Weekly Webcast #010: Do they know it's Easter?

Started by Mao, April 12, 2009, 05:32:38 PM

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I've already gone through MGS4 a few times, Going to wait a bit longer before that.


I've enjoyed Resistance so far.  Haven't finished it as I got distracted, but I've enjoyed it.  Once I finish it I'll definitely be open to picking up Resistance 2.


now we just need to find 5 more people... or we could go with just 3 way co-op for resistance 2 :3, again, assuming balade wants to try that

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Really depends on what the co-op is like for Resistance 2, if i recall it has nothing to do with the actual story of the game, instead they've setup some kind of "side missions" deal where you get "a story" just not "the story". Basically i guess, how long will it last us?


How about Little Big Planet.  A little cutesy, I know, but I've enjoyed it as well.  Might be a nice break from the gore/violence/horror focus we've had so far.  And iirc, it allows for 4 players.

Not to mention all the sack jokes it opens up.


I'll check out ebay/amazon, see if i can find a copy cheap. the $60 price tag on most retail games is a bit much. I've paid off our paypal credit for the first bunch of games i picked up for the webcast so I might pick up 1 or 2 more assuming i can find a good price on them. I'm thinking of checking out Army of Two, it has co-op and is almost a ps3 version of gears of war.

P.s. on a side note, i predict blackup will show up in a plane/helicopter to rescue Chris and his neck.....oh right, and sheva too.


I'll see if I can find a copy of Army of Two then, if you want that is.

Also:  Fist Pound, or not?  It'll be like the "Racist/Not Racist Game".

As for Blackup:  Hmm it is odd we haven't seen him and his plottanium armor lately.  I suppose he is due for a dramatic save of our resident neck and booty.


...murder hundreds of people... that requires air guitaring of your automatic weapons while making funny noises with your mouth

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Oh Right, forgot all about the PC front being an option. I did pick up a new copy of Overlord since it was $6 and my last overlord cd went missing, so there's always the option of razing villages and kidnapping maidens.


PC games are fine.. but I'd throw in this restriction:  No MMO's.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


3 hours of my mithra sitting on a beach waiting for a party invite for the win! while my wife's mithra lusts after mine!


Oh don't worry.. my Elvaan Monk didn't do much better.. knew I should have been a white mage...


I'm not finding much information on what the co-op aspect of Resistance 2 is actually like....Guess i'll have to rent it and check it out sometime.


as far as i remember, the co-op for resistance 2 is something like GRAW co-op, unrelated missions to the campaign that would take like 20-30 minutes apiece (several hours for the amount of fail we put out)... that being said, i played after going 12 straight rounds of beer-pong, and downing a good 3/4 of a bottle of rum... so i'm going to have to be honest, the memories are just a little hazy...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->