If you lived in Furrae what Being/Creature would you Be?

Started by JackTheCubiWolf, March 19, 2009, 05:52:36 PM

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The title says it all.
Here's an example of how you can do it.

Name:Jack(can have different or same name)
Age:16 (I'm turning 16 on Memorial Day)
Species: Cubi Ferret (tell what kind of creature you are if you're a creature)
Wingspan:4 ft.
Wing Color: Black
Hair: Black spiked
Fur: Brown
Tail Length: 5 ft.
Interesting Characteristics:
Power level 2x that of a normal Cubi
Can get pass Mind Blocks if here wishs to but rarely does
Nice but can get nasty if provoked
Skilled at all types of fighting
Head Wings formed when 15 years old hasn't been explained why that happened yet
May be from Dan's Clan( If Amber gives me premission)
Want's to open a nightclub with money he saved up during his journeys
Clan marking on chest.

That's the basic stuff about the Furrae me
I'm back, and tired.


Name: Joe
Species: Cubi Fox
Wingspan:4.5 ft.
Wing Color: Orange, with black primary feathers
Hair: dark brown medium long, no real style
Fur: orange and black with white bits............ otherwise known as general fox patterning
Tail Length: 5 ft.
Interesting Characteristics:
Clan symbol on chest (dunno what clan....... maybe cyra)
enjoys flying a heck of a lot
enjoys helping people
Generally.........yeah, nothing amazing, just rather basic and cubi


We had a topic like this before that degenerated into a stupid "looooooool FICTIONAL RACISM" wank-off, but it's probably been locked for inactivity by now.

So I'm saying something constructive: I'd be a Being. A cute Being. No, I'm not going to write an extensive profile about a character that's supposed to represent myself; that would just be silly. I'd just be a Being and probably a ghost bat or a kangaroo.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 19, 2009, 06:24:58 PM
We had a topic like this before that degenerated into a stupid "looooooool FICTIONAL RACISM" wank-off, but it's probably been locked for inactivity by now.

So I'm saying something constructive: I'd be a Being. A cute Being. No, I'm not going to write an extensive profile about a character that's supposed to represent myself; that would just be silly. I'd just be a Being and probably a ghost bat or a kangaroo.

Tapewolf told me he did something similar and said it was okay for me to do this because his got locked awhile ago
and it's ok that you didn't go into detail because mine was just a way you could do it
I'm back, and tired.

Arroyo Milori

I would think this topic shall end very soon.

On topic:I would say Mer, but it's technically impossible to be half being in that, so I guess I'll go with the Half Demon half being. : L


plz don't say stuff like that because 2 topics i started on another forum (one being about DMFA) fell through
I'm back, and tired.

Aisha deCabre

Oh, I'd be an all-powerful half-dragon half-fae, eighty feet tall and fartin' thunderbolts.  :3

...Nah, I'm kidding.  xP  Black jaguar adventurer Being about sums me up just right.  Though if you're also talking just about ourselves and not just our fursonas, then...Being again, because we need a few more of those here.  Quite honestly Aisha has been the closest thing I could think up to myself for this world, sans a bit of boring. x3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Name: Zelas
Species: Fox Angel
Wingspan: 4 ft.
Wing Color: White
Hair: White with black tips
Fur: black and white
Tail Length: 3 and a half feet
Interesting Characteristics:
He's a wind mage
He's allergic to pineapples
He loves pineapples
He plays badminton regularly
He loves poems and old myths and legends

My fursona is usually canid, either Wolf or fox, and I usually play as a mage in most roleplays, so this is what I think I'd be.
If you know what I did... Then kudos to you.


I belive I started a topic like this without so much detail. I belive it was just a "Which species would you be" topic.


Quote from: silentassassin on March 19, 2009, 07:22:13 PM
I belive I started a topic like this without so much detail. I belive it was just a "Which species would you be" topic.

There's been a few of them, actually.  I did a poll a few years back to try and establish the Being:Cubi ratio in the forum.

I'll admit, I'm very much a 'Cubi-phile myself.

I could post a profile but it would break rule 5a  :rolleyes

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Uhh *checks the forum rules* I dont see a rule 5c just 5a.


Quote from: silentassassin on March 19, 2009, 07:42:40 PM
Uhh *checks the forum rules* I dont see a rule 5c just 5a.

My bad.  I need new glasses, I think.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


don't start arguing about rules now let just try to stay on topic
I'm back, and tired.


Well we wren't arguing I was pointing out a simple mistake and Tape took it kindly. Not at any point was there arguing.


ok lets say rule discussion instead
wait lets stop now because i don't want a topic i started getting me in trouble
I'm back, and tired.


I found this thread earlier this morning, but I didn't post.  It seemed like it was guaranteed to get shut down by admins and mods who thought that a thread full of cyra cubi... and I still think it will.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Corgatha Taldorthar

I would be the one human that came in from some other dimension and frigheten everyone in Furrae to death.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


why do so many of you think this topic will get shut down? If you keep thinking that way it probably will and then i'll be very sad.
I'm back, and tired.


Quote from: N-Cat on March 19, 2009, 08:12:10 PM
I found this thread earlier this morning, but I didn't post.  It seemed like it was guaranteed to get shut down by admins and mods who thought that a thread full of cyra cubi... and I still think it will.

I'd have to check, but as far as I know there aren't any rules against Mary-Sue-isms.  Besides, this kind of thread has been done before without incident.

Admittedly, it might be a better idea if people just simply posted their preference and not a whole character profile.  And if it turns into a fight it will get shut down, that's pretty much guaranteed.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Fae. I'm very wacky and my personaitly fits a fae quite well. Probably a human or dog based fae. I dunno.


Sorry.  I just thought that it was assumed that a majority of people would want to be someone similar to Dan.  I mean, it's understandable: Amber has only really gone into any detail about Cyra clan 'Cubi, Dan is a complex character, he's the protagonist and everything.  Heck, even I want to be a Cyra clan 'Cubi, which is exactly why I wouldn't make a thread about it.  If something is a common trait, then why would you have to discuss it?
I guess both in here and my original post I was a little rude, and since then I checked the posts and it looks like I'm wrong about it being the majority opinion.  So sorry then!


Name: hrm... Niburrrbak

Species: mmm... cubi gryphon(B)

haven't particularly decided on any coloring.

clan mark on back. _NOT_ one of the current "powerhouse" clans. (ie, no currently living founder)
innate power level averageish given the above, though _possibly_ some additional skills _precision wise_ due to playing around with a bit of mental training and so on.

Occupation: mmm... mathematician (possibly in the employ of SAIA)

Personality: eat cake? prove theorem? eat cake? prove theorem? aha! use cake as "blackboard" and derive stuff by writing on cake with icing! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Then I can have my math and eat it too!

For the most part, overall friendly/easygoing, though sometimes has a tendency (to his own annoyance) to get quickly irate during philosophical arguments or such. (aieeee! "can't you see how obviously wrong you are?" sort of thing.)

Natural "emotion energy munching" affinities: (depends on to what extent personality can influence those. If not, then default to, oh, picking randomly, confusion and lust.)


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 19, 2009, 08:21:41 PM
I would be the one human that came in from some other dimension and frigheten everyone in Furrae to death.
HUZZAH! I wouldn't be alone!
One week in air, two weeks in water, two weeks in water, eight weeks in ground.


Digital High-Five to Psy-Kosh for his(her?) choice of clans!
Say NO to Cyra!


Quote from: N-Cat on March 19, 2009, 10:05:02 PM
Digital High-Five to Psy-Kosh for his(her?) choice of clans!
Say NO to Cyra!

"his" and hee hee. :)


Name: Dinner
Species: Livestock (Chicken)
Wingspan: 1 ft.
Wing Color: White
Hair: Hair?
Fur: Fur? wtf kind of chicken do you take me for?
Tail Length: Wait what chicken tail?
Interesting Characteristics: Abso-freaking-lutely delicious
Power level: I can power a man for a week (but he'll probably die in three days of dehydration)

Chicken that tastes good.
Wanted for pecking and waddling. Penalty: meal.


bwahaha! I nominate Tycoon as official winner of the thread.


Him?  Winner?  But he's to be dinner!  Read the post!  IT'S A COOKBOOK!......wait, wrong thread.

lessee....mine...well, I dunno, I think my avatar gives a slight clue as to what'd I be....or not.  I dunno.  But everyone else's looks cool.
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


to quote a bowl of petunias.. "oh no, not again"

and if you know why i quoted /that/ you'd know a lot more about this forum than you do now.  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..