Chaosenger RP: Astro Academy (OOC) [pg-13]- Open- Student's and Teachers wanted

Started by KarlOmega1, March 04, 2008, 12:40:44 AM

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Well...the time has come again for me to try and start an RP. So I thought, "Why not make one of the Academy years before Chaosenger?" Therefore I make this thread for anyone interested in the RP. The plot mostly takes place on or in orbit around the capital world of the Federal Interstellar Alliance. The character classes are as follows: Student, Teacher, Security, Relative, Gov. representative, Friend, Cook, Maintainence/Janitor.
(the underlined have Subclasses...Ex: Biology professor {teacher}, Mother {Relative}, SecDroid {security} ).

This RP is all about the Jobs that the student's are trying to earn themselves when they graduate (of course I'll start out as someone on their first day)...or in case of my character, a job in the Naval Starfleet (or Space Navy, whatever you like to call it).

As for Character Sheets, Here is the template:

Age- (type "unknown" or "N/A" if unsure of the age, since I'm not putting down which year this RP takes place)
Race- (two parts to is homeworld, like Terran means you come from Earth...second is what type of entity are you {yes, I'm allowing demons and all that stuff in a Sci-Fi themed RP} )
Ch. Class-
Academy year- (if you are a new student, aka freshman, put down "1" {this field is if you are a student).
Background info- (can always skip this if you want).

So who would like a crack at it?

Name- Karl H (not giving full name because name is that of me In Real Life)
Age- Unknown
Gender- Male
Species- Human
Race- Terran, Mortal (undergoing genome therapy)
Ch. Class- Student
Academy year- 1
Description- About 5' 8" in height, has brown hair, blue eyes. Skin is lightly colored, and is currently stuck to having glasses to see far objects.
Background info- Born on a US installation in 1985, Karl was the son of two american citizens. They had moved back to the US by the 1990's and stayed in California until the end of Karl's 3rd grade year. Then they had moved to North Dakota where they lived and he graduated high school in 2003. He was currently employed to be a janitor at a restuarant when the people of the Planet Earth made First (or what they thought was first) Contact with the FIA. The FIA's ambassador had had someone who could detect someone's aura and the person was in shock because the Aura that Karl had (though not as strong, at the moment) was similiar to one of the ancient ones who help found the FIA.
Therefore he was to be sent to the Academy to bring out his potential, and possibly, become one of the future protectors of the FIA.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius




It's originally a fanfic mixing certain things from the tv shows, movies, anime, and video games I was exposed to in my life... like Star Trek, Sonic the hedgehog, Ronin Warriors, PR (aka 'Super Sentai' over in Japan, but someone else on the board knows that already), and other things.

I only got the first few chapters up on my FA page.

Sorry for the derailment, folks.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


i'm open to be either teach or student but my interesting is  robotic/ flesh conversion. i can use chaos energy as a power source and explain the difficulties of generating power with out said energies as well as the origin of chaos emeralds(as explained in the good the bad and the unknown)  in the sonic the hedge hog comic book. how do i fit in?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The explanation of chaos energy like that of the chaos emeralds would be a problem...seeing that the Chaosenger Universe doesn't really conform to either Archie or Fleetway comic versions of Sonic the hedgehog....not to mention the Chaos energy is called "Omega-type E" radiation, which is found in two elements... Emeraldine...and Energon. This is different from Omega-type A and Omega-type D radiation, because of it's neutral position in frequency between the two.

Yes, there will be transformers if someone wants to be one.

Edit> you know what? take a position as a Teacher's Assistant in Chemistry class...I might make a character as teacher to teach that class. That way it'll be a little more conforming to the RP's plot....or to make more sense.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Name- Epsilon
Age-  "unknown"
Gender- male
Species- flesh turned robot
Race- Terran form and alternate  earth. organic turned robotic.
Ch. Class- (not sure what to put here)
Academy year- transfer in 2
Description- in his normal form Epsilon looks like a war machine but for school he's worked hard to remake his body into a less threatening form. not he looks like a blue/purple haired human with a build like a football player.
Background info- (can always skip this if you want). Epsilon was once and organic being. he traveled many different worlds and picked up a lot of information skills and abilities. his favorite was the ability to change his flesh and blood into robotic counterparts. he eventually spend so much time in robotic form  even coming close to dying ash his body was destroyed and rebuild with only his memory to remaining form his originally body. he ability to return to flesh and blood was damage but he was able to over come this by accessing his memory of his genetic structure and physical form. why he can become flesh and blood again he's not as conformable in that form as he once was so he stays in robot mode unless he has no other choice. 
Some how  in his travel epsilon happened upon the school. realizing that he still had much to learn he invented a name and back ground then enrolled in the school as transfer student. with his acquired information passing the writer exam was fairly ease. he took the test in flesh and blood form but was out of practice and could not hold his forum. when the test giver saw him collapse into a debugging coma and return to his robot form they were a little worried until the school infirmary verifying that he was indeed a living being and not just a robot sent to inflate the school that was 1 week ago and Epsilon rebooted today.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey