CWM and CWF dates

Started by Castle Pokemetroid, June 18, 2008, 11:00:28 PM

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Castle Pokemetroid

The two copyright dates are circled in yellow:

Clock Work Mansion:

Clock Work Forums:

If I get this right, the forums are only two years old and the site the forums is connected to existed three years before the forums did.  :erk

Now, if I go to the Mansion itself, the site, it seems it's completely built on the forums, as it would have nothing without them. Just the bottom with the network sites.

Another thing, my profile says I've been a member ever since 2006. I never knew I joined up in the year the forums started. :U But I won't know how close it is to the forum creation date unless I have it . . .

I know there was a DMFA forum before this one, but it was destroyed right about when I joined.

Notice: Holy hell, I just checked my profile right now, and it says today is the same day I joined two years ago. What a bloody coincident.

But the main point of this topic is to say I'm confused on the history of the CW site and it's forum. I know there's a timeline, but I can't seem to understand it.

Are the copyright dates correct, or somethin'?

Edit: Noticed that there's useless writing below. The below has nothing to do with this topic, nor can I recall how I wrote it in a half of a minute, but it's there.

Sorry if I'm getting confused on something small, or overthinking. I seem to overthink about stuff too much. I can't seem to stay sane enough to do something without thinking about it for a very long time. It sometimes makes me rant about a small or useless thing too much, like writing a large paragraph at a end of topic in a forum, or somethin' like that. It even takes me about fifteen minutes to half an hour to a very easy and very simple questions of over thinking. Math tests take me months of coming back to class after school, recess, before school, ect. to finish. I also tend to overexplain useless things, even after points are made, but I haven't caught myself doing that for a while. But the most interesting thing about this it that I saw such a tiny detail like the copyright on the forums and thunk about it enough to make a big deal out of it. I sometimes have an easier time looking at little, tiny details, rather than the big picture. I could go on, but I'm not too sure who would sit through it. I send three page E-mails to my pen pal everyday when I can't write a one page triple spaced report in less than several weeks.


The Clockwork Mansion, the site, existed in various forms since before there was a forum on the server. At one point it was the repository for subhosted sites, when ICVD ran out of room. But then ICVD got a server upgrade, and so CWM ended up being a junk server that I hosted random stuff on. When we needed a place for the forum, it became the site for it.

Long story short.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Castle Pokemetroid

Ah, thanks. That makes sense.