I noticed something...

Started by Mejui, February 17, 2009, 10:46:15 PM

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I recently began another archive trawl in DMFA, and noticed that, while Destania recently* spoke of a cubi conspiracy against dragonkind, there is a dragon clearly shown at SAIA.


Is there anything to be made of this?

* http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_726.php


there are indications that it's a mythos, not a dragon.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


The first one has been identified as a mythos by Amber herself.

Pyroduck was raised by Fa'Lina and is an exception to the rule.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Corgatha Taldorthar

It's also quite possible from this comic that the anti-Dragon conspiracy is something that Dee is pulling on her own.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Ah. Jolly good, then. Thanks for clearing that up.


Or, she could even have been putting on an act for someone (seen or not in that strip).

Now playing on Winamp: Paul Schoenfield - Cafe Music (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


It should be noted that Dragons and Cubi are compatible according to the oh so cool Hybrid Genetics mini-arc. 

Though I am inclined to believe that it is Mythos because of the exclusivity that Dragons seem to have.

And Dragons are known to double cross Cubi especially so perhaps Dee has suffered at their hands personally, on a Clan level or otherwise. 

Don't forget about Balorie, she has "disappeared", making it possible that has joined a Cubi clan, or suffered retaliation at their hands, after all where did Pyroduck come from that Fa'lina has any claim over the concerns of his mating?


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 17, 2009, 10:51:30 PM
It's also quite possible from this comic that the anti-Dragon conspiracy is something that Dee is pulling on her own.

Then again, there's nothing indicating that she's referring to dragons, she could be talking about beings or even another cubi clan. As for timing, we only know that conversation happened sometime before Fa'Lina sent Fi to get Dan, also likely before #78.

Now playing on Winamp: Arnold Bax - Morning Song (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen

Jigsaw Forte

I always thought the dragon in #530 was stuffed and mounted, since its eyes looked so weird...


Quote from: AmigaDragon on February 18, 2009, 11:55:56 AM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 17, 2009, 10:51:30 PM
It's also quite possible from this comic that the anti-Dragon conspiracy is something that Dee is pulling on her own.

Then again, there's nothing indicating that she's referring to dragons, she could be talking about beings or even another cubi clan. As for timing, we only know that conversation happened sometime before Fa'Lina sent Fi to get Dan, also likely before [img=http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_078.php]http://#78[/img].

Now playing on Winamp: Arnold Bax - Morning Song (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes

It doesn't seem like Destina has ever been back to SAIA since she married Edward, so that conversation must have taken place before then.  Perhaps that conversation was part of why she left SAIA?

Quote from: Jigsaw Forte on February 18, 2009, 12:02:48 PM
I always thought the dragon in #530 was stuffed and mounted, since its eyes looked so weird...
I figured that was a case of Hellish Pupils.


I'm pretty sure Word of God has established that the "dragon" of #530 is actually a mythos, but I don't recall exactly where I saw Amber saying that, just that I'm pretty sure I remember that she did.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..