Ok guys

Started by WingedMayhem, April 15, 2006, 10:51:23 PM

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I have a suggestion. I think its about time that we became the close community we should be. Right or Wrong, Evil or Good, Sane or Insane we all post here. And as such I think we should all band together and be one unit working together instead of against each other. This means not going to other communities and saying how we suck or how you don't like us. Most of us are friends. And I'd like to say that if anyone has an issue to take up with me feel free to talk to me here and PM me. Rather then run off somewhere else and say stuff about me. And this shouldn't just be the case with me but with anyone. I really want to have a good relationship with everyone and we can keep the ICVD family together here. So hows about we make an agreement of sorts before future problems arise. I say lets be friends and be honest with each other and say stuff over PM to each others faces. We don't have to hurt each others feelings but at least we'll have a start here in becoming a strong cohesive community. We can make this work guys. You're all great people and I have faith in this and all of you. I'm in full support of Fink and what he is doing. He is the originator of the Inverted Dungeon and without him, we wouldn't have a community to call our own. In fact if theres anything I can do to help feel free to ask. But for the most part lets not go elsewhere and cause conflict. It only feeds into big messes. If you see in another forum that someone is talking badly about someone else you're not particularly fond of here please don't join in. Take a stand and stick up for our community and our family. I don't just speak for me here. I speak for everyone. Thanx guys. :)

Destina Faroda

Careful, we're not supposed to talk about other forums here...shh...

I have no issue with you, at least as far as I know.
Sig coming...whenever...


I didn't mention any other forums in particular or direct that at any other forum. The point I'm getting at is that as a community we should stand united. Not that anyone in particular has problems with anyone else. I love all you guys here. I'm just saying taking preventative measures wouldn't be such a bad thing and defending each other and being a solid unit isn't such a bad thing. I'm more or less pushing for a close community here. Thats what this thread is about.


Well, I'm all for reuniting the forums. I was upset to see them break apart :(


That wasn't really what I mean't. Theres only one ICVD site and one official forum for that site and this is it. We are the ICVD family. There was never any breaking apart. Just a separate community formed from people who walked away from here. Other places are other places. Anyone can slap the ICVD name on any site or forum. That doesn't make it official. Its just registering a domain. I could register a domain right now that says InvertedDungeon.net it doesn't mean that my site has anything to do with the ICVD community. We can unite right here. We have our community. We just need to stick together. And as far as I'm concerned anything beyond the InvertedDungeon.com name is a completely separate entity and community then who we are.


Right, well I still say bring the forums together like Clara.


Well I disagree. I like the way things are run here. Everyone gets a fair shot. Its not based on like or dislike or popularity contests. Other places have other rules but the rules here are tailor made to make sure everyone gets heard and everyone is a part of the community. Nobody is ostracized. If there could be one dungeon where everyone gets along and theres no little cliques and alliances in it then that would be ideal. But we all know that won't happen so this is as close as we're gonna get to that. Like it or not the way things are, are the way things are. But we can make the best of it. :) I love being part of the new ICVD community here and I don't plan on having things go back to the way they used to be. I like being part of the group rather then having the group against me. I like being friends with everyone here. Trust me. Its better this way.


Well, we're not all ICVD. It's the ICVD community, yes, but with different sects.


Thats the problem right there actually. Its like in high school when you have juevenile deliquents who keep burning down people's houses. All of a sudden some people in the group say we don't want to do that anymore. So the ones who want to keep burning down houses keep doing it. Not only do they burn houses down now but they expand and start burning down factories and buildings. Eventually their antics get old, they're not as shocking, and people get bored or can't tolerate them anymore. Thats when they either get put in jail or fade out of existance.


OK you lost me there o.o;;


Well its like either you go with the crowd and play by their rules, in which case the enemy of my friend's friend is my enemy or you can go against the grain and do the right thing. When you're friends with people and they decide to pick on someone you don't know and you defend the person being picked on because you know its not right, you're automatically becoming an enemy of your friends. If you join in with your friends and make fun of the person as well you're accepted by your friends and in fact they think you're cooler, yet the consequences is that you're branded an asshole. And if you stay out of it completely your friends think you're a pussy and the guy being picked on is still suffering unjustly. Thats the kind of peer pressure that exists sadly online as well as off.

lol all of a sudden this topic changed to moral ethics. But ah well I'm going with it.

Destina Faroda

Every board has cliques -- including this one.  It doesn't seem that way because there are not too many people posting here yet, but trust me, as soon as the merger comes the cliques and clans will emerge in full force.  The only way to survive is to form a clique of your own and I have neither the two-facedness nor the cult of personality to do so.  That's why I have never stayed at one board for more than three years.

I agree that people need to stick together.  But the problem is there are those who will smile in your face and stab you in the back for a laugh.  And then everyone else will join inon the fun like your name is Julius Caesar.   I don't smile in anyone's face.  I cackle heartily, then stab you back for a laugh of my own.  The only problem is that I'm one against an army, and unlike CVRPG Link I don't have the benefit of being undead.

The forums are split now, and that's the way it should be.  If a forum kicks out people it hates, it deserves to lose its most influential members as a result.  When you play with fire, you're going to get burned, and baby, I'm hotter than the sun!
Sig coming...whenever...


If I thought a merger back together would work, I'd be there. But lets face it, the people from the original ICVDF merged away from RSU because of rules and options at RSU (which, admittedly, are because of GamSpy/IGN, not Kurt and the mods). People merged away from RSU and ICVD to form CVC, CVR, etc for similar reasons (not everyone would say good reasons, mind you).

I just think with every community there are going to be people dissatisfied with the current forum looking to make something new the way THEY want it. And when their scope settles or shifts, other people will want to do the same them from them to even newer places. Admittedly, CMF came about for somewhat different reasons, but there's no need to try and put everything back together.

Best thing is just to post at the places you like and avoid the ones you don't.


Quote from: Darkmoon on April 16, 2006, 08:08:19 PM
If I thought a merger back together would work, I'd be there. But lets face it, the people from the original ICVDF merged away from RSU because of rules and options at RSU (which, admittedly, are because of GamSpy/IGN, not Kurt and the mods). People merged away from RSU and ICVD to form CVC, CVR, etc for similar reasons (not everyone would say good reasons, mind you).

I just think with every community there are going to be people dissatisfied with the current forum looking to make something new the way THEY want it. And when their scope settles or shifts, other people will want to do the same them from them to even newer places. Admittedly, CMF came about for somewhat different reasons, but there's no need to try and put everything back together.

Best thing is just to post at the places you like and avoid the ones you don't.

Then you also had people like Tazz, Eric Roman, Angel Sephy and Myself who left entirely at that point in time to join Flash sites. Tazz is still mod at VG Reality, Angel Sephy posts alot at Razoric, Eric goes to Texas Mafia and Newgrounds alot and I have pretty much given up on those Flash sites and came back here.