[Story] The Rifter Chronicles

Started by Myr, May 25, 2009, 09:26:47 PM

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((This happens to be a concept for a novel I've been working on for years...despite various mishaps setting me back. If you have questions or comments, feel free to put them here. I would be much happier if you PM me with the questions, though.

To be straightforward, however. Different worlds; realities even, and the ability to travel between them...rather cliche I guess, nowadays. Non-human creatures, intelligent or otherwise...perhaps the same. Also, as far as I know, this shouldn't be extreme in any fashion, be it violence, language, or otherwise.

Either way, hope you enjoy the story...and thank you, Lysander, for your rather invaluable critique and take on this.

As time permits, I'll add more parts and try to index them. ))


The Rifter Chronicles

Chapter One
"What do you mean this is just beginning?" ~ Dreca De'sol, entertainer

            Click. "Aw crud...." The janitor grumbled as a hidden speaker in the facility started to speak in a flat, gender-indefinite tone. "Biological error detected in treatment tanks three, nine, and sixteen. Contents are to be purged in four minutes. Waypoint cleanup crew will be required, along with medical squad. I repeat..." Well, that certainly ruined his break for the evening. "Watch it be another parasite or something," the fellow muttered as he pulled on his work suit -making room for his horse-like tail in the process. The 'Waypoint' featured a lot of unusual employees...some, like Durre, from an entirely different reality. Then again, one could already see that when dealing with a chap that had hooves instead of feet, and was decidedly of the equine persuasion in build...At least he had actual hands, not forehooves. "Heh, oh well...I'm sure to have a lot of cleaning, at any rate."
          No doubt a place that tended to serve as an inter-dimensional medical center that was probably quite often, no? But no matter...you're here to find out what happened to me, not that Ra'heiran stallion right? Though I do admit his tale does twine with mine at some point...Oh? I need to get on with it? Ahh, all right...Let's start from the real beginning, shall we?


             "GET HIM!" The merchant screamed coarsely as a young man darted with remarkable agility from his shop and into, of all places, the middle of the street in plain view of half the populace. Not good; not good at all. What now? The fellow thought as he glanced around warily. Hmm, he wasn't really that notable of a person, really, or so he seemed. Tattered shirt, patched shorts and one old-looking shoe on one foot, a sandal on the other...really, not someone you'd look twice out usually. Hmm...there we go, he smiled as he spotted an alley a moment later-just as one could hear the sounds that definitely hinted officials were coming to investigate.
             Just in time, it seemed. Wouldn't last too long once they began asking questions though. Joy. The man sighed as he leaned against one of the walls and eyed his prize-a small ring made of copper. Not worth much, but it'd do if he could get away with it...and how he was going to do that was a good question in itself. The chap sighed and turned to face the back of the alleyway even as the sounds of a general commotion could be heard from the vicinity of his theft. Pale, nearly colorless eyes narrowed as the vagrant concentrated on that grimy wall, the hand holding the ring clenched loosely as the other rose, palm outward.
             For a moment...nothing seemed to happen. Then...if anyone had been in the immediate vicinity, they would have noted his dusty beige hair raising slightly, and perhaps would have felt an odd tingle as forces hardly known, and definitely not understood began to go to work.
             Ah, there we go, he thought with satisfaction as the wall started to ripple, almost like mist when a light wind blows through it. Then again, it didn't help that the wall also became decidedly translucent in the process. "There's someone back there! Gerry and Armand, take a look would you? Ask'em if they've seen anything...or if they match the description."
              "Yes sir." There was the clank of metal as two men-quite difficult to tell apart due to their equipment, really- stepped into the alley one after the other.
             "Not much time," the young man muttered to himself just as the ripple became more pronounced.
              "Oei, you," One of the men rumbled just as he was about to step through the...well, rip in reality, so to speak.
              "Yes?" He asked in a mild voice even as they took a step closer with a steely clank. The officers in this world apparently wore steel boots along with a metal vest, and several belts holding various materials-presumably for use on criminals.
               "Er, nevermind," he added hastily as the expressions on their faces hardened-perhaps they'd noticed he was the one they'd been looking for. "I'd best be going right now...you know how things go, really...always in a hurry." He smiled broadly even as he stepped backwards into that hole in the fabric of existence and vanished. Indeed, no one was going to believe the reports those two were going to file, that was for sure.


              Now, this is where I come into the story. You see, even though every world out there has something in common, that's no promise everything's in the exact same place. It also doesn't help when a Rifter falls backward onto your bedding, really, then glances around with that impression of 'No, this really isn't where I wanted to go...' either. I can also heartily say that my being someone of a decidedly feline persuasion didn't help the situation. I mean, there I was enjoying a nice, relaxing sprawl-not to mention having settled in to smoke some good catnip for once- when some nearly furless thing lands on my bed. At first I thought I had perhaps taken a puff too many.
              But then, you should have seen his expression when he caught sight of me, just as I realized that not only had I just started on my weekly relaxation-and that indeed, hallucinations didn't have a weird, unknown scent. Nor did they stare at you in a distinctly flabbergasted expression that possibly rivals your own.
              Undoubtedly the sight of a oversized, civilized lynx wearing a pair of blue, loose-fitting pants was a bit much for the poor human...as was seeing a seemingly dirty, furless being in patched clothes was to me. Just who was to react first? I, who was slightly fogged from a few minutes of habitual indulgence, or a poor, disorientated human? Alas, I think it was he who acted first.
              "And just what the heck are you? Some kind of demon?" The stranger asked, one of his hands dipping into a tatty pocket at his side.
              Apparently he'd gotten over his shock and was quite willing to defend himself, it seemed...just with what, I couldn't possibly imagine at the moment. I steeled myself to talk, hoping perhaps not to cause any further shock to him-or myself, for that matter, since by now I'd pretty much come out of that relaxing state of mind I enjoy so much. "I should ask you the same question, especially since you're the one that appeared out of nowhere and landed on my bed."
              "Right. So I can assume this isn't...well, you know...?" The young man glanced around again, seemingly bored as I frowned in puzzlement. Obviously we had a quick adapter, hmm? "Well, the underworld? Seems kind of dull, now that I'm a bit used to it..." His eyes-a surprisingly pale shade in my opinion, focused on me again. "Though I don't think I'll get used to seeing an oversized cat in clothes."
              "Just like I don't think I'll get used to seeing some furless being? At least you had sense to wear something," I huffed as I managed to sit up-and immediately put a paw to my head. Okay, maybe I had taken a puff too many for this situation. But at least this cat could say he still retained his common sense. "Now...since you're the one that just appeared out of the ether..." I paused, tail twitching as I rubbed the side of my head a little, "I get to ask the questions first. What are you? Where exactly do you come from? I don't recall any species like yours in the area...or on this world, for that matter." You know, this brought to mind that perhaps he-or she, since I wasn't sure yet- might be some bizarre creature from another planet. Truth to tell, I didn't know how close to the truth I might have been...in a sense.
               The oddity snorted as he eyed what I'd been enjoying shortly before his chaotic appearance. "What's that, this Realm's version of a smoke? Smells like catnip..."
               Well, at least he had a reasonably good sense of smell, apparently. And it also seemed he hadn't quite listened to me...or if he had, just wasn't answering yet. I sighed grumpily before standing up. Fei, no use looking imposing...he was a good head and shoulders above me! "I asked you some questions," I growled as I stepped over to the lad. It was then I noted that perhaps, indeed, he was a male. "Now, give me some answers before I call in the Siaders." For those that are curious, the 'Siaders' are our equivalent of other-realms' police forces.
               "Say-ders, huh," the human said as his attention focused on me again. My, how he butchered our words! Despite that, I locked gazes with him stonily...though the slightly fogged look in my eyes might have made it less impressionable. Oh well, at least I had his attention finally. "Guess that's the law around here. Well," He sighed mockingly as I tried my best to stand straight, "I guess I can kill some time. Got a place I can sit for a few?" The man smiled winningly-the true look of a con artist at work. I made a mental note to frisk him for any belongings he might have acquired during the examination of my house.
              I nodded, tail twitching slightly as I pointed at the couch. "Thanks," He grunted as he skillfully sidestepped me to plop firmly onto the mentioned furniture. "Not really big enough, but it'll do. Now, questions, questions." The man clucked his tongue. "What I am? That's a good question in itself. I guess I'm a human." I blinked. Human? What's that? I decided I wouldn't ask yet...then realized I had the answer right in front of me.
               Still wouldn't hurt to ask exactly what a human was, I guess. "I'm also guessing you don't trade with other Realms-or at least not on a well-known enough scale." That too was filed away for a future question as I frowned. "What about where you're from?"
               Fingers ran though his hair as he chuckled. "Don't remember. Some Realm where my kind exist, and there's a lot of those. I don't recall hearing of any Realm like this one though." The fellow leaned forward. "Now its my turn to ask one. What's your name, cat?" Cat! As if I'm one of those everyday varieties...
               I sniffed, an ear quirking. "I'm a lynx, thank you...but the name's Miecha. What's yours?" My head tilted slightly despite the fact he'd lumped me with my cousins. Cat indeed. Hmmph.
                "You can call me Raek," He said with a slight smile before leaning back. "So you're a lynx? Never heard of 'em." Okay, either he was deliberately testing me...or...well, I don't know, I guess we don't exist where he lives? Either way I was getting rather irritated.  "Any other questions...like how I got here?" He huffed as he examined one of the small rolls I'd been enjoying earlier-I think one would call them similar to a cigarette in some places- in obvious consideration of what to do.  It was put down a moment later as he sighed gustily. "Though I do admit, I wasn't trying for a place with talking...lynxes, when I stepped through."
                 Stepped through? At least my mind could grasp that much, to be honest. I might have been shocked out of the full effects earlier, but it would take a little longer to completely wear off. Before I could ask what he meant, however, the 'human' had started talking again. "Anyway, let me guess...there's not just you, but lots of other animals that can talk? Well, not animals in the sense of dumb beasts," He amended as I tilted my head, eyes narrowing alarmingly. Well, it wasn't like I had eyebrows to raise! When your body is coated in a uniform fur that tends to be a lacking feature of one's anatomy. "But intelligent, like you seem to be." Seem to be? My tail twitched slightly. That was a little much, thank you, but still...I did get what he meant.
               One of my tufted ears quirked finally as I sidled over to sit on the floor-hopefully out of Raek's reach, if events suddenly soured. "If you mean others like myself, then yes," I said slowly, "But if you'd said that to anyone else, I'm rather sure you'd be dead now." I smirked as my tail curled slightly to settle in my lap.  "In fact, I'm rather offended myself. We're not stupid, like our cousins." Though, you have to admit the more civilized brethren of the rodents I hunted did look rather tempting...but I digress.  The tip of my tail twitched lazily as I shuffled a little to keep comfortable. "But yes, there are others like my self, of many different races." I snorted in amusement. "I'd say some of them would think of you as a giant by our standards."
                  "Really?" He tilted his head thoughtfully.
                  I nodded, shrugging. "Well, you're larger than most around here..." At least he didn't seem to be a bad chap after the initial few minutes or so, to be honest. But still...it was kind of unnerving to be around an unknown species that was larger than you-and you weren't sure what exactly it ate. True, he'd also admitted that he'd never heard of my kind....
                 "Hey, what's that sound?" The man glanced around at the soft scrabbling that pervaded the home suddenly.
                  Hmm? I blinked, then smiled toothily. "Oh, that's probably my lunch...or the mail, I'm not sure which." Well, that felt better, seeing him as confused as I'd felt thus far.
                   "You get mail?" He snorted as the soft sound continued for a moment longer. "We're not in a town are we? Because I'm pretty sure I don't want to open the door."
                  I shook my head. "No, we're not in town. Otherwise they'd be knocking." I sighed. "Might as well get it. You stay there." The vagrant eyed me for a moment-obviously debating my...well, it sounded like a command, I guess- as I stood up and stretched.  Guess the carrier can't get the slot open...I hate it when they send in a new one. My wiry tail switched lazily in mild annoyance as I padded over to the door and knelt. "Back up," I muttered as I tapped on the mail slot. Well, at least the scrabbling stopped. Whoever was attempting to give me my mail apparently had it in their mouth, if they couldn't use their paws to get the slot open. Oei. "Just a second," I huffed as I gently pulled the small flap inward. Almost immediately a small, vulpine muzzle poked through with a letter.
                  Murf. Almost immediately afterwards I felt a tap on my shoulder. Okay, lesson one for off-worlders. Never, ever surprise a Bair'kae (As the races of my world are apparently called by other Realms.) like that. We may function reasonably well with intelligence, but we still depend considerably on instinct.
                   At least I didn't jump. Not only would that have hurt the mail carrier-which, my nose was telling me, was a swift fox. Figures they'd send one of the smallest breeds in the world to give me my mail. But, if I had jumped, I probably would have cracked my head against Raek's chin. Not a pretty picture in my opinion. Amusing, yes, but not pretty. Anyway...my head whipped around to eye him seriously. "Don't...do...that. I almost bit you." Yes, that had been the next reaction my body had in mind. My ears flicked back as the vulpine whined. Apparently he was waiting for me to grab the letter so he could continue with his duties. Why didn't he drop it, you ask? Good question; I don't know myself.
                    "Ah, sorry," He retreated a step. "Is that a Nalitoche? If so, then you've had to have others around here before." I frowned as I reached for the letter, my irritation forgotten.  "What's a Nalitoche?" The human grinned at my newfound confusion as the fox's jaws retreated briefly before sticking another letter through the slot.
                   "A Nalitoche is a animal that looks sort of like a fox...but it's obviously not when you get a better look." He grunted as he knelt down himself to grab the next letter. "It's got feathered wings, is a little over a foot in length, and a squirrel-like tail." Add in a pair of beady, intelligent eyes, cat-like paws complete with retracting claws, and a few other odd-but harder to note-qualities, and there you had it. Of course, I hadn't seen one at that point. "No one knows what Realm they originated in, but you can find them in many places. They're smarter than they look, incredibly loyal, and legendary escape artists. They also tend to sound like little kids if they learn to talk."
                    I blinked as I took in the information. "Erm...No."
                    Before Raek could say anything again, there was a grumble from the delivery slot. "Er, just a moment; I'll get your reward."
                     "You better...it took me all morning to find this place!" The fox huffed from outside.
                     "Just keep your fur on, or I won't give you anything. Mouse sound good?" There was a brief pause, during which my 'guest' looked at me questioningly. What, doesn't anyone tip the mail carrier in other worlds?
                      "Got any small birds?"
                      "I'm not sure...but I'll have to close the slot so I can check."
                      "Sure, sure..." the small vulpine grumbled again as I let the flap drop. "Everyone says that before telling the local wolves they've got a free snack trottin' around."
                      "Can't help it if the bigger predators think of 'small and fluffy' as free food," I snorted as made my way to the 'kitchen' section of my two-room home. Well, it was more like a small larder, with an icebox for the more perishable foods.  "Let's see..." Rabbit, a fish...don't recall exactly what that is...ah, a sparrow. For me, a snack...to a swift fox...probably breakfast. "Here we go. And what are you doing?" I said as I turned to see Raek preparing to open the door.
                      "Thought it'd be good to let the little guy in, he's sounding all irritable." He smiled impishly. "Besides, if he can fit his snout through a mail slot, I really have to see how small he is." Er...I looked a bit indecisive, I admit, bird in paw and faced with this scenario. So, so many things could go wrong...
                     "No...just...no." I shook my head slowly. "We don't need to have him blabbing to everyone in town that I'm housing something without fur, scales, or feathers." My tail curled slightly behind me as I frowned. "True, there's a few out there without'em...but nothing matching your description. Here you go, Short Stuff." I snickered as I knelt down to stick the fox's reward through the slot. "Sorry to keep you wai-"
                    "Short stuff?" the vulpine huffed indignantly as the flap slipped shut, "Short stuff indeed...If one of my cousins was here, they'd show you 'short stuff'. But thanks." I smiled slightly as the delivery-fox trotted off with his prize. Now, why did that amuse me so? Perhaps it was how the fellow said it. Oh well. I coughed delicately as I turned towards the couch. "Tell you what. I'm going to get back to relaxing while we talk. Mind, I won't go all out like I do once a week, but I think I need it right now."
                    Raek clucked his tongue again as I walked by. "I'd join you, but catnip's not my thing. But why couldn't I let him in?" I paused as I felt his hand on my shoulder once more. My, that felt weird. But then, he wasn't of my world, so it was probably natural.
                   I frowned as I glanced back at him. "Well, as I said, you're not like any species around here...he might've blabbed about the fact you seem to be...well, an other-worldly creature...which you are in my opinion. But let me calm down at least, and you can explain about this 'stepping through', and 'Realms'. I admit I am a bit curious about that." I smiled a bit more, the expression perhaps a bit too toothy for one's taste.
                  He sighed. "Fine...but you got anything I can drink? Wine, water, tea...almost anything goes right now."
                  "I got juice, if that works," I snickered as I freed my shoulder and made my way again. "Just check the icebox. Don't have any cups though."
                  Now, that was true enough. Electricity and running water were a bit of a commodity for city-dwellers and the like. Though, I do admit I went to the trouble of getting the mentioned water, at least... Hmm? You want to know a little about my home? Well, as I've said...it's only two rooms.  One serves as the bathroom-complete with a small window since I didn't have electric- and the other...well, if you can consider a combination of bedroom, living room, and kitchen as one place that services things quite nicely. Yes, a couple of windows that let light in, but didn't allow for peering eyes, allowed one to see the feline bric-a-brac I owned-and what wasn't displayed in the sunlight was shown in the glow of my small fireplace. As it were...nothing was really sized for my guest either-being that very few species reach-or even go beyond- his size.
                    No matter. I sighed as I settled down again and reached for a roll. This was probably going to be a long day. "Ewww...I don't even want to know what that is..." Indeed, it was going to be a long day.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr