Hey guyz ^_^

Started by Fizzbit, July 06, 2006, 04:11:26 PM

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I'm back from Europe now. It was fun. Would have posted earlier but I've had company over. Still do, but I have a break now.

I really regret not bringing my Metroid Pinball for the flight O_o that game can make hours go by really fast (at least for me).

Europe was really cool. England, particularly Bath and Salisbury, was very lively and a great place to be in. Didn't like France very much, but I did walk down the Eiffel Tower and see the Mona Lisa (The Louvre is HUGE and the art in it is so very awesome!). Belgium has great chocolate :D. Can't say too much about the Netherlands other than the weather was nice, and Anne Frank's house was really... haunting is the word that comes to mind. Might not be the best, but it's really creepy standing next to a window in that tiny house knowing that the little girl whose diary has captivated millions stood just where you were 60 years ago. Germany was full of Soccer/Football fans and the weather was HOT and HUMID. Great sports atmosphere though. Finally, Switzerland was absolutely beautiful. The ice on the alps had begun to melt with the weather warming up and the mountains were filled with run-off waterfalls. The weather at higher elevations such as Mt. Pilatus (7,000 ft) was delightfully cool and crisp and felt great. Seeing a thunderstorm at that elevation is really cool, too. ;)

So yeah, been home for little less than a week now. Gotta take my Piccolo in to get the pads repaired and upload the photos I took, and catch up on news and events at home. Glad to be back in the states ^_^