
Started by Paladin Sheppard, September 06, 2008, 08:48:42 PM

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Mine is, as you already know; Tytaj

It would be cool for everyone to mention their nicknames, watching other peoples achievements and creatures is good fun. Yes, those are included on the userpages on the spore website. Of course I cheat by having my little bro play together with me :3


Quote from: thegayhare on September 12, 2008, 12:36:18 PM
Oddly enough I have run into the creatures I made for fun in the creature creator   It was weird seeing one of my vicous queers hunting down and killing a Willy for food
Wow. Just...wow...


If any of you come across a race called the Snarfloo, look out.... unless you're in a spaceship and abducting them. Then F YOU!

Edit: They are now in the space age and will probably try to conquer you outright. Have fun. ^^


man managing a galactic empire is a pain in the ass.

every time I turn around I have to fly half way across the empire to save some planet or anouther from an eco disaster,  and my home world of Hell gets raided by pirates every other day.  At this rate how the hell am I suposed to lay a bloody swath threw the galexy to find these Grox.

frankly I don't even bother with the pirate raids anymore.  I rarely ever get abywhere near my home world to pick up my spice deliveries anyway


I'm going to do things the same way I did every other stage of life. Slowly and steadily build up my abilities and then raid the whole galaxy! Raping their cities and burning their women!


You'll still face the same problems

the more planets you controll the more likely one of them will have an eco emergancy.  plus any allies you have will call for help with the same problems constantly

myself I've been exteminating agressive species I'll leave freindly ones and traders alive for now (they won't bother me and I can make spore bucks off them) .  Half the time I end up destroying there cities (which nets a nice cash bonus) the other half I capture them which saves me the trouble of building a colony


Simple solution for eco-disasters. Only keep a couple of colonies. Kill anybody who gets too close.


While that might work you'd still have other problems

If your ship is destroyed you'llm have a long trip back, pluss if you limit hte size of your empire you'll miss out on several badges...

Your a show in for the war monger badge but the colony badge and conqueror badge would pass you by.

sadly today I was forced to exterminate my closest allies.

The Frung Empire was a race of warriors, they were the first species I had come across and we had been allies almost since the day our species took to the stars.  We were so similer both massive reptiles, both of use had more then one face, they even supplied me with all my weapons. but yesterday they grew over confident.  they demanded I pay them tribute.  I refused to bow to anyone.  when they severed the aliance I did my best to calm them down, at there direction I even went to war against one of there enemies, but it was all for naught still they demanded tribute,  and when none was forth coming declared war.

our empires had grown up together and we had become some what intertwined , so it was no real surprise when Frung ships showed up in my homeworld's skies.  they destroyed 3 cities before I drove them off of Hell but this was an act that was unforgivable. 

I targeted the planets closest to Hell to make a safe zone, then proceeded to attack the frung empires outer colonies, shrinking there boarders almost to nothing. When they had two planets left I attacked there homeworld and conquered it forcing the entire Frung race to flee to some airless moon.  With there home world gone I descended on there last outpost.  I didn't fire a single shot instead I abducted a single citizen and returned to orbit.  I made him watch as I fired off a single bomb.  As the planetoid was torn apart by the massive tectonic forces I turned to him and said "Do you understand the mistake you made"  before he could answer I pushed him into the airlock and flushed him out into space.


Meh. There isn't that much benefit to having a lot of conlonies. You only need 13 of them to get most of the good toys. Some coreward outposts can be useful if you plan on taking on the Grox, but otherwise it's better to keep planets clustered. Hourly spice production on a T3 world can easily hit triple digits, so even a handful of maxed colonies will require a spice circuit every few minutes. Seriously, what's the point of being an Omnipotent Galactic God if I have to do everything myself? Good help is so hard to find. Geez... :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


hey does anyone know how to get the brain surgeon badge?

For the life of me I can't figure out which tools I need to make a creature sentiant.

I know the monilith can inspire them into space,  I thought it might be the creature tweaker but all that seems to do is let you mess with an existing creatures body