04/24/09 [Abel 2 #52] - How to charm a lady

Started by Feather Dancer, April 24, 2009, 02:35:29 AM

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Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on April 24, 2009, 04:19:39 AM


This needs a badly written fanfic now, any takers?
I would, but I'm too egotistical to take on a job where doing something badly is a prerequisite.

In retrospect, I don't know why I didn't expect this. This is pre-reform Destania we're talking about, what motive would she have to hate someone so much? Hell hath no fury indeed.


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 24, 2009, 08:25:21 AM
Quote from: Turnsky on April 24, 2009, 08:24:58 AM

by the sounds of it, Aniz is something of a proverbial Don Juan. that is to say, she prolly caught him with another.

That would do it.

Possibly leading to another old 'Cubi proverb: "do not play footsie with the heart of an ancient and powerful (and eeeeevil) succubus, or else she will play baseball with yours".

I'm trying to decide on Destania's expression in that last panel. Is she smiling shyly and demurely at Aniz, or thinking "oh how cute", or making a valiant effort not to laugh in his face?
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


I would think from http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_527.php , Ink wouldn't have use his name in a positive way, especially a 'fake' one. That, and how would Able know about his new identity, I would think they never wanted to speak.

But that's my own speculation. I'm thinking it's more of what adventuring Edward did against Aniz.

Plus, why else would Destiana fall in love with him so quick? She doesn't seem like the forgiving type.


Quote from: tikitori on April 24, 2009, 12:25:45 PM
I would think from http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_527.php , Ink wouldn't have use his name in a positive way, especially a 'fake' one. That, and how would Able know about his new identity, I would think they never wanted to speak.
Ink was definitely winding him up.  We don't really know the how of it.  If Abel does know what happened to Aniz afterwards, it's probably not by talking to him directly, unless he does take up Destania's offer to jointly hunt him down (and Abel doesn't seem too happy with that idea, at least at the moment).

QuoteBut that's my own speculation. I'm thinking it's more of what adventuring Edward did against Aniz.
Plus, why else would Destiana fall in love with him so quick? She doesn't seem like the forgiving type.
Or the sort to marry a Being, to be honest.  Also, if someone else kills Aniz, they would in a way, be denying Destania her revenge.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

MT Hazard

Okay, new theory Dan is Aniz, as well as several other characters that resemble him, time travel, amnesia and genetic manipulation are factors.

Hey, I think It's about time for me to add a crazy theory.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on April 24, 2009, 01:16:18 PM
Okay, new theory Dan is Aniz, as well as several other characters that resemble him, time travel, amnesia and genetic manipulation are factors.
Hey, I think It's about time for me t add a crazy theory.

Let me dig up my "Abel is Dan's father" one.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


OK, I believe we are entering a stage were everyone starts making crazy theories and some one has to step in and stop it. It won't be me I like crazy theories and I would add one but I already made one up a wile sooner in this forum discussion.

Edit: when I said I made a crazy theory I was referring to the theory of Dee and Aniz actually just faking the Aniz went crazy and Dee wants to kill him setup so that they could be together.


Quote from: Garsemor on April 24, 2009, 01:27:35 PM
OK, I believe we are entering a stage were everyone starts making crazy theories and some one has to step in and stop it. It won't be me I like crazy theories and I would add one but I already made one up a wile sooner in this forum discussion.

Edit: when I said I made a crazy theory I was referring to the theory of Dee and Aniz actually just faking the Aniz went crazy and Dee wants to kill him setup so that they could be together.
I theorize that the entire world is an elaborate fantasy spawned from the union of an online game and an artist's imagination. That's why it doesn't have a signifigant role in the cosmic scheme of things: It's the offspring of another plane of existence.


So, I'm sort of a n00b here, but I Just thought of something that could be revolutionary- What If Aniz were Dan's father, Edward?

Just kidding with you.


Quote from: N-Cat on April 24, 2009, 02:45:42 PM
So, I'm sort of a n00b here, but I Just thought of something that could be revolutionary- What If Aniz were Dan's father, Edward?

Just kidding with you.

This theory already has been made on many occasions it is referred to as the Edward = Aniz theory, it has been killed and revived many times. Almost once weekly, and every time the possibility arises.


3 things:

1. I'm going to be the one to stop the ridiculous theories only because I can't think of one.

2. Everyone is thinking that D was a teacher at the time Aniz hit on her. Has no one but me considered the possibility that they were both still students at the time?

3. I can't remember the third thing.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: JackTheCubiFerret on April 24, 2009, 03:14:27 PM
3 things:

1. I'm going to be the one to stop the ridiculous theories only because I can't think of one.

2. Everyone is thinking that D was a teacher at the time Aniz hit on her. Has no one but me considered the possibility that they were both still students at the time?

3. I can't remember the third thing.

OK, 2 things.

1. You really should read http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Ab_049.php again, because Dee did say she was his teacher.

2. Oh, why did you have to put a stop to the ridiculous theories? Oh why? Why did you have to stop the fun?

Corgatha Taldorthar

At least for the second point, it's unlikely. According to Amber (I think I can't remember where the source is) Destania is something on the order of 7,000 years old at the time of the main comic. Aniz is 400, if Fa'Lina is to be taken literally when she's berating him, at the time of Abel's story, so is about 800 if he survived all the way to DMFA. With the age differential, it is unlikely that they'd both be students at the same time, unless Destania took some sort of refresher course or started very early in life, also unlikely given that Fa'Lina seems to have known her from her early twenties.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: JackTheCubiFerret on April 24, 2009, 03:14:27 PM
2. Everyone is thinking that D was a teacher at the time Aniz hit on her. Has no one but me considered the possibility that they were both still students at the time?

She's 7000 years old, probably about 6500, 6200 when Aniz hit on her.  If she's still a student after all that time, she was a really poor one, that's all I can say  :3

Quote from: Garsemor on April 24, 2009, 02:55:02 PM
This theory already has been made on many occasions it is referred to as the Edward = Aniz theory, it has been killed and revived many times.
Unfortunately, no-one has been able to put it to bed yet.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Faerie Alex

I'm gonna go out on a limb here. Not sure that anyone's said this yet...

We know from #297 that Dee had left SAIA and been attacked. What if her attacker had been Aniz, or whoever Aniz was pretending to be at the time? Now, I woulda thought that Dee could take Aniz easily, but perhaps he got the drop on her or something. :/ Now, that still wouldn't explain how Abel seems to rather dislike Dee, but also seem to care about Edward Ti'Fiona, but I could maybe see something like, he dislikes Dee, but respects the guy who saved the 'cubi who offed his father, whom he hates more.

Somehow I doubt it happened like that. But I just happened to think of it.
Jeez I need to update this thing.

Michael Chandra

I'll be blunt: I'm not surprised. The way Aniz was "Is Destania still here?" and left because the answer was yes, kind of did suggest some bad blood that may very well due to a relationship (attempt).


Quote from: Michael Chandra on April 24, 2009, 03:44:04 PM
I'll be blunt: I'm not surprised. The way Aniz was "Is Destania still here?" and left because the answer was yes, kind of did suggest some bad blood that may very well due to a relationship (attempt).

Not to mention her wanting to kill him so badly for his betrayal... hell hath no fury they say.


Quote from: modelincard on April 24, 2009, 03:37:00 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb here. Not sure that anyone's said this yet...
We know from #297 that Dee had left SAIA and been attacked. What if her attacker had been Aniz, or whoever Aniz was pretending to be at the time?

Amber suggested that she was faking it.  That may have been a misdirection, of course, but on the other hand, if she left SAIA to take down Aniz because she finally found out where he was (e.g. calling himself Edward Ti'Fiona), it's a very viable strategy.

If as may be the case, Aniz has earned the ire of Cyra Clan, it would also explain the 'Laws' business, since Cyra Herself may have decreed that he must die.  And that in turn would explain why she didn't want to return to her old life, if he somehow persuaded her to welch on that obligation by reigniting their old affair.

(Sits back and waits for Amber to prune away the branches of that reasoning tree)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I like where this is going. c:

I'd kill for a guy who could weave flowers out of magic.

uh, but anyway

Admittedly, the disintegration of Aniz's clan would definitely trigger some sort of meltdown, like some people have suggested. If he totally cracked like Fa'Lina said he did, that is, because he would have essentially lost his family.

I still wanna know about the significance of Abel's mismatched eyes and wings, though. If he's not meant to mirror the appearance of Siar, I'm as confused as heck.


So if Dee likes helpless victims for boyfriends, what does that say about Biggs?

Actually, it'd be pretty dangerous if Biggs and Dee really are dating. Their kids would be *so* doomed. Everyone knows what happens to ferrets with wings.


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 24, 2009, 03:47:59 PM
(Sits back and waits for Amber to prune away the branches of that reasoning tree)

Amber is more likely to add a few more branches and use the tree as a sniper's nest.

As for the Aniz=Edward theory being resurrected and killed on a weekly basis, I don't think that it has ever been completely killed.  It has angered and outraged some of the forumites to the point where they were ready to kill, but the theory itself is more resilient than cockroaches.

However, I'm feeling in a somewhat evil mood today and will toss out a new theory for your target practice.  Aniz had multiple personalities, one evil and spiteful while the other was kind and caring.  Under the pressure, his body split into two.  Edward was the White Aniz.  But somewhere out there is the Black Aniz, a creature so evil and vile that his mere presence causes a dark miasma to spread over the land like a noxious cloud.  Black Aniz is working with the dragons and will pretend to be Edward (White Aniz) in an attempt to further the dragons' nefarious and despicable plans.  After a climactic battle, White Aniz will defeat Black Aniz, Lost Lake will become a true paradise, and everybody will go out for tacos.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.

Michael Chandra

"I'm sorry my clan took that as a sign of weakness."
"You've seen him, right? The wings. The eyes. He looks just like them!"
"Is it so terrible to want to destroy him? To make him suffer for the suffering he caused you?"

Perhaps Siar picked a fight with Cyra at the academy, assuming Fa'Lina wouldn't interfere, and Aniz at some point sided with his clan instead of Destania. His clan got beat heavily, Siar was killed, he's left with guilt and tries to revive them to undo the damage he's done, and Destania wants revenge for his betrayal?


I don't think Aniz was excited about Abel's appearance because he looks just like a member of Siar. So far as we've seen, odd-eyes and partially feathered wings are not standard Siar-cubi traits. Clan members don't seem to have physical characteristics in common, generally. I think Abel's looks distinguish some other trait that's highly esteemed - at least in Aniz and Ink's eyes.


Quote from: Pagan on April 24, 2009, 07:50:30 AM
Personally, I find it surprising that Destania isn't exactly turning him down. I would have expected her to act like an ice queen.

That's sort of what I had thought as well.  Now it makes me wonder, what if Dan is not Destania's first born?  Could Dan have older half-brothers he doesn't know about?  Seeing that she was receptive to Aniz's attempt at courtship, it stands to reason that she might have been receptive to other suitors in the past, certainly Aniz couldn't have been the first date of a Cubi 6200ish years old.


So, I definitely saw this coming, and it still surprised me. 

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Naldru on April 24, 2009, 05:13:32 PM
Amber is more likely to add a few more branches and use the tree as a sniper's nest.


Quote from: Naldru on April 24, 2009, 05:13:32 PM
However, I'm feeling in a somewhat evil mood today and will toss out a new theory for your target practice.  Aniz had multiple personalities, one evil and spiteful while the other was kind and caring.  Under the pressure, his body split into two.  Edward was the White Aniz.  But somewhere out there is the Black Aniz, a creature so evil and vile that his mere presence causes a dark miasma to spread over the land like a noxious cloud.  Black Aniz is working with the dragons and will pretend to be Edward (White Aniz) in an attempt to further the dragons' nefarious and despicable plans.  After a climactic battle, White Aniz will defeat Black Aniz, Lost Lake will become a true paradise, and everybody will go out for tacos.

Black Aniz == Dead Pegasus, yes?

... I spose I should start calling him Dark Pegasus, now that he's not really dead anymore...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2009, 07:25:16 PM
Black Aniz == Dead Pegasus, yes?
... I spose I should start calling him Dark Pegasus, now that he's not really dead anymore...
Are you suggesting that Black Aniz stole the soul of Aliph Soulstealer, destroyed the body, and then assumed Aliph's identity and started calling himself Dark Pegasus.  Using the Soulstealer fortune, he concocted various plans to bring dark and malevolent gods to the world of Furrae.  I don't know.  That seems like a bit of a stretch.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Not at all. It depends entirely on when you see the split happening; it has to happen early enough for Ed to sire Alexsi, if nothing else. And that's more than early enough for Dark Peg to get his start in the world.

Of course, this fails if you look at the cast pages; DP is 760, which is old enough that Aniz sired Abel after that point. So that's a bust.

Mostly, however, I was merely arguing ab absurdam...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: terrycloth on April 24, 2009, 03:49:32 PM
So if Dee likes helpless victims for boyfriends, what does that say about Biggs?

Actually, it'd be pretty dangerous if Biggs and Dee really are dating. Their kids would be *so* doomed. Everyone knows what happens to ferrets with wings.

I thought it was weasels?
I'm back, and tired.


My first thoughts on the comic:

"Well, I suppose Aniz didn't have to be Edward."