Classic vampire film

Started by Esnel Pla, May 04, 2006, 09:33:24 PM

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Esnel Pla

Godbless YouTube, you can find just about anything there, including two of the best classic vampire pictures, which are now public domain.

F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu: - Everyone should at least be familiar with this one. Made in a vacuum, completely original interpretation of Dracula.

And Carl T. Dreyer's Vampyr: - The same director of The Passion of Joan of Arc directs the best (though loose) film adaptation of Carmilla. That isn't lesbian porn.

If you haven't seen these, you have no excuse not to unless you're a dipshit who can't watch silent or black and white movies.


very good,you forget Van helsing


If your talking about the Hugh Jackman movie, you should shoot yourself. also this is a good find.


Quote from: Count Olrox on June 01, 2006, 05:53:21 PM
very good,you forget Van helsing
That's not exactly a classic O.o


I´m talking of the Doctor Abraham Van Helsing...............

Destina Faroda

This is a good find.  Thanks Mister Pla.  But be warned, dial-up users.  Don't try this unless you have a high speed connection.
Sig coming...whenever...

Nimrods Son

Nosferatu rulzalot! It's where Olrox is taken from. I wonder if Konami will be tight enough to bring Nosferatu's story into the Cv canon for the sake of explaining why there's Count Dracula and Graf Olrox in the same game universe.

By the way, there's a newer remake of Nosferatu from the 70's, I think; it's more on the funnier side, starring Klaus Kinski and a totally dement Dr. Van Helsing, and Evil wins! :)

Esnel Pla

Funnier? What the hell are you talking about? If anything Herzog's version is the bleakest adaptation of Dracula put to film. It's probably the best though.


I prefer Dark Lord Olrox....................or Count Nosferatu

Esnel Pla

Whenever I'm not shitty bats, I just like to call him F.W. Murnau Getting Around Copyright Infringement.


The 70s Nosferatu was interesting. Certainly not the greatest adaptation, but watchable at least once, which is more than I can say for many of the flicks I've seen.

Nimrods Son

the dialogues are great in the german original, but I think that got lost a little bit in translation. :rolleyes


Quote from: Darkmoon on June 07, 2006, 11:24:57 PM
The 70s Nosferatu was interesting. Certainly not the greatest adaptation, but watchable at least once, which is more than I can say for many of the flicks I've seen.

Oh more than once surely ?  It was one hell of a flik.

Esnel Pla

No great movie, such as Herzog's Nosferatu, can be totally understood with only a single viewing.


Quote from: Angantyr on June 06, 2006, 06:17:11 AM
Nosferatu rulzalot! It's where Olrox is taken from. I wonder if Konami will be tight enough to bring Nosferatu's story into the Cv canon for the sake of explaining why there's Count Dracula and Graf Olrox in the same game universe.

That explain a lot of things