[Audio/visual] Art for Tezkat and Tapewolf 12-21-08

Started by GabrielsThoughts, December 04, 2008, 09:46:43 AM

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I'm replacing audio for a 9 minute clip  from Father of the Pride for my sound design and development class.

Ideally I need two female and five male voices. But I'll take what I can get. The script for the clip will be up Friday and i'll need the audio by Monday at the latest or noon on Tuesday at the latest. The final project will be uploaded to Youtube with credits.

The clip uses footage from "black, white, and depressed all over" and the "possession" episodes.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

James StarRunner

I haven't seen the movie, nor do I know what will be said, so I shall give a tentative yes. I'll work on it when I do my other stuff.


SOUND MAP: Father of the pride
By Gabriel R. Lopez
Vis 341
Prof. Matt Henry [Nevada state college]

The sounds for this production will be binaural, it will come from two speakers located at the front of the classroom, and will be perceived as uniform sound  by individuals that can hear.  Father of the Pride is an NBC/DreamWorks television sitcom  that takes place in the Secret Garden [zoo] of   Las Vegas Mirage. It features the Mirage Lions, who appear in the Siegfried and Roy stage show. The series was  cancelled in 2004, possibly after the Montécore incident wherein Roy Horn was  almost killed [but not attacked] by a white tiger on stage. The main characters of the series were anthromorphic lions  Larry, Hunter, Sierra, Kate, and Sarmoti, and promoted wholesome family values with lots adult humor mixed in. the clips in my presentation feature hunter's first introduction into the series as well scenes  from "possession" and  "black, white, and depressed all over."

The ambient sounds from the in the clips are Zoo and jungle sounds, mixed with low-level urban  background. Hunter Running through the grass, tripping and falling. Larry and Sierra walking down the stairs. Larry plucking hunter from the ground, and setting him upright.  Larry picking up a hackie sack and handing it over to Sierra, Sierra throwing the ball to hunter, the ball dropping to the ground and rolling across the ground.

Next scene features the sounds of sierra munching on some popcorn, which consists of sierra reaching into Hunter's collar and grabbing a fistful of  popcorn and talking while eating. Kate and larry having an argument outside, midnight exterior with tiki torches and crickets, the door pushed open by and enraged Kate. Larry follows but is startled by Hunter, who pokes his head out the door to ask Larry a question about killing "grandpa." Larry pats Hunter on the back of his collar and knocks out some leftover popcorn out of the collar  which rolls out into his palm. Larry munches on popcorn.

This is followed by an exterior view of Larry walking hunter to school, the two are walking in gravel and are joined by Snack the gopher. The sound of a hatch opening and closing can be heard other sounds would be the sound cardboard against fur from Hunter's middle earth diorama and again low level zoo and jungle sounds can be heard in the background. Larry has a conversation with an elephant. The sound design for  Father of the pride also features non diagetic sound, which consists mostly of drumbeats. The scene then cuts to Sierra walking into the living room Kate is on the couch, and hunter is singing Tory Amos music in the bathroom upstairs. Sarmoti  walks into the room, Kate gets up out of the sofa. The scene cuts to the bathroom where we can now see Hunter depressed in the bathtub singing. The scene then cuts to Sarmoti looking for Hunter, and seeing Hunter outside getting bullied up by Anthony and mocked by Bender. Sounds would be Sarmoti walking on carpet and hunter  falling to the ground with his diorama.  The sound of beer Swishihing in bender's bottle and Bender and Anthony walking away. Sarmoti walking and kneeling down to help Hunter pick up the pieces of the diorama and dropping them back into the shoebox.

Cut to, lions roaring in the moonlight, as bonfire is raging in the background, crickets chirping, Bernie picking up the zebra skin rug and wearing it. Hunters claws extending. A thwack sound from when Hunter kicks Bernie in the nads followed by hunter tearing up Bernie one side and down the other. At the wrestling match while Sarmoti is giving hunter a pep talk the camera zooms in to a Nail file being used to sharpen Hunters claws, Later Sarmoti pops Hunter's collar off. Bender throwing his booze to the ground in outrage. Paw to hoof tap, referee blowing whistle, Hunter and Ant squaring off in the ring, Ant being thrown to the ground, referee whistle, Hunter spinning Ant around like a sack of potatoes, dropping him to the ground with meaty thwacks, followed by hunter tossing the referee out of the ring. The referee panics, and starts to smack himself. Hunter then gets in one last blow  until Sarmoti breaks up the fight.

The next scene is an interior shot Larry, Kate and snack are watching television as hunter enters throught the front door. Straw sucking, popcorn munching, heavy breathing and gopher-napping can all be heard. Followed up by the sound of a cup falling to the floor. The scene cuts to Hunter doing pull-ups he drops to the ground and faces Sarmoti. Air conditioning sounds would fit in, the door closes to reveal Hunter's terrified Snack.  The scene cuts to hunter appearing in Sarmoti's bedroom turning on a flashlight. The scene cuts to Hunter a scene with hunter and Snack. Snack is terrified and picks up a piece of cheese from a mouse trap that doesn't go off. You can hear  Sarmoti being shoved against a wall while forced and threatened by an elephant. 

Another scene change shows Hunter and Sarmoti walking in a park at night, we can also see Bender and his girlfriend  fighting in the park. We can hear Sarmoti unleash his claws, Sarmoti approaching Bender to give him a hug. This is followed by a final scene wherein  Bender is being arrested for stealing a television set. It is later revealed he was framed by Sarmoti  and the production draws to a close.

Original Clip Dialog

HUNTER: (running)  you'll never take me alive General Pingulax (trips over) oof

LARRY: (Gleeful) hey buddy!  (under his breath) He's all yours.

SIERRA: Hunter...Catch.

TELEVISION: Lion king playing

HUNTER: what's happening now?

SIERRA: (exhausted sigh) Simba was sad, and Darth Vader said some made up African crap.

KATE: (fighting using sarcasm enraged )

HUNTER: Dad... Are we gonna' kill grandpa?

LARRY: Come here.


LARRY: C'mon kid, you don't want to miss wrestling practice.

HUNTER: (whining) but I wanna' finish my middle earth diorama. I still gotta' put hair on Frodo's feet.

SNACK: hey Larry! I just found a rotten hamburger in the dumpster. You want in?

LARRY: Sorry little buddy, I'm dropping  Hunter off and then I gotta get home to Kate. She's in heat and    this is the first time we've had any alone time. No Hunter, No Sierra, No Sarmoti. Just me and Kate    and 45 minutes.

SNACK: Ahhhh! A little rumble in the jungle, A little zoom zoom in the boom boom.

HUNTER: What's Zoom Zoom in the Boom Boom?

LARRY: (with excitement) who wants a Gandolf action figure?


LARRY: See you later Buddy.

HUNTER: bye dad... hey guys! Who want's to boom boom in the zoom zoom?

LARRY: groans. Okay, okay. Still got plenty of good wife time.

ELEPHANT: Larry! wait! Do you still have that key to my house that I gave you.

LARRY: Did the  Turkey lock you out again?

    I have no idea what you're implying, but the turkey's just my roommate. We have separate       bedrooms, it's a totally economical arrangement. Aw screw it! I'll just  get the keys from someone    else.
LARRY: Later Donnie.


SIERRA: Mom, Hunter's in the bathroom lip syncing to Tory Amos again.

KATE: Oh jeez, he must be depressed.

SIERRA: He's really sensitive isn't he... what a tool.

SARMOTI: Hey Kate, what's with the suicidal chick music coming from the bathroom?

KATE: It's hunter again, maybe we shouldn't go to the party.

SARMOTI: Don't be silly, I'll hang out with him and cheer him up.

HUNTER: (singing Tory Amos Song)

SARMOTI: (concerned) Are we still pretending he's not gay?


SARMOTI: Hey Hunter, you in here?

HUNTER: Hey, Quit it!

ANT: Oh are you gonna' make me snow cone (pushes hunter) he he

HUNTER: (falls to the ground) Oof.

BENDER: (drunk) Anthony! Kick that kids ass then come home. I need you to be there in case I pass out while I'm  smoking a cigarette.

ANT: we'll finish this tomorrow dweeb!

Hunter  starts crying, sniffles

SARMOTI: So I assume that punk's the reason you were singing the boo hoo broad music in the bathroom.

HUNTER: yeah.

SARMOTI: Hunter, you're a lion. You can't be picked on by an herbivore

HUNTER: I know! What am I going to do. I have to wrestle him tomorrow at school tommorow.

SARMOTI: Boy, It's time to teach you the ancient ways of the lion. We gotta' dig down past your video games, your scrap booking projects, and that  fegula Harry Potter and find the warrior within.


SARMOTI: Tonight, Hunter comes to join the circle of warriors. Mombassa
BERNIE: Mombassa
EXTRA: Mombassa

HUNTER: Moobassa?

SARMOTI: Say it like you mean it.

HUNTER: Mombassa!

SARMOTI: That's right, Now the warrior exercises. Bernie, you'll be the zebra.

BERNIE: Absolutely sir. I would be honored to be mutilated by your grandson.

SARMOTI: Hunter, attack the herbavore.

BERNIE: I'm a zebra, I'm a zebra. Ahhh! Didn't hurt.

SARMOTI: C'mon show him who's boss!

Hunter kicks Bernie in the nuts.

BERNIE: waargh!    A devastating blow to my glandular sweet breads. It is as if your mighty instep had    crushed my nut sack sir.

HUNTER: Mombassa!

SARMOTI: Mombassa!

SARMOTI: All right kid, It's your big day.

BENDER: Hey Sarmoti. My kid's going to wail on your grand kid's face

SARMOTI: Forget him kid, you're a lion and you're going to put a world of hurt on that kid; And one more    thing (takes off collar) you don't need this anymore.

BERNIE: Looking good Hunter... he looks good.

BENDER: (inebriated) what are you looking at Stripe-pea?

ZEBRA: N-nothing, take it easy.

BENDER: (inebriated) * grunt* Take it easy! You won't be sayin' take it easy after I feed you a hoof    sandwich.

SARMOTI: Sit down and shut up, you hay sucking booze bag.

ANT: Hey girly, try not to cry on your boobs

YUM YUM: (English accent) all right boys, I'm your referee Colonel Yum Yum. I want a clean match, may the    grappling be spirited yet sportsman like.

BENDER: there they go, way to go!

HUNTER: Mombassa, Mombassa

ANT: (violent sarcasim)  what's that Kimba, som wussy white lion patty cake song?

HUNTER: Mooombasa!

ANT: eeeeeeek!

BERNIE: Atta' boy hunter.

SARMOTI:  heh heh heh heh, what's I tell you.

BERNIE: I knew he could do it.

YUM YUM: Hunter please, we're not savages.

SARMOTI: Okay hunter. That's enough.  Let's go home...yum yum look at yourself. Get a grip.


KATE: Hey sweetie. How was the wrestling match?

HUNTER: Mombassa.

LARRY: Great!

SNAK: Hey, Larry. You'll never gues who I saw at the mirage parking lot toda-Yipe!

LARRY: wow, even the commercials are awesome. Before I couldn't read the fine print.


HUNTER: (doing pull-ups )

SARMOTI: um...hunter, could I have a word with you about today's wrestling match?

HUNTER: Mombassa!

SARMOTI: yeah, yeah. I'm right next to you. Listen. You understand with this great warrior tradition stuff,    most of it is about bagging broads. What I mean is, it's good to feel confident, but you can take    that stuff too far.

HUNTER: ( creepy )  I get it grandpa. You were just helping me so I wouldn't be scared anymore.

SARMOTI: (nervous) Exactly, I'm glad we understand each other. You're a god kid.

Hunter shuts door to reveal Snack hanging from a hook.

SNACK: *whimper*

HUNTER: My precious, grandpa wants to take the precious...but grandpa's our friend...no! kill grandpa.


SARMOTI: Hunter? What the hell has gotten into you?

HUNTER: Some day a real rain is going to come and wash the scum off these streets.


HUNTER: cha cha cha cha be be be be cha cha cha cha

SARMOTI: Oh for crying out loud.

HUNTER: Mow! Mow! Miti- Mow!

SNACK: *whimpers*

HUNTER: Mow! Mow! Miti- Mow!

SARMOTI: The kid's gone off the deep end. I was trying to help him not be such a , you know, homo. But    along the way he got a little confused.

ELEPHANT: This sort of thing is very common with young modern carnivores. Their heads are filled with    violence from movies. Combine that with this African warrior who ha and you got a time bomb    waiting to explode.

SARMOTI: So what do I do? How do I fix him?

ELEPHANT: He looks to you as a role model, he must see you behave as you would like him too. IN other    words, you must show restraint in a situation you would normally resolve with violence.

SARMOTI: like when I get the bill with this crapola?

ELEPHANT: (outraged) You think this job is fun for me! I should bust your skull open on the freaking    pavement! (calm) anyway, I will bill your insurance.

HUNTER: What were you and uncle Donnie talking about Grandpa?

SARMOTI: Nothing, nothing.

DOE: (whining) But Bender, you promised you would get the divorce. I ain't getting any younger.

BENDER: (inebriated) well, well, well, You got a lot of nerve shwin' yose face around here.

SARMOTI: move it along grass breath, unless you want me to make you uglier than you already are.

HUNTER: (excited) Yeah grandpa! Mombassa! Mombassa!

SARMOTI: (rolls eyes and groans) wait a minute. Um... Tom? I owe you and your skanky girlfriend an apology. I'm sorry I spoke harshly.

BENDER: (drunk) Ooh! Someone's sorry. What are you want for that albino,  a hug?

SARMOTI: You know what, maybe a hug isn't such a bad idea.

BENDER: get away from me you wussy. *spits* bleh makes me sick... (at doe) c'mon baby, you can watch    me eat lunch.

HUNTER: Grandpa, you can let him talk to you like that and still be a warrior?

SARMOTI: Hunter, sometimes a warrior shows more strength by restraining himself. Violence isn't always the answer.

HUNTER: It's not?

SARMOTI: (relieved) No hunter, it's not.


BENDER: I don't know how that thing got in my house! Why would I steal a TV? They cut off my electricity 3 months ago.

KATE: how did this happen?

LARRY: I don't know.

JAGUAR: man, that tv was heavier than Kirsty Ally...why'd I say that. She can't control herself. That joke's    not right.

BENDER: I've been framed, framed I tell you. FRAAAAAAAMED!

HUNTER: Grandpa, what does framed mean?

SARMOTI: M'boy that's a warrior lesson for another time.

A/N: I call dibs on Hunter.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I'm offering free arts in exchange for services, Starrunner included.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


My voice is out at the moment, I'm afraid.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow... that's a rather large amount of dialogue for a clip that needs to be dubbed in a week. :dface

I've got a bit of time already set aside this weekend for recording stuff, but I'm not sure how much of your project I could realistically work into it, especially if we have to match lip flaps. I'll admit that I'm not quite clear on what you're asking your VAs to do here. Would we just be redubbing the original lines with new voices?

Anyways... potentially interested in: Anthony, Bernie, Chaz (the panther), Chutney (er... "Uncle Donnie"?), and Yum Yum. I can match those characters' original speaking styles fairly easily.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


just record the dialog, It doesn't have to match to the original  or anything I just have to show that I know how to replace audio.

EDIT @ tez : Do all three!!!
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I'm feeling a little better today.  I can't promise it will be up to my usual standard, but if you do still need more VAs, I can probably do one for you.  Probably not two as they tend to sound the same.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Tape, you can do Sarmoti. He's old,  so if his voice is hoarse it wouldn't matter.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on December 06, 2008, 03:25:07 PM
Tape, you can do Sarmoti. He's old,  so if his voice is hoarse it wouldn't matter.

Done, and sent by email in FLAC format.  It has only been partially edited, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on December 05, 2008, 09:46:33 PM
just record the dialog, It doesn't have to match to the original  or anything I just have to show that I know how to replace audio.

EDIT @ tez : Do all three!!!

All three what? :3

Anyways... some nice person evil pirate uploaded a DVD rip of the entire series to YouTube a few days ago, so I downloaded some clips to use as references. I couldn't help at least trying to match the lip flaps. :animesweat In cases where the script didn't actually match the dialogue, I either went with the original or tried to combine the two. I hope that doesn't cause problems.








Yum Yum





The audio is raw except for a little DNR. It is, however, already sequenced to the reference video. Not my best work, to be sure, but I hope it helps!


The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


thanks guys

I still need Larry, Tom/Bender, Kate, and Sierra

EDIT AGAIN: I also need snack.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


The clips were shortened, because it was too much work to get the larger ones to sync up with the video,in short there or more clips with the same amount of dialog. Also I had some fun messing with the  pre-recorded tracks from the DMFA radio project. unfortunately the video is too large toupload to youtube...which sucks, its late and I have to edit the file some more for the video. I still have two more exams and an essay to complete before Friday.










   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


That's a good-sounding audio mix.  Nice sound-design as well, though I imagine you've probably acquired the background sounds rather than creating them yourself.

The only annoying thing is that they're split into such short pieces.

Out of interest, what editor did you use to sequence it?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


audio was spliced together entirely in Audacity and then i just dubbed over the video with Windows movie maker.

while  I  did retrieve sounds with soundboard and findsounds.com , some of the sounds were home brew, door slaps, popcorn munching , popping the collar and  the nail clip were mine. snack, Larry, and any character not submitted that is using the actual dialog for the production were me.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Squee! My own little human being! I will name him George, and I will love him and hug him and pet him and squeeze him and sit on him to keep him warm. >:]

Hmm... that's a good look for me. I should do the bandana thing more often.

Thanks! :mowcookie
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...