Happy Thanksgiving!

Started by Jim Halisstrad, November 23, 2006, 03:13:32 AM

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Jim Halisstrad

May you all have a full tummy by the end of the day :3


It's 1:54 in the frikkin' morning and I can't sleep.  What's so happy about that?! :cry

Happy Thanksgiving!


It's 7 in the morning and it feels like it's 4. :< And I couldn't sleep either. Stupid Michigan.

...And I want mah turkey. D:< Hell, I want everyone's turkey. 'Cuz I'm a pig.


*Gives Daka his turkey 'cause he's not hungry.*


I live in continental europe, you insensitive clod!   :V
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


disaproving looks from the grandparents.

I love religous fanatics. *sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm*

but I get cute babies in my house, so all is well.

but I feel useless, my dad's the best cook in the family, so it's always here, so I should help out more than just making the mashed potatoes. especcially because I can cook.


I usually have Thanksgiving at my house/dad's house or at my grandparents' (Mom's parents) house. :U But I like it better at dad's. >> Grandma doesn't make TURKEY. She makes ham. Bleh. *Doesn't like ham* She NEVER -EVER- makes Turkey.

*Rants* D:

...Oh well. At least dad'll make some of his yummy gravy. :U I hope he doesn't bother me 'cuz I like lots of gravy on my 'tatoes and stuff. Heh.

"Would you like some mashed potatoes with your gravy, Dakata? :)"

Alan Garou

I'm thankful that this holiday means days off from school. I am also thankful that there is an iPod smilie. :ipod

Aisha deCabre

I myself am thankful that this forum is here for a good place to waste my time at.  :U

Also, Thanksgiving dinner is gonna be at lunchtime today.  :B My dad's parents make a lot of food and it's always too early.   :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



I'm thankful for... stuff. >w>


I'm thankfull I got some sleep last night.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I'm thankful that I'm getting a decent amount of sleep for the first time in two weeks, and that I have comparatively little work to do over the break. And of course, for these wonderful forums I lose so much of my social life to. :boogie


It's not so happy when the whole family is sick :< I need accupuncture on my throat. Warm food helps a bit, so at least it won't be too bad... I hope...

I'm thankful for, um, er... *thinks about his DSL that keeps dropping the connection, the half dozen things not yet arrived but probably would today if there were mail today, his failed attempt to get an XBox 360 for cheap, etcetera*

... To be perfectly honest, I'm thankful for eMule.

And my friends, of course, but believe it or not I say that more often :3


Quote from: Boogeyman on November 23, 2006, 02:36:25 PM
I'm thankful that I'm getting a decent amount of sleep for the first time in two weeks, and that I have comparatively little work to do over the break. And of course, for these wonderful forums I lose so much of my social life to. :boogie
You forgot to say that you're thankful for having such an adorable little "brother/sister" who's the most adorable little youngin' you ever knew, Boogey. :3 *Tries to look cute*

Let's see...I'm thankful for...
Video Games

:U And my ability to draw.


I'm thankful I get to be home for the holidays, despite it only being for a short time. <3


Im thankful my dad came home early


I'm thankful for ice cubes, champagne and beautiful nadies. Oh, and for mint chocolate and staying awake and tea. And for veal.


Jeez, two Thanksgiving dinners today, and another tomorrow.  I hope I don't esplode or something. :<


I'm thankful things and stuff. I'd mention them specifically, but none of you would actually care :)


Jim Halisstrad

I'm thankful that my ancestors came off the boat from Ireland and Italy (I am the new MicWap sandwich) about 80 or so years go so I can't be guilt tripped into carring about the past :3

Although, to make sure I don't come off like an arrogant jackass (Chorus: "TOO LATE"),  I will say that what happened to the Natives of this continent sucks Majorly.


\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

Alan Garou

I am thankful that I have a gameboy emulator, whether or not I'm currently allowed to use it.


I am thankful that my parents invited me over the past couple days to spend thanksgiving at their place.
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Skype Name: Karaius

topher chee