05/03/09 [CVRPG #1000g] - Super Special Comic 1000, Part 8

Started by bradypodidae, May 03, 2009, 11:42:56 AM

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Okay, Future Darkmoon kills Past Darkmoon, therefore removing himself from being able to proceed into the future to return and kill himself, therefore he doesn't because he can't although he did so he can... so... um... wait... muh brain goes ouchy.

I guess when it comes down to the time line of histories and the possibilities of multiple paths, Yogi Berra has the best advice, " When you come to a fork in the road, take it".

Take that, paradoxes, indeed!

edit - Mods, I'm not sure the date is correct, and edited for typo - advise/advice?
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi


llearch n'n'daCorna

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