Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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“Well, this is for the party,” I say, holding up the pizza.

“And for what you said as I was leaving,” Sylver says to Aisha.

“What did she say?”

“Oh, nothing important; to you, anyway.”


He was dead, he was dead, he was dea... no, he was still alive. And aching, he realized. That was bad, but definitely not as bad as before. Which was good. The fighting had stopped too, which was also good. And they were... conversing?! Aisha didn't even feel like she was upset! And Mel had just gone from... Why did he know that? It didn't matter either way. Did they think he was done with them? He didn't know whether to roar or to laugh out loud.
   The place was still unstable. He was holding the ripples and currents back, and they were slowly smoothing out, but the disturbances still wanted to change, to twist and distort. So why not let them? he thought. After all, father always said to clean up after one's own messes. And now we have the chance to give this place a little style...

   When Aisha came into the main lounge, she saw Salticia sitting beside Stygian's body. She had turned it over, and was stroking his hair with a hand. His eyes were still closed, his hard face now a blank mask and his body still in that object-like way that only dead can be. She was shaking just slightly, drawing a deep breath every now and then, but made almost no sound. It took Aisha a moment to realize that the spider woman was actually crying. Beside her, Stygian's watch lay, now still and silent.


Quote from: e_voyager on December 04, 2006, 02:31:14 AM
at this point Karl i may be more humans to Nuke the building and build a new one.

*Karl gives E a look that could petrify anyone*

Karl: I will not destroy this house and then build a new one! It'll cost me 1 year salary, and then some to rebuild! So unless you guys know of a way to raise 1,150,000 Credits, I will not do it!

(OOC: the admirals yearly salary is 750,000 Credits)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Following Aisha, Gareeku saw the state Sal was in, and a wave of guilt overcame him. Kneeling down beside her, he gently put a hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes.
"He was a brave man. He sacrificed himself to save us all." the wolf said softly, before looking down at the still form of Stygian. Closing his eyes, he said a prayer for him in his head, before looking back into Sal's eyes, gently raising a finger to softly wipe the tears from her face.
"I'm so sorry."


"well it was just a suggestion beside i could check my coffers and see about pitching it. " e shakes his head. the Wily's were not poor though they were insane and like them E have started his own private bank stash. " still Karl i'm surprised that you don't have enough in savings for this kind of thing. Dr, wily always had at least enough to rebuild his fortes set aside when ever he got ready to make and offenses again the world. " under his breath he mentions that Dr. light had even more that that put away. as he speaks he cane his current vault contents and discovers that he has around  half a ton of scrap gold form a project in building a  time stabilization device. the devise was still int it's testing stages but still. "how about a donate 500lbs English measurements of gold for you to use as wiring materials ore how ever you wish?"

E blinks as he looks at the pizza in disbelief. " wait we hold a mini war here and the pizza actually comes. and this after all that time we spent waiting in Peace for it.?"  screams like charlie brown. "auugh!" sighs. " some one had better be having fum with this or else i'll be angry.":
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


(OOC:500 much is that worth in US Currency? Because 1 Credit is like 1 US Dollar...)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel was hearing everything, but it was as if it was miles away. She was working on the ring and had put herself into the state where the magic and the manual fell into sync. As she carved tiny glyphs of protection into the underside of the prongs that held the stone each glowed with magic for a second before settling in. It was more than the pantheress had asked for but locking out most of her brain in order to channel the magic into the metal was the only thing that had stopped her from throwing a crying screaming fit in front of the group of warriors. She wasn't exactly a baby anymore at almost 150 millenia but she had never encountered anything that actively wanted to hurt her before. She only hoped that she was past the point where she wanted to curl up in a ball and sob by the time the repairs were finished. She was determined not to humiliate herself.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Salticia moaned a little, and then let her tears flow free. She slumped into Gareeku's arms, wetting his shoulder and shaking with five arms around him, her cries muffled by his clothes. Her sixth hand clasped Stygian's watch, shaking as if she wanted to crush it, but couldn't.
   "It's not fair! It's not fair!" she repeated over and over. "He deserved to live! It's not fair...!"

   Then, another one of those pulses came, a single heartbeat that reverberated through the entire house. For a second, everything seemed to have stopped, and Salticia raised her head from Gareeku's shoulder with a little whimper.
   Then, something happened. Fast. The dust and debris on the floor seemed to crawl back against the walls on its own, the furniture moving as well. The floor seemed to ripple under them, and the walls were crawling as stone, plaster, wood and paint grew and moved with cracks and the swooshing sound of the dust passing by. Iron hangers and rails bent and twisted, glass flowed like water... The whole room was cleaning, rebuilding, and changing itself. And the very same thing was happening in the kitchen, upstairs, and throughout the whole rest of the house. You stared in awe as the marks of the whole battle, and even of you being here, were all erased as the place tidied itself up.
   The room had not looked like this before. The walls were painted a perfect maroon in between tall onyx-coloured pillairs that stretched to the grey stone in the arched ceiling, like in a gothic cathedral. At one end of the room, a large hearth of red marble and near-black stone, tall as a man, cast its light, flames dancing in it. A large two-piece sofa in dark red leather stood together with several matching leather armchairs in a half circle around a large, low and smooth table of wrought iron and thick, coloured glass, all on top of a large, dark-patterned and finely woven carpet in front and to the side of the fireplace. On the other side, largely an empty space of perfectly set and patterned black and red marble floor, were tall cabinets and display cases of dark wood holding a myriad of glasses of bottles, and another low table in front of them with some readied glasses and the tools for mixing drinks, and a bucket of ice with a bottle in it. The whole hall was filled with other things as well, including sculptures of black stone and glass, wall hangings, and curiously what appeared to be a ridiculously large flatscreen TV set on one wall, and a large, styled and of course black and silver stereo standing beside it, its speakers taller than a man and spread out around the room. There were live candles around the place, and a chandelier hung from the roof, all casting a soft, dim light over the room that not quite pushed back the shadows in the roof and corners. Out the tall, arched windows of the wall closest to you, stretching from the floor to way above your head and hung with blood-red curtains, you could see the well-tended garden sloping gently down in the dark evening, only a few lights from the outside lamps breaking up the darkness and casting reflections in water further off, between tall, looming trees, their crowns in shadows.
   Salticia gasped, and so did everyone else, you realized. The whole scenery had changed from battleground to gothic late 19th century mansion in less than a minute's time. And on the clean floor between you, Stygian's body was gone.

   From upstairs, you heard the doorbell ring two gentle, clear chimes.


*Karl looked around at the resulting cleanup*

Karl: Okay, people...I don't think we're on Furanis anymore...because this is not what my home looked like before.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


I look quite amazed, though I do not gasp. “Hm. Well, this is quite convenient. Just in time for the party, I’m guessing.”

“Wow, this is cool! Look at this! The place just completely redesigned itself!”

“I noticed,” I think, though I am too polite to say it aloud


As Sal sobbed into his shoulder, Gareeku gently wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight as he let her release her emotions. It was then, however, that the house began to change. Looking on with wonder and awe, the wolf then realised that Stygian's body was gone. A smile then appeared on Gareeku's face.
Hearing the chimes of the doorbell, Gareeku held Sal's hand in his as he made his way to the front door, opening it and seeing what had caused the chiming...


Sylver goes around the room, sniffing all the new decorations.


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on December 04, 2006, 03:23:25 PM
(OOC:500 much is that worth in US Currency? Because 1 Credit is like 1 US Dollar...)

(ooc it was much cheaper when i got it form my project though it should be noted that this gold was not bought for spending back when i bought it. also i'm currently out of spare diamonds though as i used the lase form focus the light for the reactor in my project so you'll have to get them yourself is you need to build a fusion core..

The book value of gold is currently $42.2222 per troy ounce. The information used to compile this reporting is received from the U.S. Mint, Federal Reserve ...)
i hope you have some ideal were we are but because i'm lost again.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


My lab coat is currently on the floor. I pick it up and put it on.

Aisha deCabre

After deciding that the lounge room was a little too strewn with debris to clean up for a dance floor, Aisha had gone back into the room just as she heard Sylver's remark to her.  She smiled, "Well, it's true," and eyed the pizza.  She would have pounced on it if she didn't have the dignity to wait for everyone else.  And that's when she had noticed Sal.

She walked up to join Gareeku and knelt next to the two of them, agreeing with his statements and quietly offering a solemn prayer of her own.  Of course...if Stygian were alive he would get a medal too...who'd have thought him a martyr?

And then, when the changes to the house had started happening, the panther froze, almost with fear.  Her hand was hovering over her belt.  Oh, please tell me this all isn't repeating itself...

But instead of acting, something told her to watch.  She was agape as the house cleaned up and transformed into something that she would've read from a history book in her studies long ago.  "Que en el mundo? (What in the world?)" she exclaimed loudly.  And when it was done, her hand came back from her belt but with no weapon.  Whatever this is didn't look like a threat.  But then, she didn't have the help of her darkness ring to gather with that.

Many of the people with curiosity had gone up toward the door to see who had suddenly rung.  Aisha glanced questioningly at Sal before following closely behind.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Gothic style archetecture? What in the...? Boogey looked puzzled, and then allowed his face to break into a wide grin. Again he raced up the stairs, this time to the door, shouting along the way.
"Only one person comes to mind likely to have tastes this gloomy. Hey Styggy! It looked like you were dead, so we figured we'd throw a party! C'mon in!" Panting, he reached the door and opened it, "Care for a drink or something? You deserve it too. Besides, if whatever you just did changed the contents of the fridge too I say you have to take the first drink!"


*OOC: Don’t you mean “Que EN el mundo”?*

I transform into the fox-like creature again. I disappear in a puff of smoke and reappear moments later carrying a pair of bracers in my mouth. I drop them and turn back into my half-wolf form, then I put on the bracers.

“What form are you trying out this time?” Sylver asks.

“You’ll see it when I try it out,” I say, “Form 0001A9, activate!”

Suddenly, I grow a pair of angelic-looking wings.

“An angel!” Sylver says.

“No, an incubus. It doesn’t appear to be working. I don’t see what could have happ… oh, right. Now I remember. I’m too young to have wings on my head,” I say, “Seems this new form is a success, then.”


Quote from: e_voyager on December 04, 2006, 06:19:57 PM
Quote from: KarlOmega1 on December 04, 2006, 03:23:25 PM
(OOC:500 much is that worth in US Currency? Because 1 Credit is like 1 US Dollar...)

(ooc it was much cheaper when i got it form my project though it should be noted that this gold was not bought for spending back when i bought it. also i'm currently out of spare diamonds though as i used the lase form focus the light for the reactor in my project so you'll have to get them yourself is you need to build a fusion core..

The book value of gold is currently $42.2222 per troy ounce. The information used to compile this reporting is received from the U.S. Mint, Federal Reserve ...)
i hope you have some ideal were we are but because i'm lost again.

(OOC:I thought you meant Pounds as in English currency, not the weight...I guess I was wrong)

Karl: I think Styg might be still alive and has changed the house...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


*OOC: I shall assume you stayed with my characters down here.*

“Styg? Who’s Styg? Wait a sec. Now that I think of it…” I am interrupted by the appearance of a pair of wings that instantly appear on my head. They match the ones on my back. “Wow. I heard they usually don’t come in this early. Anyway, as I was saying, now that I think of it, I don’t think I know the names of many of the people here at all.”

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Joat on December 04, 2006, 07:30:53 PM
*OOC: Don't you mean "Que EN el mundo"?*

((OOC: I'M supposed to be the critical one!  :U  Yeah, I fixed thing that's hard to do...speaking another language when you still think in English... ))

Near the door, staying at the head of the group but still situated so that she couldn't see it, Aisha whirled to stare at Boogey when she heard a particular name.  "Stygian?  Please, it CAN'T be..."

An ear quirked back to Joat at his remark about names, smirking politely.  "Oh yeah, you and your friend helped and I never introduced myself.  Aisha de la familia Cabre... Just call me Aisha.  My friends do."  Then, she turned back to the door, still unconvinced that it was who Boogey surmised.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


*OOC: I just said that I was still downst… never mind. Not too hard to fix. Let’s just say I was upstairs since the doorbell rang. Fixed.*

“Joat Legend Delia. And this is Sylver. We still don’t know how it happened, but him having a soul is nothing I’m complaining about,” I say.


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on December 04, 2006, 07:46:05 PM

(OOC:I thought you meant Pounds as in English currency, not the weight...I guess I was wrong)

Karl: I think Styg might be still alive and has changed the house...

(ooc: sorry i was trying to avoid that confusion but it looked like i caused it.)

"Well it does happen." E sighs and closes his  link to his vault filled with this form foil balls and comic books to  valuable ores and gems form building machines and more.  E scans the area looking for stygians energy signature to be sure " i haven't found his yet Karl but i wouldn't call him dead yet. Rock man almost always seemed dead only to came back rebuilt some times even stronger then before."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


“I wonder. Did I really get this form right powers and all?” I think aloud, “The wings are a big 10-4, but I have yet to recieve proof on any of the other stuff.”


Gareeku pushed open the front door, letting the coolness of a slight draft of evening air in. Outside on the porch stood a tall, blonde fur dressed in red and blue delivery bay clothing and with a cap set over his perking, ribbed ears. On his left hand he balanced a stack of flat cartons, smelling deliciously of warm tomato, cheese, pepperoni, onion... In his other hand he was holding a pair of full plastic bags, heavy from the way they strained.
   "Good evening, sirs. Did someone here order this?" he said, in a melodious, deep voice with a familiar curious accent. "I have four huge-size Palace pizzas, one pepperoni and mincemeat, one chili, one autumn special and one with olives and garlic. I have some other stuff too," he said, holding up the bags. From beneath his cap, a pair of glowing crimson eyes focused on you over a fanged grin.
   Behind you, you heard footsteps running.


“‘Autumn special’? What, does that one have leaves on it or something?” I ask jokingly.


"And he brought pizza," Boogey gasped, having raced to the door and still gotten there later than Gareeku, "He somehow survived, and he brought pizza. You are really trying to earn good guy points here, aren't you?"


good guy points or not he earns 200 turtle points for originality.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


“That leaves us with five pizzas. I suppose nobody’s gonna go hungry,” I say.

Aisha deCabre

For only the third time in her life, Aisha almost stumbled with surprise.  She had made her way around to where she could see the door frame better, and was now gaping at the figure standing there.  Could it REALLY have been...?

"Imposible.  I saw you die..." she muttered a little loudly.  "Your body was..."

The panther interrupted herself and took a step back.  The look on her face was one of confusion and just a little bit of fear.  But when she thought about it, maybe it was possible.  The one that was killed was in "your" head, chica.  Don't think you expected that he would be downed as easily as that.

She watched as one of the others took the pizzas, and despite the whole thing, smiled at Stygian...and hoped that it was him as well.  "Well, it wouldn't be a party without you now would it, amigo?"

I'm glad I didn't bet Boogey any money.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


“I am well versed in the laws of science; they are easily defied. And speaking of that, does being in incubus form allow me to do magic?” I say.