Pirates of The Caribbean Online

Started by thegayhare, January 17, 2008, 09:52:34 AM

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Like I said a PotC mmo. 
Also it's free to play.
Well to an extent Free players get a 7 day full screen timeline, after that it's reduced to a windowed setup with ads.  I don't know how bad the ads are since I'm still playing on my 7 days.  Also Free players can only make 2 pirates, get 40% less noteriaty from kills, and according to the players guide have limited access to some weapons and higher level areas.

The game play is pretty good and movie chars do show up.  Jack sparrow actually breaks you from prison, Elizibeth swan gives you your first ship, Will Turner gives you your first cutless and teaches you to fight, Barbossa gives you a pistal and teaches you to shoot (you get to practice on the monkey jack.)  Tia Dama teaches you voodoo.

Your enemies are Navy officers, Cutler Beckett's mercs, and there is also A skeletal pirate named Jolly Roger with an army of zombie pirates.  (I've also hear that DAvy jhons could be in it)

The ship to ship fighting system is interesting.  if your stearing the ship and you have crew (other players) they can man the cannons for accurate shots. Or if you don't have crew you can fire simple broad sides.

One of the interesteing things is your skill with certain things rely on how much you use them. your over all level will increase asyou play but if you use your cutless more often that skill will level up faster, sail the ship more and that levels up, it actualy makes sense.

Also charactor creation is pretty indepth.  your given choices that let you modify all your facial features and you've got a decent supply of clothing and body types to choose from

If you like here is the link


Edit: I was dubbing around after I posted this and felt you folks deserved an update on the basic limits.

one of the limits to the free accounts is that your limited to certain skills.  For your cutless skills you can't earn more after your first one (sweep)  your cutless level can increase you just won't get any new attacks.

Also Voodoo skills are of limits to free players,  you simply can't use voodoo unless you pay.

there are also several quests that you judst can't do


Makes me think of that other online pirates game that just came out. Soon as I saw the commercial, thats all I thought about...


Other online pirates game?

the only other one I know of is puzzle pirates.  Whats the other one hon?


Pirates of the Burning Sea or something like that. I actually don't think its out yet, but if not, then my boss is playing in the beta or something.


I was playing that, doing great, and then all of a sudden it crashed on me and I lost all my progress.
Now I'm angry and probably wont touch it again until I stop being so angry. >:[


So now you have to woo your first mate all over again?  :pirate


unfortunatly I can't afford pirates of the burning sea


Online pirate games make me think primarily of one thing: how many different variations of the name Guybrush Threepwood can a hundred people come up with to name their characters?
Yap by Silver.

Jigsaw Forte

Fuck that!

You wanna be a pirate online, you play Puzzle Pirates. Colorful clothes, beautiful games, the whole nine yards.

oh, and it's FREE. Not "Free for a few days", FREE. Yes, on the doubloon oceans they DO charge for you to get nice items, but you can just play harder and buy doubloons off the other players instead of whipping out your own credit card.

I used to play years ago, but then I started comicing too hard, and my crew broke up at the height of its power (WTF?). Everyone else is free to have a go though.


Aw, the navy's your enemy?  Beckett's mercenaries are one thing, but would've liked to play for the Royal Navy...
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


The forced-windowed mode for free users is BS, in my opinion. You get 2 screen sizes; too small and too big. ON top of that, they limit skills and quests. INstead of making a free game with some limitations (gear, skills, etc)  they make a free mode that so horribly sucks because of window size (I can't even read any debuffs on me in windowed mode) that you pretty much have to pay or you get no pleasure playing it. It's like they did that so kids would complain untill their parents pay for the right to actually see what the heck you are doing.
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


I agree I deleted it off my machine once I hit windowed mode.  I hit the level cap and still messed around but I just couldn't play in the windowed mode



Quote from: pyrohamster on February 07, 2008, 09:10:12 PM
is it that bad?

Don't get me wrong; it is fun...Just not when you are forced to play in 800x600 mode because 1080xWhatever runs it off the bottom of your monitor and you don't want to shell out 14.99 a month for full screen. >.>
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.