Favorite drinks, Alchoholic or non-alchoholic or both.

Started by Don, October 15, 2007, 09:49:46 PM

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This is more for amusement, Post the names of your favorite drinks.

For alchoholic mine is currently Fire ball whiskey, I love cinnamin.

For non alchoholic, Tea.

Sienna Maiu - M T

I vaguely recall that we actually had one of these in the old forums (started by Wildy perhaps?)

Personally, I always likes non-alcoholic Pina Coladas, but recently I had one that's not so good (my first in years) so I'm hoping it was just a fluke of badness. We'll see what happens when I'm legal, neh?  :3
Also, I love chocolate milk, simply adore it. As well as juice, and punch, like the real stuff, with pop and stuff, not from a packet, you know like 'fruit punch'. And a lovely little concoction I created at the beginning of summer which I'm still trying to recreate, more on that later.
Making sense is also good too. However, that is not a drink.



Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 15, 2007, 11:11:27 PM
Also, I love chocolate milk, simply adore it.


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 15, 2007, 11:11:27 PM
As well as juice, and punch, like the real stuff, with pop and stuff, not from a packet, you know like 'fruit punch'.

More win.  I <3 Langer's fruite juice.


A good martini (5 gin:1 vermouth, stirred, not shaken) is good.  Also, Laphroaig.  Gosling's rum, and I've found an Earth variant of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster that I want to try. (4 parts citron, 1 part 151, 1 part goldschlager, 1 part everclear)  I just need the Everclear.  There's also the progressive screwdriver, made by freezing the vodka into cubes.

Non-alcoholic?  I like RC.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?




I don't drink alcohol. Age not withstanding, because of the medication I'm on I simply can't drink alcohol at the risk of becoming sick. Plus, I have no interest in it, if only because I'm paranoid.

Non-alcoholic drinks, on the other hand... I actually like water a lot. It's really refreshing. But otherwise, I like chocolate milk, root beer, Bawls (omg sounds like balls, hur hur :B), and strawberry milk.

~Keaton the Black Jackal
Edit: Oh poop, I forgot to mention chamomile tea.

Ryudo Lee

I'm a Pepsi person myself.  And I'm one of those people who actually liked Pepsi Blue.  Though Diet Pepsi Max is pretty good.

As for alcoholic drinks... Crown Royal mixes well with anything, IMO.  I acquired that taste from my dad.  Ever since he let me have a few of his mixes of Crown & 7... or Crown & Pepsi, I got hooked.  So now the best gift to give either of us is a big bottle of Crown.  In fact, that was his last Father's Day gift.

My ex-roommate can mix some drinks though.  He once mixed a few for me.  One tasted of bubblegum, another tasted of cinnamon, and another tasted exactly like Dr. Pepper.  And let's just say, there wasn't a drop that wasn't alcoholic in those drinks.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Tea never gets boring...Specialy hanging around in a wonderlust of a good book as well


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on October 16, 2007, 10:29:48 AM...Bawls (omg sounds like balls, hur hur :B)...

~Keaton the Black Jackal
I seem to recall a strip on Real Life Comics that revolved entirely around this...

... Oh, right. For myself, I'm partial to Strongbow for an alcoholic drink.

For non-alcoholic drinks, I enjoy iced coffee, or other flavoured milk (vanilla malt or honeycomb, for preference - don't get me started on the idea of banana-flavoured milk), and I do enjoy a good cup of coffee.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

Kitsune Ascendant

I'm not quite old enough for alcohol drinks...

But I'm rather fond of a mix of mountain dew, sprite, and oswalda blueberry fruit juice. It makes this really cool green stuff that tastes awesome.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Strongbow is nice, but Magners is better.

Apart from Magners Irish Cider, I also like rum, light or dark, with cola, and I'm also partial to vodka, lime and lemonade.

Non alcoholics drinks range from water to diet coke, sprite and 7-Up.

lucas marcone

Sobe green tea. the bottle doubles as a great container for spent sun flower seeds.


So many interesting and gewd drinks.

Quote from: Ryudo Lee on October 16, 2007, 10:40:29 AM
I'm a Pepsi person myself.  And I'm one of those people who actually liked Pepsi Blue. 

I liked pepsi blue as well. It's a shame it was discontinued or whatever, it was pretty good.



Oooh, yeah, Dr. Pepper is the best soft drink evar. :O

Iced Coffee
Iced Tea
Pineapple Coconut Juice - OMG :U
Smirnoff Ice - Tastes exactly like Squirt soda, though.

Uhh... yeah, in no particular order.


CVDP is most divine.

Alcohol is for weak people who can't handle reality and/or who are so incapable of relaxing that they require chemical assistance. 

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone


Quote from: Azlan on October 17, 2007, 02:22:33 AMAlcohol is for weak people who can't handle reality and/or who are so incapable of relaxing that they require chemical assistance.

You wound me, sir.  I don't drink alcohol because it makes me drunk.  I drink it because it tastes good.

And I typically don't drink enough to get drunk.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

King Of Hearts

When I want to be Drunk

When someone else is paying

When someone else is paying and Im in no mood for alcohol

then water, red wine, or lemon tea.

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Azlan on October 17, 2007, 02:22:33 AM
Alcohol is for weak people who can't handle reality and/or who are so incapable of relaxing that they require chemical assistance. 

You wound me as well.  I don't drink all that often, and definitely not just to relax.  It's more of a social thing, and only when others are gonna be drinking too.  I never drink alone.  An example would be a party, or some other social event.  But when I do drink I do it in the safety of my own home, or when I'm with friends and/or family, and my keys always go in the hands of someone who will not be drinking.  It is certainly not an escape from reality for me.  I have too much going on in reality to escape from it.  Granted it is a relaxer, but it's not my sole method of relaxation.

@Zorro: What kind of beer?  Killian's Red is my beer of choice.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Jim Halisstrad

Shiner Bock.  It's the Bizzomb!

Non boozy booze would have to be Diet mountain Dew.  But thats because I'm on a diet and I went from 258 down too 238  and it's an easy change and something I'm going to stick with because weight watchers is awesome.


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on October 17, 2007, 10:03:54 AM
Quote from: Azlan on October 17, 2007, 02:22:33 AM
Alcohol is for weak people who can't handle reality and/or who are so incapable of relaxing that they require chemical assistance. 

You wound me as well.  I don't drink all that often, and definitely not just to relax.  It's more of a social thing, and only when others are gonna be drinking too.  I never drink alone.  An example would be a party, or some other social event.  But when I do drink I do it in the safety of my own home, or when I'm with friends and/or family, and my keys always go in the hands of someone who will not be drinking.  It is certainly not an escape from reality for me.  I have too much going on in reality to escape from it.  Granted it is a relaxer, but it's not my sole method of relaxation.

Same as me. I don't drink just to relax. Like Ryudo said, it's a social thing. Not "for weak people who can't handle reality" as you so lovingly described it.

Jim Halisstrad

I drink to get drunk :3  But not so much anymore, I haven't drank in about.... 2 months.   I think next month I'm going to get my drink on.


strawberry soda....the sugar, syrup, soda ratio at Jack in the box is awesome
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Mostly i drink Koolaide and orange soda, which are OK.

favorite drinks however include ovaltine, which if i were to actually drink i would run out of milk instantly

the wonderful world of alcohol- i am dead serious that i drink MEADE and i LOVE it. its best in a pewter container with ice, and its a pity more places dont stock it so i can sample different kinds.

other then that i have a unique mixed drink i bet nobody here has ever tried- take blue raspberry flavored vodka and mountain dew, mix them about one part vodka to three parts dew, more or less to taste. if done correctly it taste exactly like a gummi worm, and thats what my wife and friend who invented it call the drink. experiments to make it a frozen drink are incomplete, maybe a slush...
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Hm? I by no means agree with the notion that people who drink alcohol are weak, but what exactly does it mean to drink because it's a social thing? Because it's the only thing being served? Because it lowers barriers? Because people think you're weird if you don't?

As for my favourite, it would be tea. I had something awesome called 'Dragon Lily' in which you actually put this dried flower thing in your teapot and it opens as it gets saturated and releases it's flavour and is awesome. :>

But yeah, many types of tea. Typically Lady Grey, because it's cheap, accessible, and is really great with honey.
/kicks the internet over

Sienna Maiu - M T

Personally I deter away from Earl Gray, although the Lady is rather nice.
I am a general all-round fan of Orange Pekoe, but Green Tea when done properly in the right setting is always nice.
Also, my friend was telling me just today about a type of tea he demands I try, and there is also this one called "Zen" which has a high caffiene content, because monks would drink it to keep themselves awake and alert during hours-long meditation.

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Eibbor_N on October 17, 2007, 09:35:48 PM
Hm? I by no means agree with the notion that people who drink alcohol are weak, but what exactly does it mean to drink because it's a social thing? Because it's the only thing being served? Because it lowers barriers? Because people think you're weird if you don't?

For me, at least, it's social not because I'd be the only one not drinking (aside from the DD), or that it's the only thing being served or what have you.  I'm also not going to drink if I'm the only one doing it.  Instead, I guess it's more like a comradare kind of thing.  To sit at a bar/table/grill with friends and/or family and everyone's drinking something... I dunno, it's a bonding experience really.  At least to me.  I might just be wierd that way.

I think Az may have been referring to habitual alcoholics who use it as a means of escape from the real world, and not people who are responsible with their alcohol.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Drinking as a social thing is the sitting round a table talking.

The drinks don't need to be alcoholic, even.
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