Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Garis was caught completely off-guard when he was suddenly squeezed, he tensed for a fraction of a second as Chance wrapped him up in a hug, though he managed to relax and enjoy the moment before she realized she may have been acting slightly inappropriate around a group of males... he caught the hint of jealousy from Zanfib, and let out an internal smirk... The wolf had been thinking that the psion had developed a liking for the girl, and this recent little outburst all but confirmed his suspicions, at least in his own mind.

Garis was about to tell zanfib to relax when he suddenly pick up all the different concern for the girl's well-being from the rest of the group.  As he was forming a rebuttal in his mind, he picked up Kassin's sudden concern, as he began searching for what could possibly be more injured victims.  Garis bolted to the angel boy and asked "is anything wrong?!"

He was already preparing to take flight, but waited for the Angel's response before he'd take action.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Upon hearing Kedered's words in her mind she sighed. He's right.. His words, although stinging slightly, made her calm down. It was even strangely comforting in a way.. like being corrected by a teacher. She felt grateful, which she hoped he picked up on, for him taking the time to explain. She was sure it wasn't entirely for her benefit, which was fine, she certainly didn't want to get the whole group killed from her shenanigans.

Gal, I have to get my crap together. She thought as Eilan explained the mission at hand. How could anyone accuse Kassin of such terrible things? Granted all she knew about him was his gentle personality, not to mention he saved her life, but it just doesn't seem possible. But this was a mystery worth solving, no innocent soul should have to be hunted for false convictions.

The sudden appearance of Garis disrupted her thoughts. She then noticed Kassin's glowing eyes. "What the heck?"


Although Zanfib was still seething from the recent displays, his tail had, at least slowed down enough to where the stripes were visible. Even thought it was still twitching about, he managed to speak to Chance calmly enough. "Ignore the incubus, Chance." He said simply, not bothering to explain that he had been intercepting their transmissions. "In this party of head cases and fatalists, your optimism could very well be what we need to survive this." He said, and was about to continue, when Chance caught eye of Kassin, and promptly drew the ringtail's attention away.

His eyes narrowed as he noted the strange activity from the angel, and he strode briskly to Kassin's side. "Kassin? What is going on? Your eyes are glowing. Is something wrong with the bracers?" He asked, and while he inquired, he reached out with his senses, scanning the angel's mind, his psyche, and even the bracers as well to try and discern the origin of this oddity.


Kassin's eyes stopped glowing. "No,, no I'm fine, I just wanted to check everyone for extra-physical injuries... I didn't want to miss anything before we continued."
A scan doesn't reveal anything unusual.

Eilan snapped out of his surprised stance, strode over to Kassin, and rolled up his sleeves. "No... the restrainers are certainly in place, and active, yet... he's still using magic." Eilan paused to examine the bracers for a moment. "I'd guess that neither his magic nor his empathy are being negated."

"Well, I can tell that you're under a large deal of stress now Eilan..." Kassin responded.

Eilan took a deep sigh. "Either there's something wrong with those bracers, or there's something about you... I'm not a magic user though, I really can't offer much insight into this matter." He took the key and unlocked the bracers, and then pocketed the items. "I suppose if anyone thinks of anything, they can say so on the way to our destination. Regardless, we should get going, I think we've spent too much time already." With a nod, Kassin and Eilan continued along.

Travel seemed to take a while, it was early morning when they rose, and their little interruption on the road took more time than Eilan had wanted. Still, he continued on. The forest seemed to extend for a long period of time, but eventually, the journey came to snowy plains. Eilan examined the ground for footprints, but found none. Nodding in approval, he silently said "We're going to be extremely exposed here." He said with a sigh. "If any of you see or sense anyone, try to get away, or behind cover. Especially once we get near our destination." Several hours were spent lapsing through the forest, and through the abandoned looking plains, from the lighting, it was likely around noon time.

As they got closer, footprints in the ground became more common, many were mostly washed away from snowy winds, though many still remained. Fortunately, no other travelers were encountered. After some more time spent, a farmhouse could be seen far in the distance. "There it is." Eilan said, as he gave a closer look at the ground, a few moments later, he let out a brief "Stop." Eilan looked more closely at the ground, looking at several tracks in the ground.

"Four pairs, two larger, two smaller, they look recent, likely made only minutes ago. I'd say there's an adventuring group inside the farmhouse. It doesn't look like there are many out here at the time... though I was hoping to get here earlier." He paused for a moment. "Now what to do about them..." He stopped to ponder the situation. He looked over at the rest of the group. "Any ideas?" He turned back to look at the tracks.


Tyrian traveled in silence like he mostly always did, keeping by Kassin and remaining alert.  Tyrian did spend a small amount of his magic obliterating the tracks the group left in the snow and scattering their scents to the wind.  While on the open plains, he added an optical illusion to their travels.  Using the moisture and ice crystals in the air, he blurred and concealed a large part of their optical presence from observation from beyond their immediate surroundings into their area.

By the time Eilan called a halt, he was rather fatigued.  Sighing he replied flatly to Eilan's question, "I do not have any suggestions.  I am rather depleted magically, so I wish to avoid more conflict... especially for Kassin's sake.  The only thing I can do to conceal myself is to use a magical device which removes my wings, but I can't do anything about the glowy eyes or my actual appearance."   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

 They don't work? What!?  For his first time in decades, albiet only for an instance, Kedered let the shock roll off of him before regaining his emotional equilibrium. He had to resort to his litany of familial obligations to regain his balance, and was glad of the order to march, taking note that Eilan still held the bracers. They might come in handy.

Speculating to himself as to their failure, as they had obviously worked on Chance, he came up with some interesting thoughts as to what exactly was the source of Kassin and his abilities, although without a direct means to prove, or even verify his supposition, he did not share his thoughts with the others.

When they neared the farmhouse, Kedered once again turned his attention externally, nodding at Eilan's caution.

"Obviously, we cannot all go in. Chance and Zanfib are not on the wanted list, as of this moment. However,if they are exposed travelling with us, they might quickly become wanted themselves, and we might want ot preserve them as aces in the hole. That leaves Garis, myself, who can change their appearance, and Eilan, who has a bit of legal weight that the others lack. I am perfectly willing to go out scouting if the others can bear to have me away. Regardless the rest of the group will probably want to sleep." Is there any shelter we can find or fashion quickly? I have rarely frequented this locale.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Chance stared at the prints in the snow. "What if it isn't an adventuring group? I guess the scouting would answer that." She looked to Ked, then to no one in particular as she muttered. "Too bad I didn't bring a fruit basket.. "

Flicking her ears some she thought a bit more, then continued. "If we need to bring them out and subdue them, whether they be adventurers or worse, I could act as bait and distraction. If they are adventurers then they would be overjoyed to help a damsel in distress, especially being 'all alone' out here." Granted she did realize that not all adventurers were good.. and could quite easily take advantage of the situation, or try to, either way it would work. "I could bounce around, hug them a few times, and while they're trying to figure out what the heck I was all about.. Surprise! The muscles come in and take over. And if they are demons or something, seeing a lone girl won't cause too much of a stir, they would get cocky thinking of how easy it would be to.. " She stopped and shook her head. " know.. and then.. Surprise! The muscles come in."

She didn't exactly like the idea of putting herself in a vulnerable situation like that. Granted she still had one weapon on her as well as her now-working magic, but she doubted whoever was inside would dish out what the three demons did. That and she was not alone.


Garis took most of the journey in the sky, flying just above the tree lines, sometimes skimming the branches, and on occasion, doing an overly fancy landing when he thought he spotted trouble.  He didn't really converse with anyone, as he was having too much fun in the skies.

While the other discussed various plans to investigate, Garis had some fun with his appearance,  taking his borrowed clothing from his back, he donned the bracers, and cloak, then adjusted them to match his new appearance... He hoped no one noticed that he'd suddenly become a tall, slender, and rather shapely vixen being with bright hazel eyes...  The dark cloak was turned a brilliant white, which matched the snow and the leather bracers were suddenly a bronze looking metal.  For clothing under the cloak, seductively clad would probably be the best word for it.  'She' wore a very form fitting sleeveless red cocktail dress, tied around 'her' neck with a narrow string, and ending slightly above 'her' knees, with a slit across her left side that ran up to 'her' hip.  In simpler terms... modest was not what the cubi was going for...

'She' approached the group with a sultry walk, and spoke in a soft soprano, "seems you're forgetting many of the abilities of a skilled cubi Chance, no need to risk yourself when my own element of surprise will be far more devastating than anything they would even come to expect..."  turning 'her' attention to the Eilan and Ked, 'she' added, "I'm ready to go whenever you are"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"The bracers are functioning, at least.. I would normally say that they are faulty due to the fact they are not of Astranaar make, but.. Our angel isn't exactly normal, is he?" Zanfib said, before they set out again.

At Chance's suggestion, Zanfib's tail swished through the air, and he shook his head. "Not happening. You've been hurt enough so far, we're not about to use you as bait." The psion said, although his mind seemed to have entirely different objectives than his words.

But, soon, Madam Garette made 'his' appearance. Zanfib took one look, went wide-eyed.. and then began laughing so hard that he actually collapsed to the ground. Amidst his gales of laughter, the only thing that anyone could make out is that he made some comment about Garis in his finest form.


Eilan took some time to consider some of the suggestions, but then shook his head at some of the more eccentric ones he had heard. urgh... I shouldn't have asked... He thought, but he decided to answer Kedered first.

"I suppose we could, but shelter is kind of sparse out here, just a few farmhouses, cottages, and the like, and I don't think there are too many abandoned ones around here. I don't like the idea of leaving Kassin out in the open, far too risky here." Eilan looked around as wind blew, a short break in the snowy winds revealed a small looking hut out in the distance, in a direction away from the farmhouse. It soon disappeared from view as the wind got stronger, snow obscuring vision. "I saw a hut over that way, quite a distance off though. I don't see any tracks going or coming from that direction, but if it's abandoned, I suppose Kassin and whomever can't disguise themselves could head over there while the rest of us investigated the farmhouse. If it's not, it would be safer to stay in the open, and hopefully the rest of us wouldn't take too long." He then turned to Chance, and silently shook his head. She really isn't prepared for a situation like the one we're in.

"Not going to happen. If they are adventurers, unless you hide your wings, they're not going to react well to seeing a succubus, they might even attack on sight, considering what's happened around here. Not to mention...." he turned his attention towards Garis, he wasn't amused. Kassin also looked at 'him' with a surprised glance, his outfit was disturbing him a great deal.

"What do you think you're doing? Put some less revealing garb on, you're going to freeze to death out here! And even if you don't, everyone we meet would be wondering that exact same thing! This isn't a place to run around looking like a harlot." Kassin turned away, actively trying not to look at Garis.


Garis grinned wickedly and said "alright... fine" 'he' reformed his wings, using them like a curtain he covered everything from the party's view, reappearing a few seconds laterin a fine mage's robe and 'he'd' gotten a Russian commissar style rabbit fur hat at some point too...

The robe was a dark blue, with lighter blue magical symbols embroidered across it's surface.  'He' still wore the white cloak over the outfit, and looked like 'he' might actually fit in, in such an environment.  He spun about as if putting on some type of fashion show, and asked in a slightly sarcastic tone, "there, a little better?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Chance, still stunned by Garis's sex change, tried to stifle her giggles and gather her senses again. "Ok, I guess I'll be on Kassin duty." She thought a few moments, trying to figure out a way to make herself useful. "I could fly over to the hut and see if it is empty. Once I get close enough I should be able to sense some sort of emotion in there if there are occupants." She turned to Garis, trying to be serious.. "Do you think you'd be able to make my black markings and clothes white? Like what you did with the blood? I could easily blend into the snow to remain relatively undetected and return quickly to report." She turned to Eilan "Do you think that's ok?"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered faught the urge to snort. Instead, he looked about his pack for those tattered poor traveling clothes he had somewhere. As he worked, he talked to the group as a whole."Anything that flies is easy to spot, and is instantly regarded as odd. Most of us stay bound to the earth. I would suggest a disguise as someone who would have legitimate business approaching a farmstead, perhaps a travelling entertainer, or a peddler, although I do not think we have the sorts of goods to make the latter pose plausible."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Chance reached in her pack, took out a kazoo, and held it up. "Heh, it isn't much of an instrument but it might entertain a bit, and since I can't really go up to the farm someone else can use it." She smiled, knowing her other trinkets wouldn't be enough to pass off as peddling.


Eilan grumbled, but nodded in approval at Garis's new look. He let out a deep sigh, and shook his head with mild frustration.

"Kassin won't be able to hide, neither will some of us..., if you're scouting make sure that you're a reasonable distance away from him, or that's going to blow your cover right there." He shook his head again. "Regardless, I think you'll be able to come up with something." He took a deep breath after that, it was hard for him to say that with a straight face. "We'll find you after we're done, either in that hut or outside. Avoid contact with anyone else whatever you do." With that, he took a few steps off towards the Darrins farmhouse.

"Kedered, Garis, come on, we shouldn't waste any more time."


Garis just nodded and followed with his face set in an emotional mask... though his delight at the others confusion would be obvious for the other cubi of the group.  He paused and took a moment to bring up his mind shield, then followed Eilan.  Adding, "alright, i'm good to go"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Rafa kept quiet during Garis' initial transformation, stifling an audible headsigh. The second disguise was, thankfully, less obnoxious. "For all the great things I hear about you 'cubi and your shapeshifting, why the hell does it have to be so obvious? Can't you turn yourself all one color, blend into the background while you watch the dumb bastards mill around?" The demon fidgeted with his tomahawk. "But if you're going to end up blitzing their asses anyway, at least give us some kind of warning. If we're going to bail you out of some four-on-one fight, you'll need another one of us to stick closeby."

"...better yet, why don't I just go?" It was certainly an odd declaration, given how much self-preservation Raffiele exhibited in any other scenario. "With our luck it'll just end up in another fight anyway, and I can take an arrow or stabbing; prettyboy here, not so sure about. Besides, I'm tired of stopping and bullshitting around because of some mortal lunkheads."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered went about changing his clothes into something more threadbare and travel-worn. He senses that further debate amongst the companions was not likely to lead anywhere productive, and was resolved to go scouting, alone if need be. He could follow the others if they moved away from this place, they left a pretty wide trail.

Once his clothing change was complete, he cast a small spell over his travelling pack, making it appear more worn and stained with mud than it had been previously. Mentally reviewing his spells for making the little juggling balls of light, he announced. "I will go and check out the farmhouse. I should be back shortly, or at least send a message."

He strode off in the direction of the building, casting back a line of thought, to their newest companion. Do you wish to come, child?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Heh, someone needs a hug.. She thought in regards to Rafe's perpetual grumpiness. She looked to Tyrian, worried slightly and tried to think on how to go about going to the hut, until she was interrupted mid-thought by Ked. She froze, blinked a few times, and looked in his direction. Thoroughly surprised, Chance pocketed her kazoo and jogged to catch up, calling over her shoulder with a smile,"Zani, stay guard ."

She knew he'd want to come with her, silly ringtail, but she was mildly curious as to what prompted Kedered to welcome her along. Plus she didn't trust the demon, for obvious reasons, and with Ty being so worn out someone had to protect Kassin. Once she caught up to him she matched pace and looked ahead, feeling slightly awkward.

"Uh.. So... "


Zanfib had recovered from his wild bout of laughter, and had been merely lounging on the ground, quietly listening to the plans of the party, when he intercepted the sent thoughts of Kedered, which caused him to scowl a little. Child, he says. Chance is twice the cubi that ignorant dolt will ever be.. He thought angerly to himself a moment as he stood up to follow them, when Chance's command caught him off guard. He froze in the midst of taking a step, and watched the two head off, his tail angerly lashing about.

He sat back down again, crossing his arms and huffing softly. He decided to spread his senses around, and slowly pushed his telepathic abilities outward, scanning the area but more importantly, keeping an eye on Chance..


Eilan suddenly turned back to the rest of the group as Raffiele spoke. He was surprised, but more alarmed. Giving himself another opportunity to run away... possibly to alert the Claws again... He shook his head and snapped at the demon. "No, you're staying where at least one of us can keep an eye on you." He turned away, deciding not to express the full measure of his distrust.

He swiftly caught up to Kedered. He shook his head again, in mild frustration. I really hope Kassin will be safe with this setup... His thoughts were interrupted again when Chance came with them, he looked her up and down again, noting that she still had her wings out. He had only expected Kedered and Garis to come with him. While they marched along, he put his hand in front of her, and let out a brief "Stop."
"I thought you were going to be with Kassin?" Eilan paused for a second. "Regardless, if you are coming with us, you will need to hide your wings. I know there are adventurers in there, I don't know what they're like. They might show immediate hostility if they see you like that."

Kassin watched Eilan and the others as they went. Regardless, he felt calm as they went. He looked over the others with him, particularly Tyrian who had seemed oddly worn out. Kassin had a worried look on his face, he could sense the tension that many of his companions had, it wasn't pleasant for him. After a moment spent watching them, he slowly paced towards the direction of the hut Eilan saw. "We should get going, I would not wish to spend extensive periods of time without shelter if we can avoid it. I think that a brief rest might help us feel better as well."


Tyrian let out a soft sigh, the concerned look he received from Kassin made him aware of the toll the negative energy was having.

Taking a deep breath, the fox gave the best fake smile he could muster and gave a thumbs up to the young tiger angel, maybe I'm miscalculating his age at bit...

Shrugging off his facade, the august fox strode out in front of Kassin, "yes, rest will be good for us all.  I think I would like to sleep, but I fear we are not safe enough for me to do that."

Especially not with your only other 'protector' being Raffiele.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered turned and responded to Eilan, collapsing his wings into his back, and passing for a being once again. " My apologies. I was travelling with those who knew my heritage, I shall not falter again. But you should not come, or at least not come overtly. Four approaching a farmhouse speaks intent, and I do not think that posing as a travelling entertaining group will pass muster with all of us. Why do you not take Garis and crouch somewhere hidden as backup in case it turns rough? Or perhaps reinforce Kassin's position. Tyrian looked tired, and I am uncertain as to the wisdom of leaving him and Kassin alone with the Demon and Zanfib."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Chance took her Kazoo back out and grasped Eilan's outstretched hand, placing the kazoo in his palm. "I'll go hide in the bushes as back-up, Zanfib can take on the demon if need be and Tyrian is no threat to Kassin. Oh, and in case you don't know you just put the smaller end to your lips and say "oooooo" not as in surprise and alarm.. but as in impressed and awe."

With that she pulled the cloak tighter around her, crouched low, and skittered off to the right until she reached some bushes. She would follow the group at a distance, remaining far enough away to be undetected but close enough to be able to help.


Eilan clenched his hands in frustration. It would certainly be easy for us to pass as a traveling circus. He turned to face Kedered.
"A traveling entertaining group? In case you forgot, the farmhouse we're approaching is a soul-murder site. I don't think a group of clowns would have anything to gain from going to that place." He let out a soft sigh. "It's probably going to be more believable if we pose as adventurers, if nothing else." He also regarded the request to go alone suspiciously. His left eyebrow rose, as he examined Kedered's face more closely, trying to detect any suspicious ulterior motives. Besides, I'm not sure if I can trust him to tell us about everything he finds... "And I think it would be better if I came along to investigate the farmhouse." he said abruptly.

Eilan turned the back of his hand to the offer of Chance's kazoo. "Not happening, stay with Kassin. We can't afford a possible screw-up, and you wouldn't be helping us anyway if you were just hiding." He shook his head with mild frustration. I swear, I think these Cubi live in an alternate reality...

Kassin looked at Eilan, view of him growing more faint, he then turned back to Tyrian. "If the hut is abandoned, I suppose we could sleep there. I don't know how long Eilan and the others plan on spending at the farmhouse, but I suppose you could take a nap inside, if you would feel comfortable doing so. I'm not fatigued myself, though I have a feeling this will be a long day..."


Garis shrugged and cocked 'his' head slightly, "would you prefer i stay with kassin as well, or would you prefer me here with you... from the way things are going, i don't know what i could provide anything that Kedered isn't capable of. unless  you wish someone to be there to distract the adventurers i think it'd be best if i scout the farm house ahead of the other.  They're all wanted, and if someone raises an alarm, all of us will be forced to abandon our search here."  'He' rested his hands on 'his' hips as he continued to play his role rather convincingly.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Chance's ears went back, flat against her head, and she said through clenched teeth to Eilan "Just.... hiding??" She had to close her eyes to calm herself before she lost it again, her fists tightened from the effort, but then she looked to Eilan. "If you weren't so hell-bent on being such an ass you would have noticed I've come a damn long way on my own, some of which was not done hiding." She took a deep breath and became more calm. "Fine, I'll go back to Kassin... but I swear the minute I suspect any danger around here I'm coming back."

With that she quickly turned and jogged back to Kassin's group, thinking along the way: Heh, good luck guys..... and with her emotions coming a bit more stable again she added, please be careful... She didn't like the idea of three against four.. even with two Cubi.

Upon returning to the group she poked Zanfib in the side lightly and stuck out her tongue. "I guess you're all stuck with me for now." Gaining her bubbly self back she spotted Kassin and skipped over to him. "Thanks again for healing me so well and saving my life." She smiled before hugging him and going back over to Zanfib.

Figuring on how Kassin's an empath she guessed he could probably benefit a bit from having a good mood around instead of all the grumps. Which she was reminded of when she caught a glimpse of Rafe.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Ked nodded at Eilan's proposal, although he still thought that the entertainer scheme had merit. People didn't always expect gleemen, but they usually welcomed their presence. Adventurers, on the other hand, could be little better than thieves.

New role in mind, Kedered concentrated on his appearance, making himself shorter, stockier, and sprouted scars over a bit of his face, including one that went from his right eye socket to the left corner of his mouth, twisting his lip slightly. He brought his bow from his back to in his hand, and half drew an arrow on it.

Casting out a line of thought to Garis With Chance gone, I would appreciate you staying with us, but on the other hand, with her moods she might be less than reliable. This scouting mission can afford to fail and does not need a huge amount of muscle. Kassin's safety, on the other hand........ But I leave the choice to you.

Turning his voice to Eilan he said. "You should lead the way, I look like an archer, so to the back is where my place is. Besides, you can talk like a real adventurer better than I ever could. I can stay back and probe thoughts as well as keep my ears open."

He took a place about five feet behind and two to the left of Eilan, and waited for him to march.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Eilan sighed as he saw Chance leave. I just hope she doesn't decide to come back and blow our cover when we're inside.., she seems either unable or unwilling to shape-shift her wings into hiding. He turned to Garis. "No, I'd prefer it if you stayed with us, I think that a third set of eyes and ears might help in our search. I'm hoping that Kassin and the others won't run into anything while we conduct our search. Plus, for the quarry we would be allegedly hunting, three would be a far more believable number than two, there are five on your bounty after all." He turned towards the farmhouse, and headed on over.

The walk there was slightly unpleasant, deep snow on the ground, flurries of snowfall in the air, coupled with strong, cold winds. Eilan squinted as he moved towards the farmhouse. It was however, a swift journey. Once at the door, he pressed his ear against the door. Then, with a motion to follow whomever was with him, he opened the door.

It enters into a kind of living room. It's rather spacious. Unadorned, old looking wood covers the floor, with only two pieces of furniture in the room, a wooden rocking chair, and a small couch. There are doors on the left wall of the entry point, and one to the back, off to the right. The most eye-taking feature of the room are two corpses. They're wolf beings. They look to be around eight to ten years old, one boy, one girl.  Both of them have large wounds on their torsos, from some sort of slashing weapon. The blood from those wounds looks dry, at least a few days old. Both have their eyes open wide, with a terrified, frozen look to them.

There was also another being there, a feline. She wore long, blue robes, a warm looking cloak, with elegant designs to them. She appeared to be examining the two corpses. When Eilan entered the room, she rose to her feet, and stepped away from the bodies. She appeared surprised, yet, it quickly passed from her. She gave Eilan a cursory glance, gave a nod, then spoke. "I take it that you're more adventurers come to track those responsible of this horrible deed?"

"Indeed," Eilan responded, giving her a similar examination. He said nothing else though, for now.


Kassin nodded towards Chance. "I'm just glad you're well. I'm sorry you had to go through so much, no one should have to go through what you did." He let out a soft sigh, and looked up towards the sky. "S...sometimes I wonder why some can be so cruel. It's hard for me to understand such things, I feel pain very keenly, it's hard for me to imagine someone feeling joy from causing harm, yet..." He paused. "yet it continues." He stopped, he looked at the ground. "I've seen enough death for a lifetime in the past few days, I can only hope it stops, and soon. But..." He said, with a smile. "I'm glad to see that you're well, despite what has happened." He looked towards the horizon, the hut distant, but in sight. "We should get moving, it's a long ways away."

The journey there was short, if a tad unpleasant. The snow on the ground was deep, and flurries of snow flew through the air. The air was cold enough to be uncomfortable. Yet things remained calm as the hut came to be more visible in the cold landscape. The place seemed barren, unoccupied. No tracks could be found in the snow either.

Kassin seemed alright, though recent escapades had been weighing down on him. When the hut came into clear view, he clutched his neck with his right hand, and let out a soft gasp. He looked up at the hut, someone's in trouble, but without further adue, he charged at it, rushing to get inside. As he rushed towards the hut, a feline demoness, with fresh blood on her hands, came out, also running outside. The two brushed into each other momentarily, but didn't stop for each other. The demoness let out a "Urrgh, jerk should watch where he's going...", but continued running. She stopped momentarily when she saw the others however, she seemed surprised to see them.

Inside, Kassin took a brief look around, there were two creatures on the floor, bleeding badly. Without another moments notice, he went over and tended to the two of them. They were separated, he tended to Ketet first, healing the most grievous injuries. He did it quickly however, so only stabilized her. In a rush, he tended to Chiyo next.
Feelings of coldness, fading away, they last occupied your mind before fading into darkness. The cold slowly returns, yet, with a subtle warmth to it, feeling returns where none were before, exhaustion in the place of inertness. With a labored breath, you realize you can open your eyes...
Ketet gurgled softly, she felt cold, feelings slipped away. She felt an odd warmth, yet, she still felt like she was fading away. She collapsed back into unconsciousness.


Zanfib just smiled when he saw Chance return, and watched her prance about for a moment before he grinned. "You're absolutely right, you know." He said, alluding to the thoughts she was having concerning Kassin. "I'm not a ray of sunshine myself, and I think it would be good to have someone of your upbeat character around for his sensitivities."

Soon, however, they were on their way to the hut, and as the episode unfolded, Zanfib followed Kassin the best he could, but his eyes popped wide at the sight of the demoness. It was only a brief moment, however, before his mind snapped into action, and threw telekinetic bonds around the demoness, clamping down on her like shackles, stubbornly immobile. "Oh no you don't. You've got some explaining to do, missy." He said, before turning his head briefly to Chance and saying, "Check on Kassin, please."