Deadliest Warrior

Started by Nikki, April 27, 2009, 09:24:37 AM

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First Episode was freaking awesome. Missed the second. The third both made sense and ticked me off. Next episode looks pretty freaking awesome.

Some of it's not too accurate but it's Bloody History for entertainment so what can we really expect?

Needless to say, i'm hooked.  :P

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


And i called bullcrap at that.

Well, next is Pirate vs Knight, and i'm wondering how the Gun is going to fare against that armor. And personally, even though i love pirates, i wanna see the Pirate's head be smashed open with the MorningStar ;P

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


i can't wait for the samauri vs viking, it'll be more interesting i think, because if they do averages, like with ninjas vs. spartans it'll be 130 lb, 5'3" samauri, vs 5'10" 200 lb viking... really, the sheer size difference will give the vikings some pretty massive advantages... such as samauri armor being designed to stop a blow from someone of about equal size and strength...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Samurai vs Viking already aired, i believe, but I wasn't able to catch it  :cry

For that one i'm rooting for the Samurai~ And as seen with Apache vs Gladiator, it's not always size and brawn that wins  ;) Of course for the Spartan vs Ninja, i did indeed root for the Spartan (GASP!), even though i love me sum ninja, and (Spoiler) [size=9]that one proved that Speed & Brains don't always win as well.[/size]

Then again the 'fights' are all being made using data that is probably only about 85% accurate, though i'm not one to complain because the resulting carnage is awesome.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


DAMN MY LACK OF CABLE AND/OR SATELLITE!! this really sounds like something i would watch religiously.
wait... do i spy "watch full episode" on that page??
One week in air, two weeks in water, two weeks in water, eight weeks in ground.


Yes you do!!

Though the freaking commercial beforehand made me want to scream bloody murder.
Edit: Matter of fact, i happen to have a cut on my lip where i bit down to keep myself from screaming  :B

And even though i'm graduated from High School, me and my history teacher have re-connected and talk about this show over e-mails  :eager He was my favorite teacher so being able to talk to him 'bout stuff like this is AWESOME.

In other news; Morningstar. I wants one.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I'm going to be a wet blanket here and say that this entire show is, though entertaining and with very well-choreographed scenes, pretty dumb-looking. Just watching the Apache vs. Gladiator one and hearing the latter be referred to as a "death machine" raised some red flags, and it kinda petered out from there.

Granted the guys representing the Apaches were pretty cool, but the people arguing for the gladiators were... well, they certainly weren't convincing, let's just say that.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Pirate vs Knight; My thoughts.
Keep in mind I am writing this as I watch it.

Let it be known that, at the beginning of this, I am rooting for the Knight. Covered in armor with a purpose. The first tanks. Then again, Pirates were like soldiers. With guns. No side shows mercy so...
But I really don't count out the Pirate because...well...Things that go Boom. So I suppose you can say I'm rooting for the both of them.
On to the fun stuff.

Weapon #1 for the Knight; Morning star. I love this weapon. It is gruesome, unpredictable, and as it was shown, can basically whip out a brain.
Weapon #1 for the Pirate; Grenado. The forerunner of the grenade. Alright, I like things that go Boom. When it was tested on the pigs, I actually expected a lot more. But the shrapnel, the fact it can disorient, it's a pretty decent weapon.
The edge went to the pirate, but only because the Knight would have to close the distance between him and an enemy in order to use the full lethality.

Weapon #2 for the Knight: Crossbow. Forerunner of the Sniper Rifle. Fast, accurate, and lethal.
Weapon #2 for the Pirate: Flintlock Pistol. Well, it's a gun and it's known I don't really like guns. It dented the armor, but not lethal.
Edge went rightfully to the Knight.

Weapon #3 for the Pirate; Blunderbuss. Versitile and possibly lethal. A Hand cannon. Against the armor...uhm. Misfire. Okay, second shot. BLAM. Armor didn't do SQUAT.  Forget the Pistol, give me the Blunderbuss.
Weapon #3 for the Knight; Halberd. A poleaxe that I really do admire and love. Slasher, stabber, hooker...And all I can say as I watched is HOLY SHAT. I'm sorry Morningstar, but I think the Halberd just wormed into my #1 spot for weapons in this episode.
Edge went to the Bunderbuss...neh. At least the Halberd won't misfire. goes BOOM. So. Agreed.

Weapon #4 for the Knight: Broadsword. Break your bones, hack off a limb...Cut through the piggy like a hot knife through butter.
Weapon #4 for the Pirate: Cutlass. Slicer. Didn't cut ALL the way through but still deadly.
Equal. Again, I agree. Then again, all swords are really kickass.

Weapon #5 for the Pirate; Boarding Axe. 3 'ends', CLOSE range. It pierced the knight's helmet, but didn't reach the skull. Not a killshot.
Weapon #5 for the Knight; Not really a weapon, but the Armor.
Edge to the Knight.

Enter in the data and run the simulation of 1,000 battles.
*Insert my random squeaks, yells, yelps, growls, EEPs, 'Oshit!'s, and other things*
Not saying who won but I was SURPRISED.

The next Episode is the Mafia against the Yakuza. I'm excited for that one ;D Only thing I'm wondering is; Will it be one-on-one as well? Since these two groups ALWAYS worked in...well, groups.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


did anyone notice that the end of season 1 is IRA vs Taliban? 

QuoteIRA vs. Taliban

The Taliban - deadly extremists battling in the mountains of Afghanistan, versus the I.R.A. - elusive, hard-hitting masters of Ireland's urban jungles. It's a battle to the death, between two lethal guerilla warriors, armed to the teeth with flamethrowers, rocket launchers, carbines, mines and a devastating home-made bombs.

it's almost painful to try and imagine...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I'm waiting for Democrats vs Republicans.

Republicans win hands down, since Dems are all pacifists who'd try to use diplomacy, while the evil right-wing lunatics would savagely blow them to kingdom come with cluster bombs, nukes, and water-boarding.

Evil wins.  Flawless victory.    :mwaha
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


All the beer and whiskey.

Oh dear.


Quote from: rabid_fox on April 30, 2009, 05:18:42 PM

All the beer and whiskey.
Whiskey wins hands down.

Furries vs nonfurries?
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



Quote from: Joe3210 on April 30, 2009, 08:01:38 PM
Quote from: rabid_fox on April 30, 2009, 05:18:42 PM

All the beer and whiskey.
Whiskey wins hands down.

Furries vs nonfurries?

Nonfurries win by sheer numbers.   Plus the fact that a bunch of furries stand there trying to morph into 'real selves... not realizing that they actually can't.   :P
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Quote from: Alondro on May 01, 2009, 08:02:50 AM
Quote from: Joe3210 on April 30, 2009, 08:01:38 PM
Quote from: rabid_fox on April 30, 2009, 05:18:42 PM

All the beer and whiskey.
Whiskey wins hands down.

Furries vs nonfurries?

Nonfurries win by sheer numbers.   Plus the fact that a bunch of furries stand there trying to morph into 'real selves... not realizing that they actually can't.   :P

well, if balade's webcasts are anything to go by, at least here, we've got a freakishly tall male following... and that equals leverage and range in a straight up fight... and since the show is 1 on 1, numbers don't mean a thing.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Ok, the average furry is also severely overweight and unathletic.

If we go by basic population stats, the furry still loses.

Unless BO is taken into account as a weapon...  :giggle
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on April 30, 2009, 10:47:11 AM
did anyone notice that the end of season 1 is IRA vs Taliban? 

QuoteIRA vs. Taliban

The Taliban - deadly extremists battling in the mountains of Afghanistan, versus the I.R.A. - elusive, hard-hitting masters of Ireland's urban jungles. It's a battle to the death, between two lethal guerilla warriors, armed to the teeth with flamethrowers, rocket launchers, carbines, mines and a devastating home-made bombs.

it's almost painful to try and imagine...
I honestly have no clue if that's a joke or if it's real.

If it's real, i must gag a little...and anticipate.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'm mildly annoyed that they only have one full episode on their server. Which means that anyone who missed the previous week misses out.

Mind you, I don't think we're really missing much; not when you see the other show they have on there, Manswers, which was answering the questions that men had asked that probably shouldn't have been. Like, say, how best and safest to have scuba sex...

Amusing, but not really thought-provoking.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ugh, i don't even bother to go around the rest of the site.

They actually have reruns on Saturdays, and i'm sure there's someone out there getting them all ready to DL as soon as the season/series ends.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Late+Double Post :X

Mafia vs Yakuza
Again, Typing this as I watch it, being the nerd I am.

Who am I rooting for? The Mafia, of course! Gotta stick with the home-team ;D In my friend's words; 'OMG, she's not rooting for the Asians? GASP.'
I'm not going to go into excruciating detail about the weapons this time~...Mostly because My attention is being diverted by my freaking brother who WON'T SHUT UP!!! D<

Mafia Weapons-Tommy gun, Molotov Cocktail, Baseball Bat, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Ice Pick

Yakuza Weapons-Sten Gun, Ceramic Grenade, Naunchucks, Walther P38 Pistol, Sai

Okay, watching this I'm on the EDGE of my seat (quite literally, I fell off at least twice) and biting my lip, wanting to just cut to the chase and see who the heck wins. But of course they need to go through the paces and do all the weapons testing before the simulated fight, though this is the first time I just wanna skip the whole testing cuz...I don't really like guns. Swords and other things are my thing xD
...Of course the commercials are QUITE annoying, and the fact that OnDemand doesn't have the show available AT ALL is...annoying >>
I did giggle when the Sai came out. I quite literally said 'HeeHee..Naruto." Yes, I am a dork. We all know that already~
After what seem like the LONGEST commercials EVER, we come back and HERE WE GOOOO...After a review of the weapons...*TapTapTapTapTap...*  Yap, yap, yap, yap...Oooo that laptop is cool...WAH HERE WE GO!!

...Bunch of one-on-one fights, whut? 0.o Uhm...That...uh...Ehhhhh...
Well it went how I thought it would 8D

The next matchup is Spetsnaz and the Green Beret...We're getting more modern here o.0

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


So is this a certain era of Yakuza or what? Because the Yakuza is still around and still strong and has access to very hi-tech weapons. I really don't think they use sai's and nunchucks still.


I -Believe- This was the 1920's era....Nope, 1940's era.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


1930's KKK vs 1930's Nazis.

Ending:  They join forces and attempt to exterminate all other races.   But then they inbreed too much and die.  :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Honestly i would like to see that for some reason XD

I actually hope they do another season and shuffle all the matchups around~

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on April 27, 2009, 09:51:58 AM
Spartan beats Ninja

That depends on the number of ninja present at the battle. The Law of Inverse Ninjitsu states that with each additional ninja present at the fight, the individual strength of the ninjas drops dramatically.
For instance in the movie 300, when Leonidas and his Spartans fought the Immortals of the Persians they won because Xerxes was stupid enough to employ all of them at once. Had Xerxes sent only 1 ninja, the ninja would have won.

Quote from: rabid_fox on April 30, 2009, 05:18:42 PM

All the beer and whiskey.

That's a trick question. The answer is both lose to the drinker, who will convert them into urine, and suffer only a hangover the next morning.

How about this one: Steamroller vs Eagle.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


I didn't even bother to watch the last episode x-x

The next one has me pumped though 8D

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3