Castlevania The Movie (2009)

Started by ZanderWebb, October 19, 2007, 02:11:36 AM

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Paul Anderson who was a part of the resident Evil Movies is set to finally begin filming of a Castlevania Movie in Romania and South Africa this fall.  Though information is scarce at this time, it appears it will start from earlier parts of the Belmont lineage, featuring Sonia Belmont as the the movies protagonist.  Though now Anderson has stepped down as director to take on a another project (Death Race), he is still the writer and will assist now director, Sylvain White in the filming all the same.

Anderson stated this about the locations scouted for the film:  "It was like discovering Mordor as a real location -- epic, dramatic, and above all scary."

While this could end bad and very horrid, since its linked to Bram Stoker's Novel as they want it to be, and starting with Sonia allows for many options if the film does well for any Belmont afterwards or perhaps even Alucard.

While I'm probably getting over excited this is one movie I'd love to see if it were done right, I mean Castlevania is a great  series with plenty to offer to the silver screen. 

You can find what little info there is at the following links:

I'm anxious to hear anyone's input on what they think about this production...


Well, i hope they throw in some new elements and references to the movie from the videogame series, as well as the old. i'd like to see some actual fight scenes thrown in, too. I suppose I'll have to wait until some more info comes out before i can predict what the movie will be like.
jakshep3 :zombiekun2


Yeah, It should have a lot of action but I'm hoping it'll have that it'll have that suspense of a horror/action movie...

Considering If I'm correct Sonia's child was a love child with Alucard it isn't out of the question to see him possibly if they follow the story well...