Portal - Companion Cube madness!

Started by Ryudo Lee, January 11, 2008, 12:04:03 AM

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Ryudo Lee

I wasn't sure if I should continue replying to the other Portal thread.  When I went to reply it gave me a message about it being more than 14 days old.


I'm convinced that the guys at Valve have some serious issues, and I think I've found a smidgin of proof to back it up.

In the Companion Cube chamber, in the pit (next to the three platforms that rise up) there's a wall that's sticking out.  Behind that wall is a room that you can shoot a portal into.  Inside is a bunch of writing on the wall.  I can make out most of it, but some of it I can't quite read, even on my new widescreen monitor, at full resolution.  See if you guys can help figure this out...

Keep in mind these screenshots were taken on a widescreen monitor at Portal's highest available resolution (for widescreen).

Image 1
I can make out:
The vital apparatus vent will deliver
oh it will

Then there's a line of what might be words forming the top half of a heart.  (Can anyone read that?)

And underneath those pictures I can read:
Superstition, percieving inanimate
objects as alive, and hallucinations
I'm not hallucinating.  You are.
The companion cube would never
desert me.  Dessert.  So long...
Cake.  Ha ha, cake.  A lie.
The companion cube would
never lie to me NEVER

Under that is the login and password for the Aperture Science website.  I posted that info in the previous Portal thread.

Image 2
A group of pictures of the companion cube and the words:
Where Are You I Will Find You

Next to that, in red and black letters is:
Companion Cube

And under that in only black letters:
You said to take care of it
How can I
You wouldn't let me.
I should disregard your
advice.  Leave me alone!

Image 3
Same spot on the wall as Image 2, but you can see the rest of the right side of the wall.

In red letters:

In black letters:
Though earth and
man are gone,
I thought the cube
would last forever.

Image 4 and Image 5
These are two different views of the same wall, to try and make out part of what's on the wall here.

On the left side of the wall in black letters:
Because I could not stop
for death
He kindly stopped for me
The cube had food and
maybe ammo

(??) for immortality (??) - (This is the line I can't quite make out on this wall.)

Underneath that there's a drawing of the Companion Cube with a skull instead of a heart, in black.  And around that is the word Why written several (18) times and a bunch (12) of question marks.

On the right side of the wall, above a picture of the companion cube as an angel, in red letters:
Not in cruelty,
Not in wrath,
The REAPER came today,
An ANGEL visited
this gray path,
And took the cube away.

~ ~

So can anyone read those parts I pointed out?

And I hope I'm not the only one who thinks that the guys at Valve have more than a few screws loose... in a good way.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Janus Whitefurr

Because I could not stop for Death
He kindly stopped for me.
The cube had food and maybe ammo
And immortality.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


wow valve really does have a few problems, i mean first they make rhymes that would make an emo kid cry in a corner. then they stuff valves into peoples heads and then take photos of them.

yeah i would agree that valve has a couple loose things