Game modding

Started by thegayhare, December 12, 2007, 11:25:07 PM

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hello all

A while back I had a game Idea I wanted to persue.
I was planning to use a 3d shooter and create a Mod for that system.  Would love to do it with Red Faction 1 or 2 (probably 2 ) because I love the Geomoding function. 

But the problem is well I can't seem to figure out how to  work the editing software. 

so here are my questions Is there a game out there with a really simple map editor, and scripting engine?

I'd also prefer something with vehicles. 

also if anyone knows any one who's good at creating character skins I'm no artist so I could use help with that too.

sorry to be a pest and thanks

Ryudo Lee

I remember using Worldcraft to make maps for Half-Life.  I can't imagine that modding HL2 couldn't be that much more difficult.  I suppose all you would really need to do is find some modding resources (FAQs, etc) and start reading.  The best way to figure out how all that stuff works is to make a map with almost everything in it.  Back in the day I used to make WADs for Doom and Duke3D, and every FAQ on their editors said that your first map should be little more than a testing piece and should never be published.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on December 13, 2007, 09:12:04 AM
Back in the day I used to make WADs for Doom and Duke3D, and every FAQ on their editors said that your first map should be little more than a testing piece and should never be published.

Mine was awful.  Maybe I should  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thanks I'll look into those editors and faq's I've just had such bad luck woking with them

I'm still working on the story line but I was wondering if I could get your opinion on it

now I'll admit this is political
but I wanted to say before hand this is not meant to be a comment on today's situation, it's rather a worst case scenario.  an alternate history,

You play a gay police officer in Boston, your partner of 8 years is  soldier stationed overseas.  The war is getting worse and worse, and the president (it won't be bush rather it'll be a fictional president) seems to be getting carzier and crazier.  One day you get a shocking phone call.  It's from a buddy of your boyfreind,  He says you lover has been arrested for treason.  Some how his supperriors found out about him and you and  under the argument that gays in the millitary harm troop moral he has been charged with giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war.  Your buddy tells you that they know about you too and they will be comming for you as well since you are a co consperitor.  You flee Boston heading up into the mountains and to a cabian in the woods left to you by your father inlaw. 

You hunker down in the cabin for a few months, watching the world develop over the satalite feed.  Troop levels are still increasing.  Civil and religious freedoms  are continuing to vanish.  While not blatantly outlawed political pressures have been exherted forcing most  non Christian religions underground. 

Tired of just watching you try to get incontact with like minded individuals.  You still feel there is a political solution.  You contact the ACLU hopping that they can bring your case before the courts.  But before you get your day there headquarters is raided by homeland security.  Stating that the organisation is a threat to national security they arrest several of the executives as well as ceasing the groups assets.  With in a month the Democratic party headquarters are also raided by Homeland Security special forces.  Several senitors and high ranking polititions are killed in the raid. The media reports say that the party leaders were involved in a plot to overthrow the current goverment and install there own leaders (well it was a election year).  The reports say that the security forces only fired in self defense.

Terrified you stumble across the UDM (Underground Democratic Movement )  A group of like minded individuals who are determined to bring this country back to a democratic nation.

Out in the nation dissent is all but stamped out.  The CIA, and FBI have been absorbed by homeland security which has become more of a domestic armed military force. and given Carte blanch to search anywhere the feel jusified.  At the hight of this the president anounces to the nation that since they are still in the midst of the war on terror and since there have been so many traitors recently exposed in the goverment.  He has decided that presidental elections are just to risky and in order to maintain a strong front he must remain the commander and cheif until further notice.

At this point the UDM milliterises,  not sure what they could possibly do they try to plan for a coming rebellion.   However the hand is forced when a spy in homeland security, who have been leaking information to the movement, contacts the resistance.  The contact says that  the president has gotten impatient with the situation and has decided to utilise the nuclear option in order to show the world that he means business by targeting several countries in the middle east.  during the message homeland security bursts into the room with the agent.  She is shot almost imediatly and with her last gasps she warns you that security knows where you are, tells you to run.

The game would start there with you out in the mountains trying to fight your way out of the forest and escape the Homeland security sqauds that have moved in on your mountain base.  (I figured it would start out as an actual seige with you trying to fight off the security forces. before being forced to flee)  from there I'd have it travel across the country trying to stop the nuclear launch.  Along the way you'd learn your partner is still alive in a black site some where.  And the second part of the game would involve you trying to track him down and rescue him.

thats just a broad story line, I've got alot more details planned out but I didn't want to drone on to long.  What do you folks think?

Ryudo Lee

Hmmm... HL2 may not be your best bet for that story.  Perhaps you should look into modding Red Faction, or one of those military based games.  Though I wonder if you even can...

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!