On Emotional Energy

Started by Lucheek, September 01, 2008, 09:49:40 PM

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I was wondering- how far does Emotional Energy (the kind that Cubi nom) extend from the, er, source?It was mentioned a Cubi could "starve" to death in a box with no emotions to feed it. Does this mean that Emotional Energy cannot travel through walls? Or is this hypotethcial box reinforced with some kind of special barreir to prevent or, or has super-thick walls? Because, if not, Would it mean if there was a peice of cardboard between Fa'Lina and Dan in #487, that Fa'Lina could not absorb (...as if she need to...) Dan's Emotion-Energy?

In #864, Abel says that he can hear the thoughts of the inn-guests upstairs. Assuming that thoughts and Emotional Energy can travel the same distance, then it could go through an entire floor.

Another theory, maybe "strong" emotions can travel farther than "weak" ones. Like...an overall cheeriness could travel 2 yards, but a sudden burst of euphoria could travel 7 yards. -snaps fingers- That reminds me! In #522, Dan's Joy-energy traveled far enough for Fa'Lina and Ink to sense it. I really don't know how far away Ink was from Dan at that time...but at least one wall. But maybe because Fa'Lina and Ink are both very powerful Cubi, they can pick up emotions from farther away.

Hmmm.... Anybody have any light to shed?


It probably follows the inverse square law, so all you'd have to do was make sure they were walled up somewhere sufficiently far away from others to provide nourishment.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Personally, I've always used the "emotional energy" aspect of Mab's strips as an allegory for how it works in real life. If you're near a positive person in real life, you feel uplifted. When you're close to someone and chatting a lot, you can feel the energy bounce between you. If someones a real let down, he can drain the energy out of an entire room. If a couple argue, the energy of the whole house goes to hell.
I'm guessing for Cubi these limits can get extended a fair distance, possibly depending on skill and experience. How far I'm not sure, but I would be very surprised that for Fa'Lina at least, it didn't extend to the entire academy.


It can very much go through walls.  Remember when Abel was showing Dan all the swords, Fa'linia and Ink felt it from where-ever they were, leading to one of my personal favorite Quotes (Ink: Now my tea tastes like joy... How Horrid...)
It's strip 552


I would think walls etc. would make sensing emotions harder but not all together impossible. in order to starve out a cubi you would have to put a good deal  of effort into making sure they were completely utterly secluded. Or the box is just to keep them trapped in a secluded area so they could not move around and hunt for others. It would make sense however that more powerful cubi will be able to better tune in and out of the emotional presence around them.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.


The age and skill of the cubi may also be a factor.  Both Fa'Lina and Ink are fairly old and practiced, so they may be much more sensitive to emotional energy than a younger cubi would be...