[Art] Dannysaysnoo (09/12/07 - ATTACK OF THE DOS PROMPT!)

Started by Dannysaysnoo, December 08, 2007, 06:02:41 PM

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The first time i have ever made a list of something... joy.

DOS Wrestling

Attack of the Command Prompt!

I don't normally do this, but ah well.

Right click and choose view image to make it look a bit better.

The story behind this was that i was trying to play The Sky May Be, and it was awesome. But when i shut down the DOS box, it went insane and declared my DOOM folder nonexistent. This is a simple retelling of that epic tale.


...but is it art?

Without seeing your system, I have no idea what you've done, and it's not quite clear from the screenshots.  DOSbox does have a bit of a half-assed commandline compared to the one you normally use in Windows, but for the main part it does the job :P

In case you haven't worked it out, the command to change directories is 'cd'. e.g. 'cd doom'

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I know cd is the directory thing, but when i finished and went back to play Sky May Be, it couldnt find the WAD for SMB, so i tried to look in the folder, but no matter what i did, it wouldn't let me in my doom folder! it was really annoying! I eventually just installed doom out of a folder and directly to C:.

Since i love DOS so much, I'm giving it a starring role with Danny DeVito in my latest film. D.T.E, can you help me with the audio?





Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 09, 2007, 05:46:03 AM
What do you mean, cheating?

I don't think he considers fragmented screenshots of the command shell to be artwork...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Maybe, but that's why i didn't initially declare it to be total art. Some one went and changed that. Who was it?