Innovations of Failure!!! *echo*

Started by Zedd, August 31, 2007, 03:33:09 PM

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Sup peeps,
   I want you give out mainly name of games that was in your childhood that mad you mad...You swear it was full of AIDS and fail!

Sides give me out in a list like so,

NES:  Rollergames,Snakes revenge,Godzilla,Mission: Impossible

Sega Gen: Boogerman,Sonic 3D,Last Battle

Im sure you got the picture now...:P

lucas marcone

Hay! Sonic 3D was made of win and awesome! however Dr. Robotnicks mean bean machine sucked ass!

Ryudo Lee

Oh man, I got a list, all on NES... let's see...

Skate Or Die (not to be confused with Skate or Die 2 which was awesome)
Bionic Commando
Days of Thunder
Al Unser Jr.'s Turbo Racing
RBI Baseball
Krusty's Fun House
Marble Madness (DROVE ME NUTS!)
Stealth ATF (... a really bad Top Gun rip off)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: lucas marcone on August 31, 2007, 03:42:13 PM
Hay! Sonic 3D was made of win and awesome! however Dr. Robotnicks mean bean machine sucked ass!
I was using an exsample...But I didnt like the flicky collecting. And I spite bean machine!

King Of Hearts

I kinda liked Bean machine.. its basically Puyo Puyo afterall...

And boogerman was uh... entertaining to play... ifyou werent turned off by the content to begin with.

ah here's some games I hate...

-Clayfighter [The first one was alright... then everything fell apart]
-Ghostbusters [Zedd introduced me to it... kinda, and I just had to play it eventually... and I wish I didnt.]
-Home Alone 2 [o yes. I went there.]
-Magna Carta: tears of blood [who the hell designed these guys?! they look like teenagers in Akihabara during Sundays. And dont get me started with that godawful battle system]


I was in EB today and saw that 50 Cent's Bulletproof somehow made platinum. What?


Quote from: RJ on September 01, 2007, 10:52:15 PM
I was in EB today and saw that 50 Cent's Bulletproof somehow made platinum. What?
I took a shotgun to it..Aint so bulletproof!


Let's just put it this way, if the game is based heavily on a movie, I probably won't touch it.


With at least one notable exception: The Chronicles of Riddick, Escape from Butcher Bay


Yes but I want to know games from "childhood"

lucas marcone

there was a game for the x box about jedi based around the kotor time period you could customize you jedi and all the but the load times were crap and the graphics were worse. if i put thought into it i could probably remember the name but i'm not in the mood.
im takeing a break from god of war because the spinny spike logs in "hell" are kicking my ass. the game is epic win though.


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 05, 2007, 11:29:47 PM
there was a game for the x box about jedi based around the kotor time period you could customize you jedi and all the but the load times were crap and the graphics were worse. if i put thought into it i could probably remember the name but i'm not in the mood.
im takeing a break from god of war because the spinny spike logs in "hell" are kicking my ass. the game is epic win though.
Lucas...I said games from childhood...Please dont make me have to repeat myself...


Cylu was the only game I couldn't stand.  It was crap.

Costa Capers was fascinating and difficult to describe.  It was a 2D platform game, and it seemed to behave slightly differently each time you played it.  There were a number of critical objects that appeared but would be eaten by the monsters if they touched them, and if you took too long trying to get to them they would already be gone.  Frankly I'm not convinced it was possible to complete.  I can't say I hated it though.

Oh, Nemesis the Warlock.  That had a bug which meant you got stuck in the status area on level 8 or something.   No way to win it which was a shame.  Extremely gory for a black-and-white game... I remember proudly showing that to someone when Doom came out, saying "they don't make games this violent anymore."

Elite could be very, very frustrating at first as anyone who grew up in the 80s can probably attest... matching velocities with the rotating space-station door was absolutely nerve-wracking.  Oh, the number of ships I crashed...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Can I get an "ET: The Extra Terrestrial" anyone?
Not hard, doesn't make you mad .. but it was epic fail. It looks like it was made quickly, cause it was (I think it holds the unofficial record)

Janus Whitefurr

Nightbreed. Christ that game both scared and frustrated me as a kid. Dodging the knife-thrower for the fail!

Flashback: Quest for Identity, one of the most brilliant side-scrollers ever... kept kicking my ass when I got to the gameshow tower. I -hated- those liquid metal Terminator things....

Oh, the original Starfox kept kicking my butt too.

They were all pretty good/fun games though. Just hatred-inspiringly-hard at the time.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Dragon's Lair for NES. That game was made of lose, fail, excrement from a bull, suck, hidiously bad gameplay, and graphics that were so bad that they were evil. May it's creators suffer for inflicting this horror upon an unsuspecting, innocent, and defenseless world.  'A'

I bet that sorry excuse for a game secretly kicked puppies and kittens for fun too.  :shifty

Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 31, 2007, 04:01:26 PM
Bionic Commando

HEY! Any game where you can see Hitler's face explode into a pink cloud of fleshy bits deserves no such label.
Bionic Commando was made of Win and Awesome for its time. If you failed to finish it, the failure was yours, and yours alone.  :nono
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Oh god where do I begin.

First off, I wasn't exactly a fan of Sonic Heroes. I just didn't like it... at all. The new voice for Tails was godawful, I hated the gameplay... I just loathed it. Loathed loathed loathed.

Up next is Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage. I played it when I was thirteen, I think, but I hated it. I finished the game within the day without any problems. It was probably the most mind-rotting game I had ever played.

I can't remember any other terrible ones, but as they'll come to me I'll either make a new post or edit this one. La de da...

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: Vidar on September 06, 2007, 04:09:47 PM
I bet that sorry excuse for a game secretly kicked puppies and kittens for fun too.  :shifty

Slightly off-topic, there was a game for the BBC Micro called 'Imogen' which was about a shapeshifting wizard.  It was absolutely awesome, if, er... "morally challenged".  To win it you had to - among other things - crush a hamster with a stone weight (that map was called 'HAMSTER-JAM') beat up a greyhound, poison a bulldog and kill at least two babies.  I kid you not.

There is a Windows remake but it isn't quite as good as the original.  For example, they turned the babies into jellybabies.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 06, 2007, 04:39:26 PM
Quote from: Vidar on September 06, 2007, 04:09:47 PM
I bet that sorry excuse for a game secretly kicked puppies and kittens for fun too.  :shifty

Slightly off-topic, there was a game for the BBC Micro called 'Imogen' which was about a shapeshifting wizard.  It was absolutely awesome, if, er... "morally challenged".  To win it you had to - among other things - crush a hamster with a stone weight (that map was called 'HAMSTER-JAM') beat up a greyhound, poison a bulldog and kill at least two babies.  I kid you not.

There is a Windows remake but it isn't quite as good as the original.  For example, they turned the babies into jellybabies.

Now that game is worthy for Gurru Larrys of Screwattack Europe to discuss about that Game where yanks like me cant wank


NES:  Battletoads, in 2-player mode.  Im-***ing-possible to win.

And any NES game that wasn't officially supported by Nintendo.  You remember them, they had the odd-shaped black cases, instead of the smooth grey (or occasionally gold) cases.  Trying to remember the name of one in particular, but I remember one of the earlier bosses was named Death Breath.  Yes he literally killed you by breathing on you and calling you a fool.