Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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After the shock of the scene before her wore off she shook her head slightly, feeling the great emotions being emitted from the girl on the floor. She went over to her, slowly, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm.. sorry.." Was all Chance could muster to say.. and even though she had never really done it before she tried to 'eat' the terrible emotions the girl was expriencing, trying to leave her feeling relaxed and calm.


The adventurer raised an eyebrow at Kedered. He noticed, fortunately, there isn't really much he can do to me... I might as well find some place quiet and read it over. "It was like that when I found it, likely taken by the first group who searched the place." She was nervous, though she made sure her face didn't express it. She silently went towards the door, reached her hand out for the knob.


The equine and the bull gave Garis a vicious stare. The bull made a soft snort. "That's a good idea actually..."
The equine interrupted him. "Don't even think about it. If you did that, you'd wind with a bounty on yourself, and on the run. There are consequences for murder. And believe me, there are ways of finding out. People like that don't last long." The bull let out an angry grunt.
"That doesn't mean however," The equine said, turning to 'Garis', that we need to be civil, courteous, or helpful. It's a competitive field out there, so scram. We don't need the help, and we don't want to waste time dissuading you away from our kill. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to searching this place. I certainly wouldn't mind if you went outside to search the snow, mind you." He stopped there, staring at Garis intently. While he was trying to be intimidating, he felt somewhat uneasy. It probably won't work, there's really nothing I can do to force her to leave that won't have large consequences.
The bull however, looked like he was barely keeping himself in check.

The demoness brushed her arms off after Raffiele got up. She quickly glanced around, but said nothing. What are they doing? I would have expected them to either kill or release me a while ago... She waited for an opportune moment. When she noticed Raffiele turning his attention towards Chiyo, she broke off the telekenetic bonds holding her, and bolted off, running away from the commotion gathered around her. She didn't look back while she ran.

Kassin shook his head and closed his eyes. "I suppose you could, though I would prefer not to partake in that activity. I really don't want to be near any more corpses... I... I..." He shook his head again. "I hope you understand." He strode over to Ketet. Her dismal mood was rubbing off on him.

Ketet sniffed, she couldn't be consoled. "She... I...." She had trouble articulating sentences in her grief. "I only knew her for a night, yet, it felt like I've known her for a lifetime, I..." She stopped herself again. "I'm a wanderer... but everyone in this locale... (sniff) hated me on  sight, they... they... (sniff), everyone except her." She soon fell silent and stared at the floor again.


She sighed as she found the girl inconsolable and her unskilled powers lacking, but she still wanted to help. Chance knelt down in front of her and wrapped her arms around the girl in a comforting hug. "Please, I'm sorry... maybe we should move back into the main room and we can talk some more.." She released the hug but still held her shoulders and shook them lightly, looking at her with a more determined stare. "You must be strong.. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to mourn for her so. So you have to keep moving."


Zanfib merely let the demoness go, because his interest was now focused on Chiyo.. "That is an interesting stance to take, Chiyo. Are you akin to our angel friend then? You wish no harm on anyone, regardless if they would harm others?" He asked curiously.


Chiyo found herself in a situation she didn't want to be in. She ticked her tail from side to side nervously. Just her luck, they would think she was in league with that demoness. She looked from one to the other, what if they turned on her now? She closed her eyes slightly but looked to Rafa first.

"No, of course not." She said, she putting her hand to her throat. She had been rather close to death for her liking. "I didn't forget what she did..." She frowned faintly. "But killing her would make me just like her, wouldn't it? An eye for an eye soon makes everyone blind and no one wins that way. Death is very final. I just think it should be used as a last result. That's all." She explained to him, hoping she made sense. Perhaps she was stupid for thinking that way.

She looked to the other man then and rubbed the back of her head slightly. "Akin to an angel?" For a moment she was confused. She didn't know any angels. But of course she did. Her hand went to her throat again but she shook her head. "I don't know what you mean about him, I don't know him well enough to say what stance he would or would not take." She paused a moment but then continued. "What I do know is that killing is wrong."

She watched as the demoness escaped, she shaking her head slightly. What did she believe, then? "I don't know all the answers. I wish I did. All I know is that it just doesn't sit right with me...even after what she's done. Demons live a long time. If we ended her life now, well their would be no room for her to change." She believed people could change. After all, sometimes that thought was the only thing that kept her going about herself and her little...'hobby'.

Corgatha Taldorthar

point of cusp. Act now.

Kedered lengthened his stride, not running, but hurrying over to the doorway before the adventurer could make it. He then turned around and dropped a little, bending his knees slightly, making no aggressive move, but barring the door from egress.  Glancing over at the adventurer he drawled out. "I dislike being lied to by amateurs. I will not hinder your own investigation, but I really do require that information for mine."

He waggled his fingers, put a very subtle touch of a spell his father taught him to make him seem more imposing and authoritative.

"You will hand it over to me, now."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


The adventurer was momentarily startled when she was accused of lying, withholding information. He already knows I have it... I wonder how he found out... no matter. She took some deep breaths, but didn't panic. "And what would you do with it, keep it for yourself and deny me what is contained within? I got to it first after all." She stopped herself, realizing what she said could be used as a kind of admission of guilt. Still, she didn't lose her cool.

"And just why should I? We're both after the same target, and I'd rather be the one to cash in on it. You certainly can't do anything to force me to give it to you. There's nothing you could hold me accountable for, and if you attacked me, you would find yourself hunted. Besides, you wouldn't give it back." She kept her eyes locked on Kedered.

She put on a wry smile. "So give me one good reason I should give it to you."

Both of them stared at Garis, awaiting a response. The bull was growling softly, almost like a rabid animal.

The demoness didn't look back as she ran away. Quite soon, she was out of sight, disappearing into the snowy horizon.

Ketet took a deep breath, and with a hand motion, cleared the tears off of her face. "N... N... No,... she couldn't have expected this... she... she..." Ketet stopped herself short. "Please I... I need a moment... alone...". She stopped herself, closed her eyes. She was breathing slowly, still trying to shake off the hysteria.

Kassin, observing Ketet, decided to make a soft nod. "As you wish, I'll be outside." Kassin paced towards the main room, not deciding to go back into the snowy exterior just yet.


Garis just chuckled softly at the pair.  "whatever, there's nothing of value here, besides the few pieces of silver you looted... one can only hope you have as much respect for eachother as you do for the dead."  'he' shook 'his' head as if disappointed, then left. planning to head back and meet up at the shack since nothing more seemed to be gained from this particular area.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Zanfib just listened quietly, but shook his head at the end. "Killing is a necessity of our world. There are both creatures and beings alike who will not listen to reason and logic. The only way to prevent the harm of more enlightened sentients is to eradicate those who would wish them harm." He said, turning his slightly in the direction of the fleeing demoness.. "I let her go this time, only for your sake. Next time, however, her execution will be swift." He said, before he lazily strode inside.

He sought out Chance's mind, and came upon her with the others.. "I sense a lot of confused thoughts. Is everything allright?"


Chance nodded to the girl, her wish being very understandable. She stood and exited the room to see Zanfib in the main area of the hut. She offered a slight smile but shook her head. "It's the other girl.. she's... grieving.. there was a.... slaughter that happened here." She couldn't help but again be surprised at the utter... barbarianism that demons could demonstrate. With this thought she found a new sense to how lucky she actually was.

Her brow furrowed some as she looked to Zan again. "What became of the demoness?"


Inclining his head, Tyrian acknowledged Ketet's desire for solitude and padded after Kassin.  He approached the others, "what has become of the demoness?" 

The fox focused his gaze on the other new female, Chiyo, "more importantly, how do you fair...?"  He let the last part of his question hang, as he did not know her name.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered blinked slowly, twice. "I require that information for my investigation. If you give me the papers, I will read them, memorize them, and then hand them back. I will not need them further. If you doubt me, I can read them while you look over my shoulder."

He paused for a second, and then lowered his stance slightly, bending his knees. "If I do not have it, I will need to do analysis upon the data already obtained. I do not have much, so I will have to sit here and calculate. It might take all day, it might take longer. If you try to push past me, well, I consider an unknown hand upon my person an attack. You would not attack me, for fear of the bounty and all that. Assuming you live long enough for such things to matter anyway. Why not just be pleasant and let me read?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Seeing how everyone was heading into the hut she followed quietly. She smiled faintly and Zanfib and nodded her head. "Maybe there wont be a next time." She remarked. She didn't really want to see any more death. She knew it was a part of life and the world they lived in..but that didn't make her like it any much more.

She smiled though at the fox, she nodding her head. "I'm Chiyo...and I'm fine, really. Thanks for asking...?" She didn't really know anyone's names but Ketet's and Chances. She looked out the way she had came when he asked about the demon before she looked back to him. "She got away..." She said simply.


"...Tyrian, well met Chiyo."  He frowned a bit at the mention of the demoness's escape, "allowing her to live insures that someone else will share the old feline's fate, but there is always hope this experience will change her."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The adventurer looked annoyed. "Why? Because you would then have a better chance for catching Kassin, and I'd rather be the one to kill him." She turned away, looking for another route of escape, or a secluded area. Search after search didn't reveal any additional clues, or find any hidden places. She turned a disgusted look towards Kedered. Bloody extortion, I've at least given the contents a cursory glance... I just hope it's enough to go by. I just hope he keeps his end of the bargain and doesn't try and destroy them after he's read them.

She let out a grumble, and pulled some dusty looking sheets of paper out. "Fine..." she said in an exasperated tone. "You win, lousy extortionist. It won't help you reach him first, I promise." With that, she handed over the sheets to Kedered.

The sheets look like they're of the same poor quality paper that the journal used. The handwriting is also of questionable quality, it looks as though the writer wasn't well educated. Still, it's readable. It appears to start about four days before the murder incident.
Entry 1: Weather has been kinda cold, I kept myself and my kids inside, we'll prolly start plantin as soon az is stops snowing, fortunately we've got enough food and supplies to get by through the winter. I have the nigglin littel feelin that there's an ill omen about this winter, seems cold, lots o problems in the news, townfolk are all paranoid to the extreme, many of em I call friends gave me a cold shoulder a few days back. It might jus be  nuttin but my gut is rarely wrong about these kinda things. News seems to be gettin worse, at least my wife an kids are happy, about all I can really ask for. I just wish they hadn't broke one of those toys a while back, it's kind of an inconvenience to keep supplyin em with em. Heh, kids...
Entry 2: Snows lightened up, weather seems warmer, but still cold. The kids wanted to go out an play, we let em, wasn't much to do around this time, I donnae think we can plant anythin in this weather. Me wife made sure to make them all wear sweaters, hand knitted by her, before we let them out, and hats. I don't want any of em comin back an icicle. I suppose they're tough little buggers, but they're still kids, reasonable precautions should be taken. They'd be out all day, I wager.
Entry 3: Well, the kids got back, late at night, I have no idea where they've been playing, certainly off the farm, I guess they like to explore to play. But I swear, they're a crazy bunch. All, 'ooh ooh daddy! look what we found!' Apparently some papers, at first, I thought it was something they wrote, they like pranks, I thought this wouldun be different. Then I take a look at em, at first I don't believe it, the contents are all crazy and stuff. It talked about souls, and affinities, some kind of experimental healing, control groups, things and terminology way over my head I'd think it were made up on the spot or made by some kinda crazy mage. I initially dismissed it as a prank, but the kids insisted I take a look at it, I had nuttin better to do, I suppose.
But then there's something wrong with it, it's nice paper, really nice, someone would have to travel far for this kinda stuff, nice lookin ink too, and the handwriting is what really got me, neater stuff and far more educated than I would ever be, an it makes me doubt if my kids made something like this. Still, I suppose they could have gotten some cook to try and make this, I suppose I'll be checking to see if my kids laugh themselves to sleep at night. They insist they found it while playing, but this doesn't really make a lotta sense.
Entry 4: I keep getting this bad feeling, but somehow, that paper isn't making it any better, if anything, it has my attention and thoughts drawn to it all the time. Mey wife cant figure anytin out from it either, but the structure of it is superb, so she's convinced that it's not the kids who made it. Probably some notes from a mad mage or something that got dropped and buried beneath the snow. It's funny, everyone feels so tense all of a sudden, the townfolk, my wife, though my kids are their happy little selves, but I just can't shake these feelings. I might want to check on my brother to see how he's doing. I might want to have those papers inspected but I can't figger out who to give it too, some seer that's just as likely a fraud, most mages are too self absorbed into their books, cann ever do anytin useful with their lives, and would just snub me off. Maybe my extended family might know what to do with it, but honestly, I'm just not sure. I just feel like this thing is cursed somehow.
But eh, I figure my kids could sense my tension easily, I suppose it would ease my mind more if this were just one big, elaborate prank. I'll survive, I guess.

Apparently not.

The equine and bull seemed happy to see Garis leave. They put on a wicked smile as she turned away. "I suppose we can resume now.", the equine said to the bull. Both of them nodded.
Out in the main room, the feline adventurer was still examining the bodies, but also took some time away to study the other features of the room. She stopped herself momentarily when she saw Garis, she gave a small face of concern before returning to her observations. I certainly hope those two weren't too repulsive towards her... She gave a silent sigh, then stared at the corpses some more.

Kassin was happy to see that Chiyo was alive and well, but failure crept into his mind like a plague. He couldn't console the other, nor save the life of the third. He had conflicting feelings about the fate of the demoness, he despised the sight of violence, yet, the thought that she could harm others gave him no comfort either. "I simply hope we don't see her again." He let out, before staring at the floor. Unease wracked through his nerves. "I've seen too much death.., I'd prefer it if we weren't in a rush to cause any more." Kassin went over to a nearby couch, and sat down.

"One would think that if creatures could feel death so keenly, we'd be a race of pacifists..." He shook his head sadly.


Zanfib sighed softly, idly leaning up against one wall. "I somehow doubt she will learn. Creatures are, ironically, creatures of habit." He said, before looking about the room. "What are these thoughts of a burial concerning?" He said, before he briefly wondered how their scouting party was doing.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered scanned the pages quickly, and then once again more intently, committing the contents of the scrawl to memory. After he had finished, he flashed a small smile at the adventurer and handed back the cheap paper, murmuring "happy hunting." As an afterthought, he went back to the bookshelf and took the rest of the journal. A more thorough search might reveal something.

His head buzzing with information, Kedered strode back into the living room, and went looking for Eilan.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


The adventurer looked surprised as she was handed back the papers. She eyed Kedered suspiciously as he left, and then paused to read the papers.
Eilan strode into the living room behind Kedered, he surmised that the investigations of his companions were, momentarily complete. He paced beside Kedered, and gave a glance at Garis. He was however, careful not to use their real names.
"A moment if you two would," he said, calling both of them over. "There were two corpses in the parent's bedroom correct? And none in the kitchen, right?" Please tell me this niggling suspicion of mine is feasible... He thought.
The other adventurer in the room gave a brief glance at Eilan, but decided not to say anything. She resumed looking at the walls, floors, and the bodies. It would be rude for me to interrupt. Still, I don't seem to be finding anything else, no burn marks, no magical residue, I don't know what else I can find here...


Kassin looked at the floor, and breathed a deep, defeated sight. "There was one I was... not able to save. I suppose they would have been concerning her. She... I'd rather not think about it." A flash in his memory remembered her, mostly concerning a very graphic image of her murdered corpse. It made him sick. "There's another in there, still mourning for her, I think we should give her some time, she... wasn't very stable. I got the impression that the two of them were close."


Chance started to slowly pace around the room as she listened to everyone. Every now and again she looked out of the door way to see if the three were coming back. She was starting to feel uncomfortable about the time they've been away. The tip of her tail twitched lightly and she would absentmindedly fiddle with her new headwings, still trying to get used to them, and trying to distract herself from feeling too much dread.

Then her mind went back to the gal in mourning. She felt so bad that she was so powerless to help her, but sometimes things needed to take their natural course. She wondered what this meant for the group..

Finally, getting annoyed with herself, she sat down with her back against the wall near Zanfib. She was not used to being in such a mood. Anger and happiness, yes, but this unease and sadness was almost intolerable. She shook her head and tried to think of a way to brighten up to the mood, granted at the moment it didn't seem appropriate given the corpse in the next room.


"She... helped me when I needed a friend," came the winged wolf's voice. It was soft and a bit croaky. Ketet had finally come out of the room, but this time she was carrying the old woman's body carefully wrapped in some clean linen she'd found in the drawers. It looked small in her arms. Her mind radiated sorrow, but she managed to pass the others and out the door in a coherent manner.

She noticed others out there vaguely, but her intent seemed obvious enough. She turned to the side of the small cottage. The winter air seemed to do nothing except ruffle the fur on her body and frost a bit of her short-sleeved shirt. Once she had walked a small distance away from the house, she did something strange.

With a deliberate sweep of her tail, a large patch of the deep snow drift heaved itself to one side, leaving the brown earth underneath clearly to be seen. Ketet carefully set the body on the ground before touched the snow beside her. There was the sound of breaking glass, and Ketet stood with an icy shovel in her hands. It looked so brittle that whoever was watching would probably expect the shovel to break the moment Ketet rammed it into the ground, but instead it came away with cold earth as the wolf methodically began to dig a hole, periodically clearing the snow around it with a careful twitch of her tail or a complex wave of her hand. All the while, she kept muttering to herself - or to the dead.

"I'm... sorry ma'am. I should have been there for you. I - I failed your hospitality..."


Garis shrugged and said, "not a bloody thing in the kitchen besides those neanderthals, they're soo dense i'd be willing to bet they couldn't find their own way out of a paper bag with a map and detailed instructions."

'He' paused for a second, "soo, what'd you guys find?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered nodded briefly to Eilan confirming his corpse count. Speaking softly, he said "I would like to get out of earshot before discussing what I learned, and more importantly what I guess. I do not want this to get out of our own group."

Beckoning to the others, he headed outside of the house.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Eilan let out a sigh. "Alright." He strode outside with Kedered, and awaited Garis to follow. It was cold outside, and snowing with a reasonable amount of ferocity. Eilan seemed to be slightly irritated by the cold, but it didn't seem to slow him down.

"I think we're out of earshot." He paused, looked around, double checking that statement. "In the children's bedroom, there were three beds, and three sets of furniture. I inspected them, there were three sets of pants, different sizes, all of them kid sized."

"Now, if I'm correct, that means there were three children living there, that would make five people total. There were two bodies in the living room, and apparently two in the parent's bedroom. Unless the fifth is somewhere outside where we haven't looked, with his parents, or in the kitchen, there's a missing body."

"Unfortunately, I have no idea where he or she could be, alive or dead." He paused for a moment, awaiting what the others would say.


It was easier for Kassin to see the body wrapped than in her previous state. Still, it brought him little comfort. Those around him were silent, and for good reason. He didn't decide to go after Ketet, he didn't want to spend any more time around the dead than he had to. He couldn't help but look at the ground, wondering how some people could be so cruel. The place depressed him. His wings drooped, eyes sullen, ears low, his tail held low.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself, he looked at the others. "Well... now what do we do?"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered glanced around for Garis, and nodded at what Eilan was saying. "I did not find any bodies, but I did get my hands on a journal. I did not have the time to read through it exhaustively, but I did find mention of a brother to the father of this household. Perhaps the child might be located there, although I am unsure how to track down these relations. Furthermore, he mentioned receiving an odd piece of paper, some notes for magical research or the like, shortly before the attack. Thanks to our oracular little friend, I am reasonably sure, even if I cannot prove it, that this Incubus Chareye is the one behind this attack, and I am certain that the paper has something to do with this little slaughter in the farmhouse."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Chiyo watched as Ketet came out with the body, she lowering her ears slightly. The woman HAD been good to them. She would have liked to been able to save her...but well, there was no chance of that now. And she couldn't bring herself to the point of remorse like Ketet. After all the deed was done and now it was time to move on.

Her silent thoughts were interrupted then by the angel who had saved her. "Good question." She murmured more to herself then to the others. What now indeed. She looked at the small group that was standing around, one incubus with new head wings, a demon, two angels,  Zanfib, which she was sure wasn't a demon or a cubi or an angel, so she was still unsure as to what he was doing here, and of course, the dragon outside. Many questions were brought to mind as she looked at the strange group but she decided to keep them quiet.

"'s not the type of way I like to meet new for all you that don't know, I'm Chiyo, Chiyo Alura." She said lamely. She knew Chance's name and Tyrian's, but that was all. Perhaps the best way to start was with introductions.


The simple grave was dug out quite easily, and soon Ketet had laid the old lady's stiffening body into it. She'd made sure it wasn't so shallow that wandering animals could dig it up. Now, she bit gently on her lower lip to stop herself from bursting into tears again as she rapidly filled up the hole. In her state of mind, the ice shovel cracked easily, but the wolf managed to get the last piece of dirt in before the magic residing in the item shattered, causing the ice to melt into water that trickled through Ketet's white fur and onto the recently-turned ground. What was left of the dried or frozen blood on her body mingled with the flow of water, cleaning the wolf vaguely.

There was a woodpile stacked next to the small hut. Retrieving a piece and making it a crude headstone was simple enough. Then giving a moment's silent contemplation at the grave Ketet turned away, trying hard to recompose herself despite her puffy eyes and other small signs of mourning.

She met Kedered and the others outside the house just as he was discussing something about a journal. Startled, she realized that she had been so shocked by the attack and the death of the lady that she had completely ignored newcomers. The tiger - the one that healed her - was there, looking sullen and sad. When Chiyo introduced herself to the others, the wolf looked rather sheepish.

"Ah - um... I'm sorry about my behaviour towards you all," Ketet managed clumsily to Kassin, "I couldn't tell you from friend or foe. I'm Kit, by the way, or Ketet if you want to use my longer name," she finished lamely.


Garis followed the others outside, heard there bits then added his own.  "Besides running into a pair of exceedingly dense adventurers, with which i am sorely tempted to dispose of... there was nothing i could see that indicated anything.  The adventurers were busy looting the silverware, but really, nothing of value could be gained for either area."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Chance looked up and smiled at Chiyo's introduction. What a nice gal. She thought to herself. Then she seen the wolf come back in an introduce herself. Chance stood up, her mood lightening with the introductions, and she walked over to Kit, giving her another big hug with a big smile.

"Hi Kit! What a cute name.. my name is Chance!" She was desperate to move from this scene and hoped to brighten the mood somewhat since the corpse was no longer inside.

She backed up to give everyone else a chance at introductions, once she reached Zanfib she pushed him a bit roughly and thought Come on.. go hug some ladies!


Zanfib had stayed quiet, merely observing the interactions of his party members, and didn't show even the slightest hint of becoming involved, quite content to just be a shadow on the wall until Chance over and acted like, well, Chance.

The sudden nudge threw off Zanfib's calm composure, and he gave Change a quizzical look for a moment, before he said, "Insanity really is genetic to you cubi, isn't it?"


Eilan turned a harsh glare towards Garis. "Don't even think about it." With that, he turned towards Kedered.
"That might explain a few things, but I'm not sure how reliable his visions are. Such things have a tendency to be erratic, inaccurate, or uselessly vague."
"Still..." He went on, "unless the journal you found can tell us where Mr. Darrins's brother can be found, we don't really have another lead to follow." He paused for a moment. "I suppose we could head back to the others with that journal, and see if we can find another lead inside it. We could also go back inside the farmhouse and see if there are any clues we might have missed."

Kassin took a deep breath, then looked at Ketet. His eyes still displayed sorrow, his wings still drooped along, as if they had the life sucked from them. "It's alright..." He softly said. "I'm Kassin..." He momentarily stopped, casually examining Ketet. "I'm glad to see that you're well." He stopped at that, and again looked at the ground.
"But... I still wonder, what do we do now? I don't feel comfortable staying here, not after what has happened." He stopped himself again, he looked more closely at Chiyo and Ketet, but said nothing. "Yet, I know not where to go... it's still cold outside." He shivered slightly. It was also cold inside, but not nearly as much.