Original drawings for sale

Started by James StarRunner, May 03, 2008, 05:19:26 PM

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James StarRunner

Car insurance, wedding rings, credit card payments, student loans, health care insurance... I need to cover these expenses and soon.

My foolish pride stops me from asking for donations, so I'm auctioning a batch of my original drawings (so if you want to be generous there, you can). It's taking awhile to put these up, so I stuck with six drawings for now. If you need any more info, just ask, I'll be glad to answer. With all these you get the actual paper these were drawn on.



Rrrgh.  I'll see what I can do, but after the small fortune that's gone to Turnsky, the CD covers and the upcoming expenses that AC is going to incur, my sense of financial caution has gone into overdrive  :<

Have you considered taking commissions?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

Quote from: Tapewolf on May 03, 2008, 06:12:10 PMHave you considered taking commissions?
Didn't think you would suggest it, but yes, I have thought about it and actually may try it. Due to my *cough* temporary shared housing with my folks, they haven't been too supportive of my drawing for others as a hobby since it's not paying the bills, but if I explain that I'm getting payed, I'm sure they won't pester me about it.


No harm to you, but you might want to look into an alternative route for making money than selling your art. In the same way that I'm not going to make money off songs I record, I can't see you making progress in dealing with financial issues by selling your arts.

Oh dear.

James StarRunner

If I lived off art alone, I'd be dead. I have two other routes actually. I'm holding down two jobs, but it's just not cutting it fast enough. All I need is a little boost to get me through the month.


Tell me about it.  I'm the only one in our house with a steady income.  My father's been out of work for 2 1/2 years.

And it's mainly because he's a lazy, stupid, unmotivated, piece of crap.  Might as well be brutally honest about it.  We'd have lost the house already if I hadn't been pumping all my income into keeping things afloat.

Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


James StarRunner

Gratz to Tapewolf who won Joy!
Orphan's sorrow was sold as well, but to someone outside the forum.

These may not be much, but it adds up, especially since I get to pay less interest on my credit card now.