Doctor Who: Last of the TimeLords

Started by Zedd, October 06, 2007, 02:43:05 AM

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Ah what a lovely end to a season...So many twists and turns...Leaves a sci fi fan screaming for more!! Anyhow that laugh sound familer to you people out there? Even that nail painted hand that grabed the ring from the ashes? Best hightlight was when the Doctor said "WUT?!?" when the titanic smashed through the Tardis wall!! :U


From what I understand, Kylie Minogue is on the Titanic.


Quote from: Zedd on October 06, 2007, 02:43:05 AM
Ah what a lovely end to a season...So many twists and turns...Leaves a sci fi fan screaming for more!! Anyhow that laugh sound familer to you people out there? Even that nail painted hand that grabed the ring from the ashes? Best hightlight was when the Doctor said "WUT?!?" when the titanic smashed through the Tardis wall!! :U

lol, the hand of Rani.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on October 06, 2007, 05:56:52 AM
Quote from: Zedd on October 06, 2007, 02:43:05 AM
Ah what a lovely end to a season...So many twists and turns...Leaves a sci fi fan screaming for more!! Anyhow that laugh sound familer to you people out there? Even that nail painted hand that grabed the ring from the ashes? Best hightlight was when the Doctor said "WUT?!?" when the titanic smashed through the Tardis wall!! :U

lol, the hand of Rani.

Very true.  In the continuity, she never did die.  And I highly doubt she'd have gotten involved in the Time Wars.  She was far too interested in self-preservation.

Soooo, she and the Master got married some time ago and now they have little evil Time Lord spawn.   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


I thought the whole "Face of Boe" reference with Jack was funny.

Also couldn't help but think that "the master" had a some kind of contingency plan on the off chance that the Doctor would beat him. Posobly make a part of the Tardis into a ring or something?


So lets see here....The Rani might come back. My shes been gone seince the McCoy series..We might have to deal with The Master again maybe...He always has a way to spoon himself in again. Dalek Fay is still out there...The cowardly bastard. We still need to see other famous foes of The Doctor again...Im sure the Cybermen will show again...They have a bad habit of deleting stuff...Im still stumped how the titantic could pierce through the Tardis wall?!?


I still can't get over jack being the face of bo

but may I ask did anyone else like how the ancient Dr looked?  I think that would be acool toy, or puppet


Let's not forget that Davros is also still on the loose.  He never died either.  When the Hand of Omega crashed into his ship, one could see his little escape pod jettison from the bottom just before impact.  Where he ended up after that was never resolved.


Oh, and we're all assuming it's the Rani who took the ring.  It could be a 'female' form of the Master!  We can't be sure! 

Or it could have been a hobbit.    :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.