Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Stygian started to rise out of his chair, and was about to say something. The masked man though, did not wait. He seemed to have all the reasons he needed. He straightened his gloves and spoke quickly.
   "We recognize no authority," was all he said. Then, they all heard a short, sweeping sound, like a high-speed engine revving up very fast. The next moment, something tore through the air, red bolts of lightning tracing behind it, and smashed into the first two cyber-paladins. One was sent flying into a wall, and the other one stumbled at a blow to its stomach that was like a rifleshot with a bullet the size of a man's hand. The thing that had struck them swooped forth and back, a blur to everyone's eyes. But from the size and look of it, and the rough trails on the floor, it was clear that it was the masked man. He was running, fighting at such breakneck speed that no one could possibly keep up with him, darting forward and back in irregular patterns while smashing into the soldiers with expert timing and terrible efficiency, leaving counterattacks useless.

   At the same time, another shape shot down from the roof, black coat billowing around it. The woman struck one of the soldiers, pounding him into the ground, and then quickly swept something around him. Then, she leapt up again, a long string of white striking out from her form and grabbing one of the soldiers by his face, lifting him up and smashing him with great force into one of the walls. The other unfortunate was wriggling on the ground, struggling futilely to break through some sort of web that she had enveloped around him.


And what's really a bad sign is that this sort of thing has started to get rather boring. Boogey sighed and gathered up some of the food and tea.
"Alright, all for letting these guys settle their differences in here and continuing lunch in another room say aye."


*Karl looked at the soldiers being thrown everywhere*

Karl: Crap! Stygian...* turns to Stygian* question...are these guys immune to Time Manipulation?
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Skype Name: Karaius


Stygian just stood, his eyes closed and his head bent down, trembling with anger. He was gritting his teeth, growling under his breath and simply hating. Why did people always have to be so bloody insane?! He almost longed back to the confinements of darkness and isolation... In exasperation, he threw back his head and roared.
   "STOOOOOOOOOOOO... mmph!" His scream was cut short as white web shot down and snagged him by his mouth, tearing him up into the roof, to which the woman was now clinging.


Karl: Crap! Not again!  Sty...

*Karl was cut off when the Male hit him from behind, sending him flying into the cupboards...he soon fell from the wall crater that was made from the impact, but stopped just one inch short of landing on the ground...a dark aura was surrounding him*

Karl: You're gonna wish you didn't do that...
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Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had only time to gape with surprise at the other newcomers.  From the strange way that they composed themselves, and from Stygian's reaction, this had to be the help that he called for.  Though, they didn't really look much like help from their actions.  All of a sudden, reinforcements against a common enemy were starting to conflict against each other.

Then Stygian was suddenly silenced.  She hung back for a moment, wondering if she should dive into the fray to help quiet things down.  Her teeth clenched, hand diving to her belt and gripping the handle of her boomerang; gripping, not pulling out.  Not yet.

The panther stood up.  "Okay, people and otherwise, can't we calm down for JUST a second?"

She tried to keep from cringing should they turn their attention towards her.  A battle here and now was definitely not going to get them anywhere.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

As the bookcase teetered and shook from Karl smashing into it Mel gripped the shelf with claws that weren't feline. "Listen to the nice panther. Smart girl." As the shaking slowed she disappeared behind the remaining books.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Karl: Aisha, those two are not Styg's backup...they're the madman's lackeys

*Karl began to go through his Fal'dev Transformation when he saw Mel catch the rest of the Cupboard from falling*

Karl: those two owe me money for causing damage to those shelves...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


E sighs and arm raised and fired several short plasma burst into one of the intruders e's targeting system aims for it's chest center mast and it's head.( i belive it to be the male) " this is getting annoying. at least when dad tries to take over the world average citizens were more or less safe if they stayed in their homes or the wildly raid bunkers."

( ooc they have a point while i have not fought much i think that the story development should go on for a bit longer before the next random battle. If you want to prep for an next attack you can have out of context scenes of the enemy prepping for invasion ore give reports /orders)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


E's plasma shots burst against the man's speeding form. However fast the man was, E's auto-targeter was still faster, even if it did have to round the shot a bit to avoid hitting the soldiers. But when it looked like the burst was just going to hit him in the back, E could see in slow-motion caption how he turned his head against it, as if somehow aware of the shot before the sound of it even hit him, and then how he spun to the side. Making a whirling series of backward flips, he made a saltomortal and landed just before E, grabbing his Buster.
   "Intriguing. I think I shall take that," he rasped, and started to pull hard on E's arm, clearly intending to rip it off.

   Then, when he thus made the mistake of standing still, the masked man was hit in the back by a flying shape in a flaxing coat, and tumbled over, smashing into the already wrecked cupboard. Down from the floor, Stygian fell, almost fully back to his dark form, with wings spread and his back arched. His face was furious, long black teeth glinting in his maw of a mouth that seeped poisonous, crackling fumes, like his green eyes. In one hand he was holding a black spear, tipped with a long blade atop a small cross-shaped ornament. He stopped, floating just above the floor, and roared, a bestial, many-voiced shriek that grated at their ears.

   The masked man got up with quick and well-practiced motions, but even through the mask they could all tell that he was surprised.
   "Seba...?" he started saying. But it took no more than the blink of an eye though before he shot away to the side like a bullet again, and at the very same time Stygian disappeared in a blast of darkness and green. The very next moment, a sound of metal hitting metal, painfully high, snapped through the air as they both collided above them all. Then, they moved again. More bangs came. The man was a blur, and Stygian seemed to be teleporting, blinking back and forth in rapid sequence to meet his strikes.
   Then, they locked, almost right in the middle of the room. The man had taken out a pair of side-handled baton-like swords from somewhere, they saw now, and the both of them were pressing against each other while metal creaked.
   "Stand down, Stephen!" Stygian roared.

   At first, the man didn't react at all. Then, red bolts crackled down his arms and through his "swords", blasting into Stygian, who jerked back uncontrollably. The man flashed backwards, and was suddenly standing where he had been from the very beginning. He spun those blades of his quickly, and then they somehow vanished up behind his arms. He kneeled down, and calmly picked up his coat.
   "You heard him. Stand down, Sal," he said, his head directed to where Aisha was standing.

   From just behind her, Aisha could hear a woman's voice, that while soft still seemed to buzz and slither at the same time.
   "Are you sure? Even if it is him, these people don't seem very sensible," she said. "Well, except this one." Aisha could feel a clawed hand, gently sliding round her neck.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had watched with intrigue as Stygian recovered to match his "friend's" moves almost blow-for-blow.  Oof...I don't think I'd want to fight that one.  Que rapido! She almost went to calm Karl down...she should've explained that if the angel forces were coming back, it would be in greater numbers than just two.  But, the panther had the feeling that if she went forward with the warning it wouldn't really stop him.  She simply stood back and let Stygian to his negotiating and Karl's troops to recovering from their various blows.

But when Aisha suddenly felt something crawling at her neck, she froze.  Her eyes darted back quickly behind her head...the woman!  How could she have forgotten her?  The strangers were quicker than she had the notion to think about.  It probably wasn't the wisest thing to do, but to fight surprise with surprise was also Aisha's style.

"Gareeku and everyone, move!" she shouted, just a split millisecond afterwards grabbing the woman's arm before she could react.  She twisted her body around and tossed over her shoulder, taking the stranger through the air and landing hard on the table, splintering it.  She took out her bladed boomerang and held it just over the surprised stranger's head before she could even move.

"Trust me, most of us are more sensible than you think," she smirked.  "First lesson here; not a good idea to sneak up on a bounty hunter trained against the demonic arts."  Her blade withdrew slowly.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


he could keep of visual contact with Stygian and his opponent but his physical form could not maintain that kind of speed for long. that was quick man's specialty not his own. then as they watched  Stygain's dual the female  grabs Aisha from behind and thread her life should they not stand down.
e smiles as he watched Aisha throws the girl his trim having changed color to his remote mines he fires a few at the  girl with the delay on. Should they strike they would stick until she tried to remove then detonate or they would detonate remotely when he triggered it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*Karl's Fal'dev transformation came to a halt due to Confusion*

Karl: What the? They are associates of Styg's? Then why the (Censored) did they start making threats and attacking first?!

*everyone could clearly see that Karl was pissed about the mishap*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Aisha flinched. The face that smiled up at her... was not at all what she had expected. It was mostly human in form, but that was all that was human to it. Covered in short, smooth, lightish grey-blue fur with black patterns, it had two large all-black, gleaming eyes, surrounded by six smaller ones. Aisha was not sure, but she thought they were all fixed on her. The "woman's" mouth was edged by a pair of curved fangs, protruding strangely as she grinned at her and made a laugh, underlined with some kind of clicking, chirping tones.
   "She's strong too. I like her," the woman said, and reached up with one of six arms, grabbing Aisha's boomerang with three clawed fingers as she eased to the side. "Let's play with the sharp objects later, no?"

((Crappy, but I am making dinner and I only have about a minute or two...))

   The other one, the masked man, had put on his coat again, and was stepping closer to them. As he did, his "helmet" seemed to disassemble somehow, thin lines and cracks appearing where the metal had been smooth before, and the segments and pieces of it peeling down the back of his head and neck. Likewise, the metal on his neck vanished down his collar.
   His face was slightly pale, and so similar in lines to Stygian's human one that one might have thought them brothers, yet something made it very clear that was not the case. His was more rounded and balanced, with a just slightly arched nose, and though he had several thin scars across it and a right eye that was obviously cybernetic, gleaming darkly of gold and with two little studs set into the skin under it, he somehow managed to appear much more handsome than Stygian.

   The man walked with slow but determined, straight steps against them, facing Stygian with a slight twist to his lips, a smile that did not reach his eyes.
   "You are getting slow, Sebastian. You've been slacking off, I think," he said, shaking his head so that a long tied ponytail fell behind his otherwise short, white-blonde hair. Then, he turned his attention to Karl. "My apologies. But we do not like the sight of armed forces."

Mel Dragonkitty

The smashed bookcase shook once, twice, then exploded outward as that side of the room was suddenly filled with dragon. She thrashed onto all fours, making an even bigger mess of the room. Upright she held one hand to a bump on the side of her head. "Owwww! Who hit me?" asked a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar coming out of a so much bigger chest. For a dangerous second confused blue eyes scanned the room uncomprehendingly then, with a double blink, Mel was back. "Oh, right, all the party crashers. You children play too rough. Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to roughhouse indoors?"

She sat back and neatly wrapped her tail around her feet to take up the least amount of space in the room, silvery horns scraping long gouges in the ceiling. "Mr. Stygian, would you care to make introductions?"

(OOC:  Don't squish the bookcase the adorable little kitty is hiding in. :cry)
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


e sighs" i'm glad you are unharmed Mel and i like you would like an explanation. " the sensor on E's helmet above his  forehead flash and hit mines disappear back into his inventory  disarmed. ( not how it normally works but i  don't want the leave armed mines laying around)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stygian had reverted to his original human form, the spear in his hand, his wings and the black portions of his body having drawn back in, away from sight. He breathed heavily and kneeled at the strain of having to exert himself against a superior opponent while his new form was still not settled in.
   With the dramatic reappearance of Mel, he simply stood hunched over in the centre of the mess of the room, gaping. He looked up at the huge dragon with eyes that seemed to want to escape their sockets, his chest heaving and his arms hanging. Then, he fell backwards, his back to the floor, laughing hysterically in between rasping coughs.

   After a while, Stygian stopped laughing and rose to his feet, still shaking. He looked up at the just slightly taller, black- and red-clad man.
   "Things have been... irregular lately, Steph. Lose the suits, will you, Karl?" he said, not waiting for a response. "Everyone; this is Stephen Exel, a.k.a. Excelerator," he said, indicating the man with his hand. "The girl on the floor over there is Salticia."
   The man bowed in their general direction, but still did not take his eyes off them. He scanned them all closer from head to toe, his eyes stopping a moment first at Mel, and then at Aisha. A suggestive smile then went on his face again, and he stepped forward, offering Gareeku his hand first. The girl on the other hand kind of sprang to her feet, rubbing her plump abdomen behind her for a moment, and then sided up behind Aisha and Gareeku, laying an arm on the shoulder of each and leaning on them.
   "Interesting friends you've made, Styg," she said in a cheery voice. "How many have you eaten yet?"


Karl: very well...guys, take a break (via subspace)...

Soldiers: yes sir!

*all the soldiers, including the CyberPaladins, entered a pocket dimension to be on standby if they were needed*

Karl: the troops will be awaiting when we need help...I hope your two friends here will understand the need for security, Stygian...

*Karl Gives the two new persons a glare that sends the message that any further disorderly conduct (from the two of them) will not be tolerated in his home*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


e's eyes flash at the dark humor. it's almost like some thing he would say. Erebus laughed within e's mind. chill E you know that you need to wait and see what's going on. but be glad you didn't donate any of those mines before things calmed down.   'yeah i know' e mutters sub vocally to Erebus. 'still he took a few direct shoes and then he grab my arm. he's not as strong as gut's man was but given time he could have  damaged it. why worry about it. even if he did mange to damage you it would explode in his hands like a 10 mega ton mini nuke. 'that would kill the organic. that why i'm uses these old weapons form 20xx to try to keep them safe if the intercept the line of fire.'
I will never understand you. have you so fully adapted that robot's programming?   it's not his program it's a partial back up of his memories and yes they effect me some.' E ups hit bust to the mark 7  and  test it's charging capacity. Now with this he could slice through a six inch this slab of steal reinforced concrete in one shot. It had around 15 times the power of his last buster and that made him uneasy. He takes a moment to down grade to the mark 5. that should be better he's thinks the mark 7 and the x mark 3-7 for later should he need them. the sword at his hip rattles and he looks down surprised that he had forgotten it. "not now mornblade" he says speaking aloud for the first time in a while.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Boogey leaned in a corner until the commotion was over with. So we have fools who think they have jurisdiction over everything, fools who think they should, and us fools who do nothing about them. Alright, philosophy time over. he broke out his best "aren't-you-all-so-silly?" smirk and strolled forward.
"If you're all quite done lowering the real estate value around here, could we get back to important things, like food?" He sat down at the kitchen counter (assuming there is a counter left) and evaluated the newcomers. A brute, and if Stygians comment about prior girlfriends from earlier was true, his ex. My, but they both must have terrible taste. Trying not to let his initial impression of the two show, he waved a hand to indicate more seats, "Please, sit down. On the topic of eating, while anyone smarter than the Thing at the back of the fridge is not on the menu, we do have tea and various snack foods. And I think your pal threw together something, did he not?"


Watching the commotion, Gareeku stood leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, observing the chaos bfore him with a stern expression on his face. When everything had calmed down, the wolf walked up to stand beside Aisha, only to find one of the creatures who had attacked them only moments ago now acting friendly, putting a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Well you've certainly changed your tune." Gareeku said calmly, looking down at the woman with a raised eyebrow. "Some of use may not be sensible, especially those who have not thoughts things through with logic and reasoning," he continued, glancing towards Karl, "but i do not think i would exactly regard bursting into this peaceful abode and attacking us without provocation as the most sensible of approaches either."

Turning his head to look at the Male, the wolf continued his stern look for a couple of seconds, before a smirk appeared on his face as he took the offered hand in a handshake.
"But that doesn't mean I don't like you though." he stated. The recent commotion had not left him in the best of moods at first, but once he knew they were not enemies, he began to relax again.

Looking back to the female, Gareeku chuckled.
"I don't think he could like to eat me somehow..." the wolf said, looking at Stygian with the smirk still on his face before patting the katana fastened to his side. "I think he knows I'd leave quite the bad taste in his mouth."

Aisha deCabre

Eaten?  She had sneered slightly at the woman's joke to Stygian, if it was even a joke.  Nonetheless, now that introductions were made, it seemed that everyone was now at least going to try to be civilized.  The panther shrugged the shoulder that Salticia had her hand on, nodding politely in turn to she and the other man.  "Charmed, muchachos.  Just call me Aisha."

Aisha watched the reactions of the others.  Karl had called off his soldiers for the moment, E looked like he was arguing within himself, Mel had reverted to dragon form, and Boogey was looking a little aloof about the whole disturbance.  With a cautious breath, the huntress placed the boomerang back onto her belt.  She definitely had to agree with Gareeku; calling everyone else unsensible was nothing short of ironic.

At the mention of getting back to eating, she glanced back to the table.  Yeah, it was broken, but at least food tray was moved out of the way.  Her ears flattened on her head.  "I' for that later," she rolled her eyes.  Suddenly everything is getting more interesting again.

She smirked.  "Let us get back to our nice meal then, si?  And yes, nobody eats each other.  Lot of blood lost that way."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


For a moment e looks really angry then he calms downs. around E a huge shadow is seen by those that are looking. it hovers for a moment then vanishes sinking into the wall and floor. E mutter a little under his breath the moves away from the wall heading for the kitchen. "back in a bit" he says then he is gone
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

topher chee

(OOC:Sorry I've been out for a while, I was on vaca for thanksgiving, Ill try and catch up)


The man's hand was like iron when Gareeku shook it, and in more ways than one, he suspected.
   "As I said, we don't like soldiers. And suddenly getting a link out of nowhere, as if it were an emergency, kind of puts one on edge. I hope you understand," he said curtly.
    When he turned to Aisha, he bowed more deeply and kissed her hand. The iris of his normal eye on the left was easily as red as hers and had a fiery gleam to it, like a hot coal, sharply contrasting against the cold gleam of his right one as he looked at her. Stygian cocked his eyebrows slightly at this as if he had not expected it, but the man just moved on, making very formal greetings to all.

   The girl on the other hand laughed heartily and nodded to Aisha and shook her shoulder slightly.
   "Call me Sal then, Aisha. Everyone else does, except Styg," she said. Then, she sidled up against Gareeku with a more suggestive expression, and he could feel more of her hands settling on his side. "You would be surprised at what he can down. Kind of like me." She clicked her jaws, a low but hard snap. Those fangs of her seemed to move independently of the rest of her teeth for a bit before she closed her mouth. "Do you have a name, big guy?" she asked.

   "Forward as ever..." Stygian said boorishly to all of this, and turned against Exel. "In a way, this is an emergency. We've had an... incident here." He pulled out a red, metallic thing, that which he had torn from the girl's body.
   Surprisingly, Salticia turned her attention from clinging on Gareeku to eyeing Stygian irritatedly. He simply stared back at her with a dull expression. Then he shook his head.
   "One. Just one," he said. Salticia smirked.

topher chee

*enters from the darkness*
Ello everyone.  Top o the mornin


*Karl turns around and speaks*

Karl: Yeah, it seems your friend caused quite the commotion and accidently led someone's forces into my home, which wouldn't have happened if he'd placed the thing he had prisoner several miles outside the perimeter of the complex...that way we wouldn't mistake the thing for an innocent!
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Aisha raised an eyebrow towards Karl and laughed in agreement.  For all the trouble it didn't seem that some were so capable of thinking ahead...or else perhaps the house was needed for something.  Aisha wasn't going to be the one to cast any more aspersons...she arrived to the party just a little late.  She smiled politely while letting Steph kiss her hand.  Like Stygian it seemed his friends had charm to balance out their quirks.

Not afraid to show it either...The pantheress gave Sal a slightly incredulous look before shaking her head and taking the nearest seat.  She picked up a few pieces of bread and cheese salvaged from the tray and started to munch on them, concentrating on finally filling her stomach and watching as Stygian took out a piece that had been of one of the marauding angel-creatures as proof.  "Mm-hm, we have a very interesting story to tell," Aisha muttered.

Her ear pricked up for a second only to regard a noise from the darker parts of the house.  Someone with interesting ways to move it seemed some of the guests had the liberty to come back into the mansion.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Oh, I'm sorry. Of course I thought that people would come wandering into a locked up and empty house," Stygian said sarcastically, the comment clearly directed to Karl. "Twit. I wasn't expecting the girl or her friends, and I was going to leave. Then you showed up."
   He didn't mind Karl further, but turned to Exel and walked up to him, handing him the little metal-thing. He sounded quick, almost severe when he spoke again.
   "You're going to have to go back soon. These ones came after me almost immediately after a jump. That's too close to my latest return home to be a coincidence, especially after last time. And these ones were... different. You remember the Blood?" he asked, and Stephen answered with a nod. "This one was quick like that one. But even faster." Stephen's eyes widened slightly, and he took the little thing in his hand, examining it carefully.

   Salticia paid the thing about two seconds of her mind, before she went back to clinging on Gareeku. However she did speak, and not to him but to Stygian.
   "You're saying that there's a rat, is that it?" she said, and her face turned bitter for just a second. She faced him again. "We've had two breaches the last month. And Moira's Mouth went missing. We had to recover her from one of Simon's places. Don't know if they got anything from her though."


Hearing the woman speak, Gareeku smirked again.
"My name is Gareeku. It's nice to meet you." the wolf said, nodding his head slightly in greeting.

Watching the man kissing Aisha's hand, Gareeku raised an eyebrow slightly. However, seeing his formal greetings to everybody made him smile slightly. Quite the gentleman... the wolf thought to himself before listening to the conversation.
Great...just what we need...more of those things... Gareeku thought to himself.