Started by Sofox, May 29, 2009, 09:12:55 PM

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There is a green hill far away, I'm going back there one fine day... - The Waterboys

But no, I would never return to those green hills, because I would be dead, or at least I would be, if I died.

As I lay on the blood smeared body of a dragon that was dead and a enemy's hand held the blade of a knife an inch from my neck, I thought back to all the sequence of events that had led me here.

Centuries ago, I had left the academy and started up a clan in a place with green fields and it had been good and I had really, really liked it. But then these dragons tried to kill us all and we had to fight back but they still killed some of us which made us angry so we just had to fight back more so this led to a lot of small battles then this great big gigantic battle where I killed this dragon and fell onto his body from exhaustion when another dragon (in anthro form) walked up and put a knife to my throat.

And that was how I ended up there.

"Don't you see? You clan is weak. We need to kill them."
"The only one weak here is you. For trying to kill us in the firstplace."
"No we are strong because we kill."
"No that is not true."
"Yes, it is."
But while I had him distracted with the banter, I slipped a knife from my boot and stabbed him in the lower tendon.
"You tried to kill us which proved you were weak, but now we shall kill you which proves we are strong."
And I slammed the butt of the knife into the lower section of his cranium and shot him a few times through the eye socket.
"For you this chapter ends, but for us the story continues."

And I flew back into the battle.



The battle was violent.
In the savage butchery, I swung my sword and killed dragons. They will die before I do, I determined, my clan will survive.
But then I got hit by a rock and woke up in a hospital 2 years later.
"What happened?" I asked the doctor.
"You suffered a subdural hematoma, we operated but you did not regain consciousness. We thought you would stay unconscious forever."
"I wouldn't stay unconscious forever, I'd die after a few thousand years." I scolded.
"Oh, and your clan's dead."
"The clan was completely genocided. You're the last one."
"What about my wife."
"Stabbed while at the divorce laywer."
"What about my children?"
"Slaughtered while in the arms of their adoptive fathers."
"My dog?"
"Pyometra. You really should have had her splayed."
"My goldfish?"
"You didn't really expect anyone to feed it did you? There was the whole matter of mass graves and such that took slightly more precedence around that time."
"My concubine?"
"She was raped repeatedly, largely by you, but was strangled to death before the battle took place, also by you if you recall."
"Dammit, I... I can't believe this!" I had no one and I fell into a deep, and traumatic depression but by the evening I was feeling better.
"There is only one thing to do, I must enact vengeance on all the dragons of that clan, that will teach them not to enact genocide."
"But they have only grown more powerful. That have casinos and cities and a whole new country."
"Well that just means I'll have to kill more."
"Should you really be doing this? Maybe you should forget all the traumatic violence the dragons did to your clan. Maybe you should just walk away and turn your back on the death of the millions of cubi that you failed to protect."
"No, this is my battle. It is only right that I kill every single dragon from that clan that I see. Revenge is a dish best served by me."
"As a doctor, I took an oath not to harm anyone, but I don't see any harm in releasing a clearly homicidal and vengeance driven cubi from this hospital."
"Awesome, where's the nearest member of that Dragon clan?"
"In the bed beside you, he was admitted after a severe peptic ulcer leading to duodenal perforation. There were complications during surgery but we got him stabilised and he's now recovering."
"Perfect." I said.
I stood on top of his body, and pressed my foot down on his neck for several moments before the the gasps stopped and the dragon became still.
"One down, more to go."