In case you didn't know...

Started by Xuzaf D, May 11, 2006, 12:27:25 AM

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Now, if only they included a Belmont vampire killer :p Simon or something

And Zero Samus has a whip! heheheh


Personally, I think Pit and Metaknight are bigger draws. Not that I'm saying Snake won't be a fun character. He's gonna have lots of splosions. Heh.
And I hope that either
a) The box is his block, ala Yoshi's egg (that'd make a whole TWO unique blocks! O: )
b) The box is an item. :3 I would like me some box as an item. Shuffle around. Hehe. Maybe even a level in adventure mode where you have to sneak around the compound like in that one part of the movie with Snake as he's sneaking up on Link.


Ah, yes. Lets see, do you want to shoot the moving box, or should I? Would make an interesting adventure stage though.
Yeah, they're gonna have a few more characters outside of Nintendo. Have no idea who they may be, but since there's Soid Snake there could be anyone. I'd just like to see the kinds of moves Meta Knight will have, he can do some pretty freaky stuff in Kirby's Super Star. I have no idea what Pit may do since in all his games it's jsut been fire an arrow strait ahead.


Yea. I think I'm more excited about Meta-Knight more than anyone. I was pretty angry when I found out that he wasn't in SSB: Melee. I'm pretty sure Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails are going to be in there, too....I mean, Nintendo bought out Sega, right?


Quote from: CutMan on July 26, 2006, 02:16:39 AM
, Nintendo bought out Sega, right?

Where did you hear that? As far as I know, sega dropped out of the console market, and is now making games for multiple consoles.
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I wanted to say something about this, but then thought of th kiddies, then remembered that this area is Rated R.

Anybody know where to find the clip (I think it was ytmnd) which has Snake Jumping out of his box and saying, "Suprise! Cockfags!"


For those that want it, the same video without advertisements or horrible buffering times.  Youtube is my saviour, awesome it is.

Anyway, Zero Suit Samus fascinates me.  I always thought she had the same armour except for in Fusion and when she was originally with the Chozo, back when Motherbrain was a mere friendly curator to the Chozo and not some Pirate leader.

In fact, in the Chozo era, I remember her wearing very similar stuff but I don't remember her wearing that suit in the Zero game.  Does the Zero game (at some later point into it, I never completed it) deal with the Chozo era of Samus' life?

---- Edit

By that I mean: Samus was rescued by the Chozo [after her ship was attacked by Pirates and almost everyone she knew was slaughtered at their hands] and she spent a long while with the Chozo as a young girl before they gave her the power-suit and told her that she'd save the Universe, yadda yadda yadda.  The Zero Suit Samus edition simply seems to be the normal clothing she had before she received the power-suit.

Metroid-geek?  Yes.  Except if there's something I'm missing here, I want to figure out what it is.


It doesn't.

In fact, after your armor breaks and you're forced to stealth past a bunch of space pirates to get a new one, the game is almost over. I'd wager if you could just find a new suit so easily (as holy as the temple seemed), that there's more out there. Fusion armor is just a biproduct of... well, you know.


Samus armour broke?  Now there's a novelty, that'd be like one of Wolverine's claws snapping.  I'll have to play Zero Mission, I think.

Yeah, I know what the Fusion suit is a result of and as for other suits, hmm.  It just seems to me that Samus wouldn't willingly wear a suit that was so revealing, she's gotten so used to heavy armour by now that I couldn't see her going Merry Bishoujo.  So that particular Samus from Smash Bros Brawl seems to be pre-Metroid I era.

As I said, it fascinates me.

--- Edit

Watching it again, it actually had Fusion-y elements but it still looks akin to one of the suits I saw her wearing in the per-Metroid I (official) comic that I read.  I'll track that suit down eventually.  Of course, it could be the undersuit from the main armour.

I'm going to look into this more.  It's got my attention now.

---- Edit II

Ohhh.  It's just the undersuit she wears in her armour.  That would explain why I saw her wearing something similar in the manga!

Here you go.

Apparently, every now and then, she strips down to her one-piece undersuit just for kicks and giggles.  This isn't exactly the enlightening answer I was hoping to find but there you go.

Short version then: Fanservice.


I wouldn't look so deep into it, I think they're just doing a fan service to all the guys that saw her like that in Zero Mission. It gives them an opportunity to make a semi-clone character (which they love doing) and give her faster mobility for some other quirks.

But yeah, the armor breaks. I can't recall if it was in the crash or some other heavy blast, but it broke down. And the fusion suit is by far the best to date (latest game in the timeline, to boot), but I wonder how they will deal with suits in the future.


*Amused.* Yes.

---- Edit

I'm almost tempted to leave it at that considering my edit above but I have to add that I agree with you about the Fusion suit being the best to date, that thing was awesome.

I'm just really disappointed though to be honest.  I'm surprised I didn't recognize the undersuit too from one particular 'ending' but eh, it was a long time ago.  So yeah, fanservice.

It would've been better had they included Fusion Samus.

(Oh and I still can't get over the suit breaking - considering the punishment it took in the later games and the Primes, it doesn't seem to me like it would just break down like that.  Perhaps the Chozo gave her a prototype and in that temple, she found the real deal.  Iono.)


Well that was the first game, so maybe... This is after you take down mother brain, recall. Samus is trying to get off the planet before the surrounding area blows and her ship takes a huge hit either by the blast or some sort of defense platform (I forget now what happened exactly) and when she crashes, her suit is either damaged from the crash or she gets out and something gets a lucky shot on her. Either way, she is without it.

But yeah, zero suit was never a suit like her normal armor, it's just what is underneath.


Yeah but what I meant particularly was that I didn't remember that happening in Metroid I, I think that's where I wasn't too clear.  Now if that had happened in Metroid I and the suit had lasted all the way up to the latest Primes, then it strikes me as odd that she'd have one suit that lasted her for the short space of Metroid I and another suit that lasted her the rest of the time.  If that happened only in Zero Mission then that's a bit of artistic licensing that I'd find a bit iffy.  If it actually happened in Metroid I then I can only boggle and ponder over the motivations of the Chozo.

Oh yeah, this suit isn't much good, we'll just give it to her anyway.  She's going to save the Universe and stuff so chances are she'll come across the updated model we have stored elsewhere anyway.  I mean, sure, this prototype model has some flaws so it's not going to last long but hey, I don't feel like wandering all the way over to that other temple.  It's a long walk and I'm tired.  So let's just give her the prototype and be done with it!

(Edit: Couldn't be sure whether I'd made a grammatical error there for a moment, turns out I had.)


The suits aren't impenetrable, you have to realize. The suit that she had from whenever up until losing it at the end of Metroid I (as seen in Zero Mission), obviously had it's faults but just check the span of how long it worked? From up until then until the first Metroid Prime it functioned fine and then at the start of Prime it "malfunctions" and she loses pretty much EVERYTHING. Granted it was so that she didn't start the game overpowered (whereas with megaman series they do nothing to explain the phenomenon), it just says there isn't a whole lot to the armor.

Xuzaf D

For clarification; The series order by story so far:

Metriod (NES) / Metriod Zero (GBA remake)
Metriod Prime
Metriod Prime 2: Echos
Metriod 2
Super Metriod
Metriod Fusion

I'm pretty sure that pinball isn't in the timeline. I wouldn't know about Prime Hunters, and Prime 3 which isn't out yet but will probably go between Prime 2 and Metriod 2.

Anyway, the "Zero Suit" is the name given to the attire Samus wore in Metriod Zero after she lost her Power Suit (the suit given to her by the Chozo when she came of age). After that, Samus found an inner sanctum that ended up activating artifacts that Samus acquired earlier. The items formed the new power suit which was in-combatable with the previous model. In all games after which; Samus seems to manage to lose the power suit's upgrades, and refind them in many different ways. The Power Suit itself (as far as we know) would not be lost until Metriod Fusion in which the suit became infected by the X parasites. The suit would eventually be incorporated into a X parasite that copied Samus's DNA and appearance known as the SA-X. The SA-X replicated at least nine times before they were all destroyed, however one copy was absorbed by Samus's Fusion suit meaning that some form of the original power suit is now reincorporated into Samus's armor.


Then again, it was Meta-Riley that took away her abilities in Prime, not any ordinary Joe-Schmoe, it seems that by that point, the Pirates are almost at Chozo levels of technology anyway.

Still, the Warlike has a point, I suppose the armour really isn't 'all that'.  It does seem though that the armour is pretty much invulnerable though after Metroid I, which still leaves me to wonder.  Just a plot contrivance, I suppose.

I should stop thinking too deeply about Nintendo games.


Exactly. Cross over into Capcom territory.

And what do you mean, Netami, that it wasn't explained in the Megaman series? What wasn't explained? I need some insight to this...


Oh maybe the fact that, in every new game, Mega Man loses his powers from the previous outing. There's no answer as to why he needs to re-learn an ice blast for the 8th time. Metroid explains it in a sort of corny "my suit malfunctions or blows up" method, but mega man doesn't do anything. I could see if, at the end of every mega man game, he charges all of that energy into powering something or perhaps losing it for an armor upgrade... But as it stands now, Capcom just doesn't explain the reasoning, even if it's really just so you don't have a huge edge on the bosses.


Well, it was really kind of like the show. In the show, MegaMan just touched the enemy's arm and got the power for a limited use. Most of the time, he used it once or twice against them before his arm powered back down to its Plasma Power.

In the game, when MegaMan defeats an enemy, he only gets their power for a certain amount of time (limited usages). After a while, he runs out of juice. Aside from that, if you look at it, every MegaMan game is in the time frame of "the same day I found out about Wily's evil scheme was the same day I defeated it." After that short amount of time, the powers are erased from his memory, and he'd have to defeat them again to regain the power/ability.

Unlike Metroid ,whose plot-line is set in a huge time frame for events to happen, your gameplay experience with MegaMan is always in that same day. I guess Capcom didn't feel the need to explain that, even though I do see your point. They SHOULD'VE explained it, but they didn't. I'm siding with you on that one. Oh well. Leave it to Capcom.

It's VERY convenient that Wily just so happened to make a boss in his next plan for world domination that uses ANOTHER ice blast, hmmm?


That wasn't the most amazingly strange part of the Mega Man games though.  What always got me was Rush.  Rush could originally talk, a lot.  Then, Doc Light installed a spring in him and suddenly he could only bark.  After the spring was removed, Rush could talk again.  The hell?

I think all Japanese platform games are perhaps lacking majorly in the plot department.  Well, except for Cave Story perhaps.


Wasn't Cave Story just some guy's pet project? Sad that a big budget game can fail so horribly in plot but a simple graphics shooter can bring so much to the field.


Quote from: Netami on July 27, 2006, 06:09:52 PM
Wasn't Cave Story just some guy's pet project? Sad that a big budget game can fail so horribly in plot but a simple graphics shooter can bring so much to the field.
That's because a lot of big-budget games are conceived by a marketing-guy with the intention of creating a 'franchise', not with the intention of creating a good game. To said marketing-guy, a game is good, if it brings in more money than it cost.
Cave Story is an inspired idea brought to life.
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Quote from: Rowne on July 27, 2006, 06:05:21 PM
That wasn't the most amazingly strange part of the Mega Man games though.  What always got me was Rush.  Rush could originally talk, a lot.  Then, Doc Light installed a spring in him and suddenly he could only bark.  After the spring was removed, Rush could talk again.  The hell?
Heheh. I never thought about that until now, so stupid it makes me laugh.

I've heard people use the term "Capcom syndrome" when referring to things that happen in the Megaman games. The same thing goes in DMC where the only thing Dante keeps from game to game are his starting weaponry. At least from Megaman X5 Zero keeps the double jump and in 6 he has the double jump with the rollong air slash. They tried to do something with X keeping the falcon armor in 5 and using it damaged in 6. :januscat