[Art] DMFA Fancomic: Dan's Wish

Started by Zedd, November 08, 2007, 01:17:02 AM

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What will Dans wish be?

Get laid
Wish he was a being
Get some proper R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
Go to spamalot!


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 26, 2007, 12:40:47 PM...I totally was thinking human ^-^'

So was I, actually, and I hadn't even noticed that's not what it meant until I read your post. :B


well, if I can use the setup that you  have so far for the Unholy radio project, I'm thinking Dan seeing how his life would have turned out if he had done something different in the past... but I'm still thinking your reality will have a total misinterpretation of the wish somehow.  and Thunderstep I'm sorry for not including your name on the disclaimer thingy, I usually don't bother with it anyway, so no disrespect was intended.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 26, 2007, 02:07:07 PM
Given enough shrewdness, you could probably construct a wish that would cause someone's death indirectly  >:3


"Please create a solid, flat 10 ton sheet of steel with no holes 3 feet over the head of $name"

Easy. Not that hard to work around the issues.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 26, 2007, 03:34:35 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 26, 2007, 02:07:07 PM
Given enough shrewdness, you could probably construct a wish that would cause someone's death indirectly  >:3


"Please create a solid, flat 10 ton sheet of steel with no holes 3 feet over the head of $name"

Easy. Not that hard to work around the issues.

"I wish for a DeathNote."


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 26, 2007, 03:34:35 PM
"Please create a solid, flat 10 ton sheet of steel with no holes 3 feet over the head of $name"
Easy. Not that hard to work around the issues.

I suspect they would nix that.  IMHO you'd probably need something more sneaky to get past the genie's 'error checking'.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 26, 2007, 03:39:26 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 26, 2007, 03:34:35 PM
"Please create a solid, flat 10 ton sheet of steel with no holes 3 feet over the head of $name"
Easy. Not that hard to work around the issues.

I suspect they would nix that.  IMHO you'd probably need something more sneaky to get past the genie's 'error checking'.

What if said genie has the mental competence of a gnat? Would you keep your mind after being stuffed in a bottle for a long period of time?


Quote from: dannysaysnoo on November 26, 2007, 03:51:52 PM
What if said genie has the mental competence of a gnat? Would you keep your mind after being stuffed in a bottle for a long period of time?

In that case they wouldn't be in a condition to grant the wishes in the first place  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


or does she have a personality like Mihoshi? I wonder if anyone has thought of that, If Mihoshi had that kind of power could you imagine how much chaos would ensue?
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 26, 2007, 04:09:44 PM
Quote from: dannysaysnoo on November 26, 2007, 03:51:52 PM
What if said genie has the mental competence of a gnat? Would you keep your mind after being stuffed in a bottle for a long period of time?

In that case they wouldn't be in a condition to grant the wishes in the first place  >:3

Well, they might be good in the first place, but then they might go ditzy while they stay in that little bottle for decades.

Janus Whitefurr

I'm reminded of an old book series I used to have on my shelf - can't remember the author, but the books were always something Of the Dancing Gods, which had its own unique twist on the Lamp thing.

a) One wish, not three (the legend is popular enough that people always seem to think they get three when they find a lamp.)

b) Making more than one wish causes the current genie to be released and returned to their natural form, while the wisher takes their place as the genie. The second wish is still granted, though.

c) Prefacing -any- sentence with "I wish", even something trivial, while in the presence of the Lamp will activate it.

d) The lamp takes any wish very literally and you have to be very careful. The two examples given are wishing to be filthy rich ("It would grant you a stupendous amount of money - then place it at the bottom of a large cesspool") and the immortality wish ("Where you have to be smart enough to cover -every- specific, such as harm or aging.")
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Really, I heard it was originally an infinite number of wishes and it was only as time wore on that the number became less.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on November 26, 2007, 06:16:02 PM
Really, I heard it was originally an infinite number of wishes and it was only as time wore on that the number became less.

"The legend is popular enough" within the context of the novel that people automatically assume 'three wishes'.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on November 26, 2007, 03:19:57 PM
well, if I can use the setup that you  have so far for the Unholy radio project, I'm thinking Dan seeing how his life would have turned out if he had done something different in the past... but I'm still thinking your reality will have a total misinterpretation of the wish somehow.  and Thunderstep I'm sorry for not including your name on the disclaimer thingy, I usually don't bother with it anyway, so no disrespect was intended.
Dont worry..Im not gonna kill ya over that but least you learned your leasson from this. Anyhow...If thedoes appear in the Unholy Project...Let me know okays?

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 26, 2007, 03:34:35 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 26, 2007, 02:07:07 PM
Given enough shrewdness, you could probably construct a wish that would cause someone's death indirectly  >:3


"Please create a solid, flat 10 ton sheet of steel with no holes 3 feet over the head of $name"

Easy. Not that hard to work around the issues.

Then watch it hover.
or at the very least be supported by girders


no, I suspect those particular wishes would be granted.

Assuming, at least, that the genie would also give you a sword, if wished for.

On the topic of wishes, I need to track down the original legend.  I'd heard Aladdin had a ring of 3 wishes, and used the ring to find the lamp, with unlimited wishes.

then, there's the MTG card with the flavor text to the effect of, "Some it was this ring which Aladdin wished for."

The ring itself is a gimped Rod of Ruin, as I recall.(The rod is a relic from ancient times.  Terrible, cruel, mean-spirited times.)

The Lurking Dragon

as I recall the legend, the genie of the lamp was the powerful one, the genie of the ring was much more limited in his capabilities. Don't remember which one had limits, if any. (by limits, in this case I mean limited number of uses.)
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


Ya know... I was thinking about what Dan would wish for today, and after thinking it through, I realized that what he would most likely wish for, in my opinion, would be not having to/not being able to eat souls of others, or something to that effect. Remember, Dan is/was afraid of ending up harming someone with his 'Cubi powers(  http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol310.jpg ).
Any thoughts on this?


Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


You guys think way too much about this stuff. :B


Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 27, 2007, 01:47:50 AM
Ya know... I was thinking about what Dan would wish for today, and after thinking it through, I realized that what he would most likely wish for, in my opinion, would be not having to/not being able to eat souls of others, or something to that effect. Remember, Dan is/was afraid of ending up harming someone with his 'Cubi powers(  http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol310.jpg ).
Any thoughts on this?


Well it may note an intressting idea there...But like I would sugjest to you Robbie is not to think so hard on this now okays? Im sure due to the results of the poll you will get your answers


Yay!  Go genies!

Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 26, 2007, 12:03:58 AM
Nice art here Zedd. *votes* :D

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on November 25, 2007, 11:04:04 PM
Wishing for more wishes?

I think you get stuck in a can...
(anybody who can even guess to this reference is utterly filled with win)

Is that a reference to me?  :P

Quote from: dannysaysnoo on November 26, 2007, 03:51:52 PM
What if said genie has the mental competence of a gnat? Would you keep your mind after being stuffed in a bottle for a long period of time?

Oh, c'mon... it's not that bad!  Well, if you have room inside the bottle or whatever, and can make some things like a game system or whatever...

If you're just squooshed up in there, then it gets rather dull, yes...


Quote from: Zedd on November 27, 2007, 02:18:26 AM
Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 27, 2007, 01:47:50 AM
Ya know... I was thinking about what Dan would wish for today, and after thinking it through, I realized that what he would most likely wish for, in my opinion, would be not having to/not being able to eat souls of others, or something to that effect. Remember, Dan is/was afraid of ending up harming someone with his 'Cubi powers(  http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol310.jpg ).
Any thoughts on this?


Well it may note an intressting idea there...But like I would sugjest to you Robbie is not to think so hard on this now okays? Im sure due to the results of the poll you will get your answers
Aside from the fact that option isn't on the poll...


Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: Mischa on November 27, 2007, 02:48:38 AM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 26, 2007, 12:03:58 AM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on November 25, 2007, 11:04:04 PM
Wishing for more wishes?

I think you get stuck in a can...
(anybody who can even guess to this reference is utterly filled with win)

Is that a reference to me?  :P

Sorry luv, but no.
However, if that were the case, you would certainly have a whole lot more people making that wish, all to spend a little more time with you~~


Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 27, 2007, 04:07:13 AM
Quote from: Zedd on November 27, 2007, 02:18:26 AM
Quote from: RobbieThe1st on November 27, 2007, 01:47:50 AM
Ya know... I was thinking about what Dan would wish for today, and after thinking it through, I realized that what he would most likely wish for, in my opinion, would be not having to/not being able to eat souls of others, or something to that effect. Remember, Dan is/was afraid of ending up harming someone with his 'Cubi powers(  http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol310.jpg ).
Any thoughts on this?


Well it may note an intressting idea there...But like I would sugjest to you Robbie is not to think so hard on this now okays? Im sure due to the results of the poll you will get your answers
Aside from the fact that option isn't on the poll...

Why do you think I posed for Other then?

Silver Pomeranian Genji

Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 27, 2007, 06:27:45 AM
Quote from: Mischa on November 27, 2007, 02:48:38 AM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 26, 2007, 12:03:58 AM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on November 25, 2007, 11:04:04 PM
Wishing for more wishes?

I think you get stuck in a can...
(anybody who can even guess to this reference is utterly filled with win)

Is that a reference to me?  :P

Sorry luv, but no.
However, if that were the case, you would certainly have a whole lot more people making that wish, all to spend a little more time with you~~

*raises hand* Ooh, ooh.  Would you be referencing Fairly Oddparents? Also I think that Dan should wish for Amazons and all the free ale he can stomach.
Mah Boi, this peace is what all true lawyers strive for. Anybody know Moira Gianna's number?

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: Hikari-nin Genji on November 27, 2007, 10:31:20 PM
*raises hand* Ooh, ooh.  Would you be referencing Fairly Oddparents? Also I think that Dan should wish for Amazons and all the free ale he can stomach.

More like a place which it resides.
Not your typical Nickelodian Toons.


Quote from: Hikari-nin Genji on November 27, 2007, 10:31:20 PM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 27, 2007, 06:27:45 AM
Quote from: Mischa on November 27, 2007, 02:48:38 AM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 26, 2007, 12:03:58 AM
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on November 25, 2007, 11:04:04 PM
Wishing for more wishes?

I think you get stuck in a can...
(anybody who can even guess to this reference is utterly filled with win)

Is that a reference to me?  :P

Sorry luv, but no.
However, if that were the case, you would certainly have a whole lot more people making that wish, all to spend a little more time with you~~

*raises hand* Ooh, ooh.  Would you be referencing Fairly Oddparents? Also I think that Dan should wish for Amazons and all the free ale he can stomach.
One thing I wonder is what the vote 'Amazons' actually means.
If it means that Dan would get transported to a place where there are Amazons, fine, but who's to say they wont just string him up/kick him out for appearing there, I mean, would YOU like it if some crazy person came in to your village and acted sorta crazy?
If, on the other hand, it means that a bunch of Amazon's would get transported to Dan, then well, they wouldn't be too happy about that, getting pulled away from family and friends..

That is the problem with wishes - it is very hard to come up with one that  doesn't inconvenience someone else.

Dan being who he is, he wouldn't be happy if his wish inconvenienced others, at least, that is what it seems like to me.

Now, knowing that nothing will change because of this post, I would at least like some clarification as to the full meaning of each poll option, so others and I can make an informed decision.


Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.

Sienna Maiu - M T

There are no informed desicions, it's meant to be a surprize.
However, a way that wouldn't really inconvenience either would be for there to be a quest or some such to come to Dan, where-in he would get to encounter Amazons.


Sienna Maiu - M T

Yah. That there's the disadvantage to having a brain.



Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 28, 2007, 07:08:57 AM
Yah. That there's the disadvantage to having a brain.

Not using it for one..Am I right kitty?