Burning Galaxy RP (OOC/ info/ character creation thread) (PG13)

Started by KarlOmega1, October 04, 2008, 02:42:37 AM

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First of all, I would like to thank anyone who has any interest in the RP I am about to propose. Second, We all know everyone has their own version or take on certain races...especially me. Not to mention new things as well. And lastly, try to have a good time.

The time of the RP plot takes place a thousand years or so before the end of the "Age of Humanity" on Old Earth. The place it takes place in is the Chaosenger Universe...it's a side story RP, as you would figure. Some Humans, sensing that there might be an end to the Earth they once knew...left to join the other humans on other worlds. Now, humans weren't the dominant species on the other worlds because of anti-discriminatory laws enacted by the FIA millenia ago. However, the FIA is not the only major Government in the Milky Way. There are others... some are friendy, some are not. Tensions between such governments can get very high, so many people tend to get their guard up in neutral space. However, the verge of galactic war is near...how will you decide the galaxy's fate?

Major Galactic governments:
Federal Interplanetary Alliance (FIA)
Boragonis Empire
Neistar Republic

Key FIA worlds:
Terra Gaia - Earth
Terra Ares - Mars
Celestia Heliosa - Apollo
Celestia Capitus- Omega Prime
(guest planet)Celestia Neogaias- Mobius
Celestia Vamprinas - Draculan
(guest planet) Lylatia Toxois - Venom
(another Guest Planet) Alpha Centauri Primus - Cybertron.

Key Boragonis worlds (won't bother with the Sol-spark names):
Aforis Prime.

Key Neistar worlds are unknown.

Next...I'll start with races:

Mortalis- these entities are your basic "Being-class" lifeforms...though some can do magic, it would take a lot of training to bring their power up to match with other races.
Lussitori- the Chaosenger universe's variation of "Cubi". They are the Jack of all trades in this RP, therefore they can handle any job that would probably break some of the other races...and they are quite attractive.
Mechaniss- Cybernetic/technological lifeforms  that have existed naturally or were created by others.
Shifteni- Werebeasts, chameleoids and some  of those who can shapeshift belong in this category.
Sparkanis, aka sparks - These lifeforms are not alive in terms of having flesh and bone. The are in terms...spirits. they are unable to use or be harmed by any physical means. the same does not go for energy-type methods.
Devasi- Known as spiked backs, this demon race has bone spikes protruding from their backs. The females of this race however have smoother tipped spikes.

(Elemental races and angelic races will be posted some time soon. Same goes for character sheet form.)

Disclaimer: Sonic references belong to Sega. Starfox references belong to Nintendo. Transformers references belong to Hasbro/Takara Toys.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Well...that's one person interested.

Races (Cont.) :

Hemovorus- By the standard definition, these creatures are vampires. However,  the "Chaosenger Universe" version does not burst into Flames and ashes when exposed to UV rays....their eyes are more sensitive to it than any other race, though.
Vinerori: These lifeforms consist of a plant/animal symbiosis and are earth elementals.
Pyrosani- Elementals born of the flame, these creatures like to burn their enemies.
Aquaristians- these creatures are you basic Water/ice elementals and they love to live on worlds where water is plentiful.
Aerosians- These entities are best describe as masters of air and electricity. Wearing something that reduces conductivity is advised if you face one.
Abyssanoans- Beware angering these creatures, for they are known to be Dark elementals.
Heliosani: these light elementals where evolved in a small conflict with the Abyssanoans at one time. They still think that they are the
purest elementals.
Fal'sephin- The angels of legend, they pursue wisdom and will not use any powers associated with the element of Darkness.
Fal'dev- Unlike the Fal'sephin, these angels are not restricted from using the dark element powers...that is why they are often called Dark/Fallen angels.

Character sheet-

Fav. Food:
Fav. hobby/activitiy:
Main Weapon of choice:
Background Info: (optional)

that's the rest of the races and the character sheet...hope many of you will join.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


forgot to mention that the Devasi tend to be a bit of a powerhouse race. (high strength levels)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius