Indie games

Started by Vidar, March 07, 2009, 06:32:01 AM

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I've recently been somewhat addicted to independently developed games. They're usually much shorter than the multi-million dollar productions that you see in shops.

A good example is Knytt (download here: )
It's a charming little metroidvania. It plays well, isn't frustrating, and you'll finish it in a few hours.

For something a little harder, check out La Mulana ( )
Retro graphics, awesome music, and a huge world to explore (and frequently die a horrible death in).

More stuff here:

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Jack McSlay

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Janus Whitefurr

5 Days A Stranger
7 Days A Skeptic
Trilby's Notes
6 Days A Sacrifices

A four game series known collectively as the Chzo Mythos, a set of classic-themed 2D adventure games in the design of text parser and point n' click. Made by Yahtzee before he became ever so popular as a game reviewer - or at least, I found them before he became ever so popular, heh. Horror, gore, supernatural themes, and a convoluted overarching plot, all in precious 2D.

You should play them. *nod*
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