Football (i.e., Soccer)

Started by Nimrods Son, June 20, 2006, 05:05:44 PM

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Nimrods Son

Olé, olé, olé-olé-olé! England goes World Champion!
: 'cause super-archvillain football nemesis Sverige couldn't beat us THAT obviously.
If any of youz caring at all..


o.o england cant beat argentina as i see it, no one can beat them.
And i hope brazil loses soon, i hate those bastards <.<

Nimrods Son

Hate 'em too. They pretend to be dandies but ain't but simple people doing sport. Woo. Beckham beats 'em cheaply for the coolness cup.

Oliver Kahn eats 'em, probably. Even though he won't play.


Sorry about the loss dude.
But on a happier note, brazil lost  :bunny

Nimrods Son

Yeah! Brazil is out! Woo! :D
I'm sorry for Argentina, too,  :tired but on the other hand, half my heart beats for Germany :help where I currently live, so I'm only semi-deprived. I only wished it hadn't been Portugal... :plzdie


Hmmmm well my country didn't evenqualify so i was just watching for fun :(
Been a really good world cup, all the teams have been head to head. I wish it stays that way till the end.

Nimrods Son

yeah... it's a good day for a tough match today, I hope Italy looses because Italians are so prejudiced towards Northern folks.


Quote from: Angantyr on July 03, 2006, 07:38:28 AM
I'm sorry for Argentina, too,  :tired but on the other hand, half my heart beats for Germany :help where I currently live, so I'm only semi-deprived. I only wished it hadn't been Portugal... :plzdie

No!!! good for Argentina,our game Vs they are corrupted,trap,trap!!!!

Nimrods Son

Hurt. Now my other arse's half got kicked as well  :redrum


Yup, the final math is Italy Vs France, should be an interesting match.

Nimrods Son

'TSCHLAAAAAAAAAAANT ! :funkluigi1 :funkmario2

i.e., kicked butt !


When is the final game? Tomorrow?
My mom loves France, so I'll be cheering for them. Although I was hoping Brazil would make it further .=/


I want Italy to win because Italy beat Australia and it looks cooler for us :3

And yeah, it's tomorrow sometime... it's on at, like, 3am here


Yeah, looks to be around noonish our time.
I was almost tempted to root for Italy just to spite my mom, but, eh...France looks like a pretty good team. Hopefully tomorrow's game will be interesting to watch. X3


Its going on right now O.o
So far 1 - 1 In the 59th minute of the game.


I have only one thing to say about soccer;  Hockey is better.  :razz



Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on July 09, 2006, 03:18:40 PM
I have only one thing to say about soccer;  Hockey is better.  :razz
Only in your tiny little world :B
Italy won for the 4th time and now we have to wait another 4 years for this event :(

Jack McSlay

I'm pretty happy Italy won. I was going for either Germany or Italy, so someone else would get close. I know I'm brazilian, but six wins? come on...
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Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on July 09, 2006, 03:18:40 PM
I have only one thing to say about soccer;  Hockey is better.  :razz


Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... joke i've heard all week... >_>

Anyways, congrats to Italy. I can't wait until the new season starts. Come on Liverpool!!




France lose.......................and me lost a lot of money!!!!!

Danmit Italy!!!!


I fell asleep after halftime :3


hey!!! that's no fair.........Zidane is innocent



Quote from: olroxshade on July 10, 2006, 10:00:39 AM
hey!!! that's no fair.........Zidane is innocent

I can't tell whether that's sarcasm or not...

